The conception of smart home has been brought out for a fair long time. Recently, with the highly development of information technology and the augmented need for energy saving, security, comfort and efficiency, the requirement of smart home is increasing. In technology aspect, the development of computer technology and telecommunication, the birth of smart home become realiability. In the implement of smart home, BACnet has become one of the choices of the data transport by right of its opening, simpleness, practicality, and easying to integrate with various kinds of physical network. In this paper, the smart home system is built base on BACnet protocol.
The control system is a significant part of the smart home system and acts as the interface between smart home and its user. In this paper, the smart home system has a remote control software. This remote control software has many fuctions such as config, survilliant, manipulate in local or remote way. The design and implement of the remote control software is the key content of this paper.
After shortly explain the feasibility of the construct smart home base on BACnet protocol, I introduce the construction and principle of the smart home remote control system in four aspects: protocol, networks, hardware and software. As well, in principle analysis part, introduce two software architecture which play an important part in remote control software implement: struts and Hibernate. Secondly, I elaborate on the design and implement of the control software. In design part, a new database-based multiple-module architecture is brought out. In implement part, I emphasis on mulit-module implement and the global configuration. Especially, I describe the Chinese encoding problem in java, explain the caurses and offer the complement solution to it. Thirdly, I introduce the application and development environment, deploy method. Finally, summarize the main part of this paper.
Key words: smart home BACnet remote control system web
struts hibernate
目 录(3号黑体)
前言(4号黑体)(必要时)……………………………………………..I 摘要(4号黑体).……………………………………………………….II Abstract(4号)……………………………………………………..III 1 绪言(4号黑体)
1.1 ××××(4号宋体)………………………………………….(1) 1.2 ××××……………………………………………………….(3) 1.3 ××××……………………………………………………….(5) 2
2.1 ××××……………………………………………………….(6) 2.2 ××××……………………………………………………….(8) 2.3 ××××………………………………………………..……..(10) 2.4 ××××………………………………………………………(11) 3
3.1 实验材料………………………………………….…………..(13) 3.2 实验装置…………………………………………….………..(15) 3.3 实验方法…………………………………………….………..(17) 3.4 实验结果…………………………………………….………..(19) 4
4.1 ××××……………………………………………………...(21) 4.2 ××××……………………………………………………...(23) 4.3 ××××…………………………………………….. ……....(25) 5
5.1 ××××……………………………………………………...(28) 5.2 ××××……………………………………………………...(30) 5.3 ××××……………………………………………….……..(31) 致谢………………………………………………………….……...(32) 参考文献…………………………………………………….……...(33) 附录1 攻读学位期间发表论文目录……………………….……...(37) 附录2 ××××………………………………………………….(38)
1 概论
1.1 表面形貌及其研究意义
实体表面是实体与周围介质的分界面。作为客观实体一部分的表面,有许多特征,其微观几何特征称为表面形貌(Surface Topography,表面粗糙度的三维状态)。
(1) 家庭安全:既包括人身和家庭财产的安全,也包括家庭设备的安全。为了实现这种安全体系,就需要配备相关的防卫措施[3]。
(2) 家庭设备自动化:集中化、遥控化和异地远程控制调节,可实现对家用电器(如电视机、音响、空调机、热水器、微波炉、洗衣机等)的状态进行监视和控制。表1-1列出了这些对象名称和应用场合。基于家庭网络可以实现以下功能:
1) 设备管理:通过各种通信工具或装置控制家电设备。
2) 家居安全:家庭内部出现紧急情况(如火灾)时能自动向相关人员或部门发送信息,家电设备故障能逐渐形成自诊断、自反馈。
表1-1 BACnet定义的对象以及它们的应用场合(五号宋体字)
对象名称 模拟输入 模拟输出 模拟值 传感器输入,如温度传感器 控制输出,用在控制器或执行器,如空调风门控制 设置的阈值或其它模拟控制系统参数,如用于热函数计算的参数 应用场合 金属薄膜热电阻温度传感器是根据铂、铜、镍等金属的电阻随温度而变化的原理设计的。许多纯金属的电阻率在较宽的温度范围内,可用布洛赫-格林爱森公式描述[4~5]:
AT6?(T)=6MHDHD?0x5dx (1-1)
(ex?1)(1?ex)?(T)?AT (1-2) 24MHD
1.2 温度测量电路
1.2.1 铂电阻PT100温度传感器
(1) 有较高的电阻-温度系数α,α可表示为
dR11dR? (1-3) RdtRdt式中,R为热电阻的阻值,dR/dt为热电阻的电阻值随温度的变化率。一般电阻温度系数与金属的纯度有关,金属愈纯则α值愈大,电阻与温度的关系并非线性关系,故多用温度R100和R0的比值R100/R0代表0℃~100℃之间的平均温度系数, ?pt?0.00396(1/K)。
(2) 材料的电阻率大。这样可以是热电阻的体积做得更小,测温时的热惯性也小;另外电阻率较大时,可用较粗的金属丝制造R0值较大时的热电阻体,从改善机械性能和稳定性。在0℃时,?Pt?9.8?10?8(??m)
图1-1 铂电阻结构(五号宋体字)
R???L (1-4) S1.3 表面形貌研究的发展(略)
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