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New Horizon College English


教研室:大学英语教研室 教师姓名: 课程名称 授课内容 大学英语(4) 授课专业 和班级 Unit 4 Achieving 授课学时 6 sustainable environmentalism The teaching objective of this unit is to help students: 1.To grasp the main idea and structure of the text; 2. To understand the structure of “rebut and organize counter-arguments”; 3. To write an argumentative essay; 4. To master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 5. To conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the text. 1. Text structure analysis 2. Language points: Key words and expressions: environmentalism, constituent, segregate, consolidate, differentiate, definitive, deplete, reversible, chord, regime, call upon/on, be incompatible with, either-or, as… as the next person/man, choose sth. over sth. else, frame/ state of mind. 3. Writing skills: how to rebut and organize counter-arguments 教学目的 教学重点 教学方法 1. Communicative approach; 2. Task-based teaching method; 3. Audio-lingual method. 1. Pre-reading Activities 2. Text Structure Analysis 教学过程 3. Detailed Study of the Text 4. Grammar and exercises 5. Writing and reading skills practice Homework: 作业 辅助手段 辅导答疑 1. Write a paragraph with the structure of “rebut and organize counter-arguments”. 2. Recite the appointed paragraph. Multimedia software, CD-ROM 只供学习与交流

此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 教学内容 I. Pre-reading Activities Step 1: To ask students some questions concerning environment like: What are the pollutions to environment? How to prevent pollution? What to do to make the protection sustainable? Step 2: Discuss in groups. Step 3: Introduce background information. Ⅱ. Text Structure Analysis Ask the Ss to read the passage as quickly as they can and to get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure. Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph. Method: Read the text individually and discuss in groups. Part I (paras. 1): Introduction to environmental protection. Part II (paras. 2-10): Body: rules on environmental protection. Part III (paras. 11-13): Conclusion: nature should be subordinate to human beings. Ⅲ. Detailed Studies of the Text New words and expressions 1. constituent n. a) sb. who votes in a particular area. When the vote was announced, all the constituents broke into cheers. 当投票结果宣布时,所有的选民都欢呼起来。 b) one of the substances or things that combine to form sth.. Caffeine is the active constituent of drinks such as tea and coffee. 咖啡因是茶和咖啡这类饮品的活性成分。 2. segregate vt. a) separate one part or thing from another Women’s dresses are segregated from the misses’ in many departments. 在很多百货商店,成熟女装和少女装是分开的。 b) separate one group of people from others, esp. because they ate of a different race, sex or religion The students are segregated according to their proficiency in English. 学生按英语水平的不同进行了划分。 3. consolidate v. a) combine things in order to make them more effective or easier to deal with. They consolidated four provinces to form three new ones. 他们把四个省合成了三个。 b) strengthen the position of power or success that you have, so that it becomes more effective or continues for longer. May the friendship ties between our two countries be further developed and consoldated! 愿我们两国的友谊能够进一步发展和巩固。 4. differentiate v. 只供学习与交流


recognize or express the difference between things or people She has learned to differentiate the two kinds of roses. 她已经学会区分这两种玫瑰。 5. differentiate between identify differences between two or more things or people No longer is he able to differentiate between fantasy and reality. 他不能区分虚幻和现实。 6. costless a. not costing anything The internet provides us a costless way of sharing. 互联网为我们提供了免费共享信息的方法。 7. deplete vt reduce the amount of sth. or the number of things If we continue to deplete the earth’s natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment. 如果我们继续减少地球上的自然资源,我们将对环境造成严重破坏。 8. reversible a. able to return or be changed to a previous state He obesity-related cognitive effects might be partly reversible. 肥胖对认知产生的影响或许是部分可逆的。 9. allege vt. say that sth. is true or that sb. has done sth. wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved. The accused is alleged to have robbed a bank. 据称,被告抢劫了一家银行。 10. take on develop a particular character or appearance The relations between the two countries may take on a new look. 两国之间的关系也许将呈现出新面貌。 11. run/go against the grain be completely different from what you feel is right, natural, or normal for you His music generally runs against the grain of what is modern. 他的音乐总体上和现代音乐格格不入。 12. either-or a. presenting an unavoidable need to choose between two alternatives You don’t have to choose an either-or situation. You can choose to go through vocational training and opt for college later on. 你不是一定要二选一。你可以选择完成职业培训,然后再选择读大学。 13. in part to some degree, but not completely The project, funded in part by UNESCO, will span a period of 12 months. 由联合国教科文组织部分出资赞助的这一项目期限是12个月。 14. as … as the next person/man as … as any other person or man I might look as honest as the next person, but I sometimes tell dirty lies. 只供学习与交流



