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M3 Unit2


1. occupy(n.) occupation

2.mixture(v.) mix

4.contribution(v./adj.) contribute, contributory

3.official(相关变形词) office, officer

5.distinction(adj./v.)distinct/distinctive,distinguish 6.concern(adj./prep)concerned,concerning 7.pure(n./v.)purity, purify 9.access(adj.)accessible

8.unique(n.) uniqueness 10.racial(n.)race

11.embarrass(n./adj.)embarrassment, embarrassed, embarrassing 12.conclusion(v./adj.)conclude, conclusive 13.interrupt(n./adj.) interruption, interrupted 15.differ(n./adj.)difference, different

14.mistaken(v./n.) mistake 16.appearance(v.)appear

18.simple(v.)simplify 20.indicate(n.) indication

17.represent(n./adj.)representation, representative 19.combine(n.) combination 21.press(n.)pressure

22.practical(n./v.)practice, practise


1. 由……组成 consist of/be composed of/be comprised of/be made up of 2. 占据(时间、空间) occupy=take up 占据(数量/比率) account for=make up

某人忙于 be occupied with/in=occupy oneself with/in

3. 以……命名 name...after 凭名字 by name

名叫……的 by the name of=with the name 以……的名义 in the name of 4. 除……之外 aside from=apart from 5. 为……作出贡献 make contributions to 6. 控制,取得对……的控制 take control of

7. 导致 lead to/contribute to/bring about/give rise to/cause 8. 被……取代 be replaced by/with 9. 母语 mother tongue=native language

10. 区别A和B make/draw a distinction between A and B

distinguish A from B=distinguish between A and B

以优异的成绩毕业 graduate with distinction=graduate with honours

11. 汉字 Chinese characters 个性强/不强 have a strong/weak character

动画片中的角色 cartoon characters 12. 禁止某人做某事 ban sb. from doing sth.

被禁止做 be banned from doing 一个……的禁令 a ban on sth. 13. 一个独一无二的动物 a unique animal

14. 得出结论 draw/make/arrive at/come to/reach a conclusion

匆忙下结论 jump to a conclusion 最后 in conclusion 15. 遵循习俗 follow the customs 16. 应当,应该 ought to

17. A和B不同 A differ from B=A is different from B

18. 寻找工作 hunt for a job 捕杀动物 hunt animals 19. 以貌取人 judge a person by one's appearance 出现;露面 make one's appearance=appear 好像、似乎…… appear+不定式/(to be) n./adj.

20. 简化字 simplified characters 使某人的生活简单化 simplify one's life 21. 作为整体,总体上 as a whole 总的说来,大体上 on the whole 22. 把A和B结合起来 combine A with/and B 23. 用墨水 in ink

24. 视力差 have poor eyesight

25. 如果你方便的话 if it is convenient for/to you

给某人带来便利 bring convenience to sb. 在某人方便的时候 at one's convenience 当堂训练 探究问题


1. The girl has an unusual large vocabulary and is known as a “walking dictionary”.

2. I’m afraid that you won’t be able to see the doctor for he is fully occupied with appointments

this afternoon.

3. That he mistook the girl for his sister embarrassed him a lot.

4. He did a lot of experiments before he came to the conclusion that the soil is not fit to grow

strawberry. 5. His lecture was interrupted again and again by the questions fromk the students present. 6. The Chinese characters “up” and “down” are easily distinguished by looking at them. 7. He was born in the city, but raised in the countryside by his grandparents. 8. These plants are very rare, therefore they are protected by law. 9. He was awarded a medal for great contributions he made to his country.

10. The song is popular among people, for it has combined a good theme with a good music. 11. In poems, roses are often used to represent love. 12. We can’t judge a person only by his appearance.

13. From my point of view, the gift is indeed beautiful, but it is of no practical use. 14. “Do as the Romans do” means that you should follow the custom(s) there. 15. Reforming the education system is a long process, which involves several stages. 二、写出下列划线单词或词组的中文意思

1. Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrow while happiness and sorrow consist in struggles. Remember that your ideal life doesn’t always consist with the reality.


2. The boy was occupied in working out a math problem. Many problems occupied his mind.


3. I give a ten-dollar contribution to the church every Sunday. /Excessive drinking contributes to his ruin./ She contributes many articles to this magazine regularly.捐赠;导致;向…投稿 4. The individuals concerned have some explaining to do./ What concerns me is our lack of

preparation for the change./ My concern is that they are not receiving enough help. 涉及到;使…担心;担忧

5. I can’t access the file on your company because I’ve forgotten the code./ He is a man of easy access./ Such information is not really accessible./ A manager should be accessible to his staff. 进入,使用;接近;可得到的;易接近的

6. The picture represents that battle./ Representing everyone here, I wish you a very happy day./ Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life. 描绘;代表;象征



