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1. —Have you found the book? —— .

A. No, not even once B. Not yet C. No, already D. Yes, I did 2. I didn’t quite understand how they got the books back so .

A. quick B. more quickly C. quicker D. quickly 3. I used on my own.

A. to live B. live C. living D. to living 4. — you ever to Beijing ? — Yes, once.

A. Have; gone B. Did; go C. Do; go D. Have; been 5. Sorry, but your address again, please. I catch it.

A. didn’t B. don’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t 6. ——I saw Kate a green dress at the meeting. ——I think she looks better red. A. dressed; in B. put on; wear C. wearing; in D. wear; put on 7. What you angry with?

A. have B. will C. are D. do 8. The dirty river .

A. is smelt bad B. smells badly C. is smelt badly D. smells bad 9. The radio is too noisy. Will you please ? A. turn off it B. turn it on C. turn it up D. turn it down 10. There’s going to a film show modern art in the library. A. be; at B. have; of C. have; on D. be; about 11. Would you please your shoes on the floor? A. not to drop B. not drop C. don’t drop D. not dropping 12. Where does your sister her meals? A. has B. have C. having D. had 13. Mike and his sister here a moment ago. A. is B. are C. were D. be

14. It was New Year’s Eve. Xiao Ming was busy some new pictures on the wall.

A. put up B. puts up C. putting up D. putting on 15. I often porridge for breakfast those days. A. having B. have C. has D. had 16. Tea is in the south of China.

A. grow B. grows C. growing D. grown 17. How about out for a walk?

A. go B. to go C. going D. goes 18. I heard her that she was too fat.


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A. says B. to say C. said D. say 19. Shall we at the school gate?

A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting 20. It’s much better than TV at home.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched 21. Look! Li Lei and Lin Feng kite over there.

A. is flying B. are flying C. flies D. flew 22. You the house at once or I the police.

A. leave; call B. leave; will call C. will leave; call D. will leave; will 23. The train for ten minutes when we reached the station.

A. had gone B. had left C. went away D. had been away 24. The Kings TV when I to see them.

A. were watching; went B. was watching; went C. are watching; are going D. watched; was going 25. My uncle for Hong Kong next week.

A. is going B. is leaving C. will go D. left 26. How many machines in the last few weeks?

A. did they make B. will they make C. have they made D. are they making 27. What he do as soon as he free tomorrow? A. does; is B. will; will be C. will; is D. does; will be 28. I thought he us something interesting about France because he there.

A. would tell; had been B. had told; would go C. will tell; went D. would tell; had gone 29. We will have a sports meeting if it rain tomorrow. A. won’t B. isn’t C. doesn’t D. has 30. —Where were you in July last year? — This time last year my family and I grandparents in New York. A. was visiting B. visited C. had visited D. were visiting 31. Could you tell me if she a talk tomorrow? A. would give B. has given C. will give D. gives 32. He hardly hurt himself in the accident, he?

A. doesn’t B. didn’t C. did D. does 33. How long the TV play ? A. has; began B. did; open C. did; last D. has; watched 34. Mr Smith with his parents China since two years ago.

A. have been in B. have gone to C. has been to D. has been in 35. of the two girls is from Beijing.

A. All B. Both C. None D. Neither


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36. We went to travel with some friends of .

A. us B ours C. our D. ourselves 37. Why not look up the new word in a dictionary you don’t know it?

A. if B. that C. though D. whether 38. all the passengers are here, why don’t we start at once?

A. As soon as B. After C. Now that D. When 39. —I’m going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend.

— you are there, can you buy me some green tea?

A. Because B. While C. If D. Though 40. I can’t understand this passage there are no new words in it.

A. if B. because C. though D. and

41. the night before Christmas Day, parents fill their children’s stocking with small presents. A. In B. At C. To D. On 42. The book was written English.

A. in B. with C. from D. by 43. —Sorry, Miss Zhang. I’m late again. —Oh no, Meimei. You’re just in time class.

A. for B. at C. of D. on

44. You don’t need to look every new word in your dictionary while reading. A. for B. at C. after D. up

45. The coat bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a one.

A. small B. large C. nicer D. smaller 46. Of all these subjects, I like Chinese . A. more B. better C. well D. best 47. Things are on the moon on the earth. A. much lighter; than B. much heavier; than C. as heavy; as D. not so light; as 48. —I’ve had enough bread. Would you like ? —No, thanks.

A. a few more B. one more C. another more D. some more 49. The ice in the lake is about one meter . It’s strong enough to skate on. A. long B. high C. thick D. wide 50. — will Mr Green go back to London? —In two weeks.

A. How often B How long C. How soon D. How far 51. —We are going to see a film this evening. Why not go with us? —I have to do many things this evening. I’m , you see. A. free B. glad C. sorry D. busy 52. Look! beautiful that lake is!

A. What B. How C. How a D. What a 53. I’m still hungry. Could I have two pieces of bread, please?


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A. much B. many C. more D. most 54. —Who did it better, Bill or Henry? —I think Bill did just Henry.

A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. more badly than 55. Mr Smith’s plane . Let’s wait for him here.

A. hasn’t arrived B. didn’t arrive C. doesn’t arrive D. couldn’t arrive 56. Almost all the water gone. Please save water!

A. are B. is C. have D. were 57. Mr Li is out. But he here ten minutes ago. A. was B. is C. will be D. would be 58. —Look! The bus is coming. —But it’s full of people. We can’t it. A. get off B. get down C. get on with D. get on 59. Jane a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai. A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy 60. A. talk on Chinese history in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give 61. I will tell you how to get to the place, you’d better it . A. try; on B. get; off C. take; down D. pick; up 62. Germany and Great Britain are countries, but China and India are ones. A. developing; developed B. developed; to develop C. developed; developing D. to develop; developing

63. —Must I finish my homework now? —No, you . You do it this evening.

A. mustn’t; can B. needn’t ; may C. can’t; must D. needn’t; must

64. The VIPS (Very Important Persons) from 21 countries will the APEC in Shanghai

this autumn. A. hold B. take part in C. join D. attend 65. The government will some new colleges for more student’s to receive higher

education. A. set up B. set out C. put down D. put on 66. —Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railway station? —Oh, sorry, but I don’t know. You go and ask that policeman.

A. may B. must C. would D. should 67. —It’s a lovely day, it? —Yes. Let’s go out for a walk.

A. doesn’t B. haven’t C. aren’t D. isn’t 68. —We can use MSN to with each other on the net.

—Really? Will you show me how to use it? A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell 69. —What does the sentence “Don’t trouble till trouble you” mean? —Sorry, I have no idea.

A. trouble B. troubles C. troubled D. will trouble


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70. —Did you work out the problem, Tom? —Yes, of course. I to the teacher’s.

A. have just been B. have just got C. have just come D. have just gone 71. — do you about spring? —The flowers and the green trees.

A. How; like B. How; think C. What; think D. What; like 72. —Mike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow. —Yes. But if it , we’ll visit the museum instead.

A. you have; will rain B. you will have; will rain C. you will have; rains D. will you have; rains

73. We usually have six lessons a day, and each of them 45 minutes.

A. last B. lasts C. have D. need 74. It ten years since they to France.

A. was; moved B. was; have moved C. is; have moved D. is; moved 75. Today, the forests have almost gone. People must down too many trees. A. stop to cut B. stop from cutting C. be stopped to cut D. be stopped from cutting 76. The doctor did what he could that child.

A. save B. to save C. saved D. saving 77. Mother said that cooking much time every day. A. paid B. spent C. made D. took 78. I can’t understand the boy alone. A. why she left B. why did she leave C. why had she left D. why did she leave 79. You’d better your shoes on the floor? A. not to drop B. not drop C. don’t drop D. not dropping 80. —Your coat looks nice. Is it cotton? —Yes. It’s Shanghai.

A. made of; made by B. made of; made in C. made for; made by D. made from; made in 81. —So you went to see the film with Tom. —Yes. Bob with me.

A. won’t go B. isn’t going C. doesn’t go D. wouldn’t go 82. —Excuse me. Where is the Science Museum? —Take No. 3 bus and at the fourth stop. A. get on B. get off C. get up D. get to 83. —Your name again? I quite catch it. —Federico MacAdam.

A. didn’t B. don’t C. wouldn’t D. won’t 84. This is an old photo of mine when I .

A. have short hairs B. had short hairs C. have short hair D. had short hair 85. —Can I this book? —Yes, but you mustn’t it to others.

A. lend; borrow B. borrow; keep C. borrow; lend D. lend; keep 86. —Which of Shanghai do you come from?


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