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福建省泉州第五中学北师大版高中英语选修六:Unit 17 Laughter 单元自测(2)

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福建省泉州第五中学北师大版高中英语选修六:Unit 17 Laughter 单元自测(2)

Unit17 单元自测(二)


US music legend Bob Dylan won the Nobel Literature Prize on Thursday, the first songwriter to win the award in a decision that shocked prize watchers.

Dylan, 75, was honored \having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition\the Swedish Academy said. The choice was met by a long round of applause from journalists attending the prize announcement. The folk singer has been mentioned in Nobel guessing in past years, but was never seen as a serious competitor. The academy's permanent secretary, Sara Danius, said Dylan's songs were \status of an icon(偶像). His influence on contemporary music is long lasting,\in biographical notes about the famously singer.

The Nobel is the latest honor for the singer, who has come a long way from his humble beginnings as Robert Allen Zimmerman, born in 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota, and who taught himself to play the harmonica, guitar and piano. Attracted by the music of folk singer Woody Guthrie, Zimmerman changed his name to Bob Dylan --reportedly after the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas -- and began performing in local nightclubs. After dropping out of college, he moved to New York in 1960. His first album contained only two original songs, but the 1963 breakthrough The Free wheelin' Bob Dylan featured plenty of his own songs, including the classic Blowin' in the Wind.

21. What’s the response of the prize watchers to the decision? A. Amusing B.Confusing C. Surprising D. Concerned

22. Which of the following contributes to Bob Dylan’s winning the noble literature prize? A. Poetry writing. B. Novel writing. C. Songs writing. D. Biography writing. 23. Which of the following is true?

A. Bob Dylan has only won an award so far.

B. Blowin' in the Wind is Bob Dylan’s masterpiece..

C. After graduation from a college, Bob Dylan’s singing career took off.

D. Bob Dylan was named after his grandfather in 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota.


In China, chain restaurants, especially the big multinational ones, are cool. Going to Starbucks, for example, is a status symbol. It not only says, “I’m rich enough to buy this overpriced coffee,” but also, “I’m cosmopolitan(见多识广)enough to be part of globalization.” Where I come from in the UK, however, chains are neither fashionable nor gourmet(美食的). Chains are where you go on New Year’s Day when nowhere else is open, or when you are 5 years old and your parents can’t stand hearing, “I’m huuuuuungry!” any longer. In my own case (with regards to McDonald’s), a chain is where you are taken on your first “date”. Even at the age of 13, I knew to give the guy the “let’s just be friends” phone call the next day.

In the UK, independent cafes and restaurants are making a comeback on the fashion scene. Nowadays, a Londoner who says “let’s meet for a coffee at Monmouth” (an independent cafe) is much cooler than one who says “let’s go to Starbucks”. Even if Monmouth’s coffee is a little more expensive, there’s a satisfaction in knowing your pounds aren’t going straight to the big

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Of course, there are chain stores all over the UK; you can’t go five minutes without spotting a Costa Coffee. But numbers do not add up to good taste.

I do, however, have a confession (坦白). After moving to China I had moments when all the rice and Kung Pao Chicken became too much. I, too, have retreated to McDonald’s. 24. Many Chinese people like to go to multinational chain restaurants because ______. A. they believe that eating there will show their wealth and social status. B. the restaurants offer different food and drinks from other restaurants. C. the restaurants give customers a taste of foreign culture. D. these restaurants are perfect places for a romantic date. 25. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Most independent stores are closed on New Year’s Day in the UK. B. Branches of Monmouth’s cafe can be found all over the UK. C. The author has grown tired of Chinese food.

D. It is cool in the UK to take your first date to a chain restaurant. 26. We can infer from the article that ______. A. the author doesn’t like food from Pizza Hut. B. many Britons think that numbers mean poor quality. C. many Britons don’t like big corporations. D. the author doesn’t like to follow fashion trends.

27. What does the underlined word (in the last paragraph) mean? A. contributed B. switched

C. subscribed

D. adapted


I discovered the power of fear when I became stuck to my driveway, as if my feet were crazy—glued to the cement(水泥).As much as I tried, I could not move them. The realization that my daughters were playing in Nancy's house, just one-half block away, paralyzed(麻痹) my legs, making me unable to move when I neared the end of our driveway. Dense, black smoke was rising from behind the Sycamore Maple trees on the other side of the street and was enveloping three houses, making them barely visible. Nancy's house was one of them.

I tried to call out for my daughters hoping to see them run safely to my arms, but my voice was also stuck - stuck in my throat with no intention of coming out. There I stood, helpless, paralyzed and silenced by fear, unable to protect the two little girls I loved more than even I had realized.

Although trapped in a body that couldn't move or speak, I could still hear. I could hear other mothers anxiously calling their children. I could hear a frightening silence that covered the neighborhood instead of the usual happy voices of children. And, finally, I could hear the alarm of the fire engine. As the alarm announced, \that had held my feet to the cement and it unlocked the soundproof box that had silenced my voice.

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I was free to make sure my daughters were safe.

As I continued down the driveway, two little girls, my two little girls, ran toward me from across the street. They had come home to tell me about the fire in the garage next to Nancy's house. Not only did my feet and voice work now, but my eyes were also in good working order and had no trouble producing tears.

28. Why was the author stuck to her driveway? A. She was too tired to move her legs.

B. Thick black smoke blocked her view.

C. The fear for her daughters' safety struck her. D. The cement on the driveway was still wet. 29. What made the author able to move and speak again? A. Shouting from other anxious mothers. C. Strange silence in the neighborhood.

B. The alarm of the coming fire engine. D. The courage to protect her daughters.

30. What does the author suggest at the end of the story?

A. She was really thankful to see her girls saved. B. She burst into tears of relief and happiness. C. She was too excited to believe what she saw. D. She overcame her fear and fully recovered. 31. What is the best title for the text? A. Love in Fire

B. The Price of Fear D. Stopped in Silence

C. A Narrow Escape


A hospital has been forced to ban Pokemon Go players from the site after a monster hub(妖怪枢纽站) was found in the A&E department.

The University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust agreed last week that patients can play Pokemon Go on wards because walking around is healthy. But the Trust has been forced to post a warning on its website about public access to A&E. Kevin Parker, associate chief nurse, said, “Members of the public who do not need to be at Royal Stoke should not attempt to enter A&E or any other part of the hospital building to play the game. The A&E department is incredibly busy this summer. We want the public to understand that anybody who visits the hospital solely to play the game will provide an unwanted distraction to the important work of the hospital. I’m also aware of various reports in the media of unsafe areas that the game has been played in.”

“Royal Stoke University Hospital is a safe area where gamers can enjoy Pokemon Go.” Michelle Harris, the Trust’s manager, said the game could still be played by those already in hospital. “We recognize that the Pokemon Go game encourages walking and exercise, which is something that the Trust is equally keen to promote,” she said.

There are a number of “walking routes” established throughout the Trust that can be used to combine walking and playing the game. “Walking just 30 minutes, five times a week, can help reduce the risk of preventable illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.”

There have been several warnings about the game since its UK release. Last week a group of teenagers in Wiltshire were left stranded almost 100ft underground after they got carried away 3 / 8

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searching for Pokemon Go characters. The four boys, aged 16 and 17, ended up getting lost and had to wait to get a phone signal before they could call for help. Eventually, they contacted Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue team, who took them to safety. Damien Bence, of the fire and rescue team, said: “Pokemon Go is obviously leading people into dangerous situations.” 32. It seems that Pokemon Go is a game______. A. designed to help patients in hospital recover sooner B. helping cure such diseases as obesity, diabetes and heart disease C. encouraging players to walk and exercise instead of staying indoors D. warning teenagers of the places easy to get lost or attacked 33. The A&E department is incredibly busy because________. A. more patients’ arrival increases the workload of the A&E department B. doctors’ playing the game makes the A&E department less efficient C. players’ injury increases the workload of the A&E department D. players’ arrival disturbs the work of the A&E department 34. The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means_______. A. hurt B. disturbed C. trapped D. threatened 35. The passage is mainly about________. A. the negative effects of Pokemon Go since its UK release B. the applications of Pokemon Go in hospitals since its UK release C. the popularity of Pokemon Go since its UK release D. the establishment of Pokemon Go virtual gyms since its UK release 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Attraction of the Minions

When it comes to film, people usually favor good over evil, focus on the hero and ignore the supporting characters. 36

Originally comedic background characters in the film Despicable Me(卑鄙的我),these yellow pill-shaped nuts have totally stolen the show and turned into a popular figure.

This summer the characters debuted(首演)in their own self-titled movie in theaters abroad, having the second biggest opening weekend of all time for a cartoon film according to USA Today. Recently McDonald’s has been including Minion toys with kids’ meals in some areas, causing loyal fans to flock to the restaurant to collect them all. 37

The movie’s huge popularity even surprised its writers. “We never knew the Minions were going to be so popular. It just became a force of nature,” the film’s co-writer Cinco Paul told the Los Angeles Times.

38 For many, the appeal is obviously their cuteness. Their simple nature can easily surpass cultures and age groups. Even children can draw them. Thousands of examples of fan-made Minion art from fingernails to Halloween clothes are visible on global social media platforms.

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But there’s more to the phenomenon than just cuteness. US entertainment website HitFix explains that their way of communicating makes the creatures influential as well. 39 But it seems everyone can understand them through their exaggerated movements and expressions.

40 “Perhaps we love Minions because they remind us of ourselves,” Huffington Post associate Web editor Sara Boboltz wrote, “or an evil version of ourselves.” A. So what makes the banana-loving Minions a big hit? B. Besides, their childlike manner entertains fans more. C. And this evil characteristic arouses sympathy among humans. D. Related video games, toys and other goods are sweeping the world. E. Minions is a 2015 American 3D computer-animated family comedy film. F. But when it comes to the Minions, these conventions go right out the window.

G. They largely speak in nonsense words with the occasional recognizable terms like “potato”. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


God wants you to be happy. It’s a simple idea, but a complicated reality.

When traveling to Rwanda to find out the 41 of a new orphanage(孤儿院),I found children who had been injured physically and 42 from their families. But I also found something 43 : children who seemed to be truly happy. No 44 they had shed(流)many tears, 45 most of them were not sad or angry. They played, sang, and 46 the company of their fellow orphans.

I also met Fred Nkunda, a Ugandan man who was 47 with joy despite his poverty, and long hours of working for a small salary. A few years later, he 48 cancer, but while he lived, he wore a big 49 as he selflessly gave himself to others. The same was true for a young Canadian couple who 50 their lives to the mission work(布道).

When I came home, I noticed a sharp 51 . Most Americans lacked the 52 that those Rwandan children and mission workers owned. Despite great wealth, modern conveniences and other endless material blessings, people here were 53 to each other, exhibited impatience, and expressed their 54 . How could this be? Somewhere along the way, many of us in America have 55 something. We have 56 experience happiness— real happiness that comes from within and flows to others. And it’s not just missing in “the world”. It’s in short 57 in our homes, businesses, and churches.

58 is actually a personal character. We understand the 59 of love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. But happiness? It is 60 ignored or considered as unachievable in this life. 41. A. secrets B. directions C. situations D. choices 42. A. learned B. separated C. protected D. judged 43. A. unchallenged B. unconcerned C. uncivilized D. unexpected 44. A. doubt B. matter C. wonder D. way 45. A. or B. for C. but D. so 46. A. ignored B. enjoyed C. forgot D. sought 47. A. impressed B. concerned C. blessed D. filled

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