【期刊名称】《计算机学报》 【年(卷),期】2011(034)007
【摘要】According to the shortage of the current evidence s validity, one validity model of digital data forensics based on trusted probability is put forward. Based on Petri net, after collecting the evidence, the digital data processed through formalization is abstracted as the place of Petri net, at the same time, the operating behaviors and forensics methods are abstracted as the transitions. Then the backward nodes are formed by making some transformation on the forward nodes using the methods described above. The model puts forward the basic definitions and the methods of formalization processing. Moreover, it makes some researches on the related algorithms of probability calculation and describes the reasoning process in detail. The validity of evidence is proved by the combination architecture \+ Data source + Forensics rules\which provides theoretical basis for credibility of dynamic behavior in trusted forensics. Using the method of probability calculation, the concrete probability value can be finally gained. If the data source is supposed to be trusted, which means the data has trusted static attribute, then we can use the method of trusted probability, whose value is closing to 0 or 1, to ensure the forensics rules