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Unit 5 Feeling Excited

Topic1: I’m so happy.

be worried about; 担心……

be interested in; 对……感兴趣

be surprised at; 对……感到惊奇 be strict with sb. 对……某人严格

10. set the table for sb.为某人摆餐具 e.g. I’m setting the table for guests.

11. I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切顺利。

12. be able to do能够---侧指通过努力能够实现的

(*will be able to)


13. ring up sb. = call sb. = phone sb. =give sb. a call打电话 14. one of +the +adj最高级+N复+V单:“其中最…之一” e.g. It is one of the most interesting books.

15. lonely—“孤单、寂寞”,强调精神上的孤单、寂寞,


alone—“单独”,强调一个人独处‘但精神上未必寂寞。 e.g. The old man lives alone, but he doesn’t feel lonely. 16. because of + n./短语:I can’t go to the party because of the weather. because + 句子:I can’t go to the party because it rains heavily. 17. teach sb. sth: Lily teaches us English. teach sb. to do sth: Lily teaches me to draw pictures. 18.cheer sb. up使振作精神


1. How are you doing?=How are you? 你好吗?

2 .invite sb. to do sth= ask sb. to do邀请某人做某事

3. for sth准备某事(准备时间较长思想上的准

备):prepare for the exam

prepare sth for sb.为某人准备…:prepare food for Lily to do sh准备做…:I prepare to go hiking. 4.say sth to sb.对某人说….:say thanks/hello/goodbye to Peter 5.系动词+adj. 系表结构 ① be (am/is/are/was/were)

② 感官v.(feel, look, sound, taste品尝,smell闻、嗅) ③ 四变化(turn/become/go/ get) *turn侧指颜色变化 ④ keep, make

7. a ticket to/for…一张…的票 the answer to the question问题的答案 the key to the door/car/bike/… a way to…一种…的方式 8. be+ adj. + 介词结构 be proud of自豪,骄傲

19.in the end=at last=finally最后

区:at the end of…在…的结尾

20. be on:强调状态 e.g. The film was on for ten minutes. 上演 put on:强调动作 e.g. A new film will put on this


21.tell a story/joke/lie讲故事/讲笑话/说谎

5.be worried about(adj.)=worry about(v.)担心… 6.these days=recently最近

7.send sth to sb.=send sb. sth把某物寄给某人 8.Take it easy.别着急!/别紧张!

9. I want to be your friend.我想成为你的朋友。 I want to make friends with you.我想和你交朋友。

22.on the/one’s way to…在…的路上 10.try to do 努力做某事

on the/one’s way home 11.be lost丢失,迷路 e.g. My penis lost. The girl is lost. 23.fall into the sea掉入大海 24.go mad发疯 12.How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何? 25.Beijing Opera is our national opera with around 200 years of 13.fail/pass the exam考试不及格/通过考试 history.京剧是我们的国剧,已有着大约200年的历史了。 14.Everyone gets these feelings at your age. 28.come into being形成 at one’s age在某人几岁时 29.容器+be full of+物=be filled with装满,充满 e.g. The cup is full of/filled with water. 30.make peace with sb.与某人和解 31.end with以…结束 start/begin with以…开始

+从句:It seems/ed that he is/was ill.

区:at the age of在…岁时 in one’s teens在某人十几岁时 15.make sb./sth+ do/adj使某人做某事/处在…状态

16.have unhappy feelings有不开心的感觉(feeling可数n.) 17.give sb. suggestions/advice给某人建议

18.sth happen to sb.某人出了某事(常用一般过去时)

e.g. An accident happened to Li Ping. What happened to you?

Topic2: I’m feeling better now.


seem的用法 +to do:He seems/ed to be ill. 19.take part in参加活动 join sb.加入某人 +Adj.:He seems/ed ill. 20.call sb. at+号码 打… 号码找某人 2.do badly/well in=be bad/good at在某方面做得好/不好 e.g. call Mr. Wang at 2287904

3.She has no friends to talk with.她没有可以交谈的朋友。 21.too much+不可数n. much too+adj. 4.have a talk with sb.=talk to/with sb.与某人交谈 too many+可数n.


22.How time flies! 时间飞逝!

23.How I wish to stay with you!我多希望和你呆在一起!

stay with sb.和某人呆在一起 24.move to+地点 .搬到某地

25.get/be used to sth/doing习惯做某事

used to do sth. 过去常常做… 32.solve problems解决问题

33. learn sth from sb. 像某人学习某事 learn to do 学习做


34.refuse to do拒绝做某事 35.even though=even if尽管,即使 37.after a few months= a few months later几个月后

26.what’s more而且 fit in适应\\ 38. take a walk=go for a walk散步 calm down冷静

27.give my best wishes to your parents代我向你的父母问好 go out外出 no longer=not…any longer(多用于延续性v.) 28. A+ be+ as+ adj.原级+ as+ B: Helen is as tall as Maria. 39. 不再 You won’t live in Fuzhou any longer. A+ be+ not + as/so+ adj原级+ as + B: Helen isn’t as =You will no longer live in Fuzhou

tall as Maria. no more=not…any more(多用于短暂性v.) A+V+as+adv原级+as + B: Helen runs as quickly e.g. You won’t see him any more. as Lily. =You will see him no more.

A+don’t/doesn’t/didn’t+V原+as/so+adv.原级+as + B: Topic3:Many things can affect our feelings. Helen doesn’t sing as/so well as Lucy.\\ 1.die(v.)—dead(adj.)---death(n.)---dying 注:①无论是肯定结构as…as…还是否定结构not as/so…as. ., 2.How long have you felt like this?=How long have you been like 中间都用adj/adv原级。②谓语若是be,则用adj.原级;谓语若this? 3.must be----肯定推测;can’t be---否定推测 是v.,则用adv.原级

29. in public在公共场所

30.fall asleep入睡 make faces做鬼脸 31.What 与 do with 搭配

How与 deal with搭配

4.hate to do =hate doing讨厌做某事 5.follow one’s advice遵从某人的建议

get well=become well 康复

6.I hope so.-----I hope not. I’m afraid so.----I’m afraid not.

I think so.-----I don’t think so.


7.miss a lot of lessons落下许多功课 in surprise惊奇地

to one’s surprise令某人惊喜的是 18.the color of nature自然色

19.let sb. (not) do让某人(别)做某事 make sb. (not) do 20.make sb. + n. 使某人成为… e.g. make you monitor 21.on the/one’s way to+地点“在去…的路上”

e.g. on the way to school

on one’s/the way home在回家的路上

22.get along/on (well) with sb.与某人相处(融洽) 23.give a speech演讲 24.be ill in bed卧病在床 e.g. Li Ming is ill in bed.

25.on Mid-autumn Festival在中秋节 on rainy days在下雨天里

on the morning of March 3rd on a cold evening 26.get together with sb.与某人团聚

27.too+adj./adv. + to…= so +adj./adv.+that+句子“太…而无法…”

e.g. It’s too noisy for me to fall asleep.=It’s so noisy that I can’t fall asleep.

28.try out试验 try on试穿

29.make a decision (to do)=decide (to do)决定做某事

30.get back to sth回到某事上,重返 e.g. get back to daily activities


8. take turns to do轮流做某事: We take turns to sing songs. in turn轮流: We sing songs in turn.

It’s one’s turn to do轮到某人做某事: It’s my turn to clean a room.

9.study/learn (sth) by oneself=teach oneself (sth) 自学(某事)

10.That’s very nice of you.你真好!(of表人的性格、品质)

11. It’s +adj.+ for sb. + to do: It’s important for me to study well.

It’s +adj. + of sb. + to do: It’s nice of you to help me.

注:若adj.用来修饰人的性格、品质,则用of,若adj.用来修饰to do,则用for。

12.help sb. with sth.=help sb.(to) do sth帮助某人做某事 e.g. I help Jim with English.=I help Jim to study English. 13.affect one’s feelings影响某人的心情

14.心情好:be in a good mood/be in good spirits/feel one’s best 心情不好:be in a bad mood/be in low spirits 情绪高涨:be in high spirits

15.be in good/bad health身体好/不好

16.smile at life 笑对生活 laugh at sb.嘲笑某人 17.give a surprise to sb. 给某人一个惊喜



