comfort while Hurstwood loses his wealth,social position,pride and eventually his life.Thus this novel best embodies Dreiser'snaturalistic belief that men are controlled and conditioned heredity,instinct and chance.Neither of them can control their fates.They are just driven fate,Hurstwood more by incidents and Carrie more by instinct.
by by
.What idea can you draw from the “rocking-chair ”?(from Theofore Dreiser Sister Carrie)
A.The rocking-chair is a symbol standing for fate.It is like a cradle that makes one feel peaceful.B.It is also like a tide that ever goes on with life,the destiny of which is uncertian.
1.What does Theodore dreiser discuss in his nov?el Give examples to prove your viewpoint. Dreiser set himself to project the American values for what he had found them to be_materialistic to the core.Living in such a society with such a value system,the human individual is obsessed with a never—ending,yet meaningless search for satisfaction of his desires.Oneof the desires is for money which was a motivating purpose of life in the United States in the late 1t9h century.
For example, in Sister Carrie, there is not one character whose status is not determined economically.Sex is another human desire that Dreiser explored to considerable lengths in his
novels to reveal the dark side of human Sister Carrier,Carrie climbs up the social ladder by means of her sexual appeal.Like all naturalists he was restrained from finding a solution to the social problems that appeared in his novels and accordingly almost all his works have tragic endings
.The story Araby by Joyce is both meticulously in itshandling of details of
Dublin life and the Dublin scene and highly symbolic in that almostevery image and incident suggests some particular aspect of the theme.Briefly discuss the symbolism Joyce employs in presenting this theme.
1.Short days of winter,blind and quiet street and many others foretell the inevitable failure of the boy is attemot to reach his desire.2.Mangan is sister,for whom the boy had tender feelings,symbolizes hope\\aspiration,but she was symbolically con-fined.3.The journey to the bazaar is a quest for the fulfillment of the aspiration,but the journey was intolerably delayed,and when the boy got to the bazaar,half of it was already dark,What is more,the young lady at the door of a stall was not encouraging,and spoke to the boy out of sense of duty.When the upper part of the hall was
completely dark,the boy is disillusionment was announced.And thus,Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and de-rided by vanity;and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.
.Explain why Mrs.Morel couldn one.
t bear to think Paul
's life wouldn
t be a h
1.Because mrs.morel herself was born in a middle-class family.2.Mrs.Morel is a strong-willed,intelligent and ambitious woman and the disillusion in her husband made her lavish all the affections upon her sons and determine to educate them to realize her ideals of success and happiness; so she couldn bear t'o tthink his sons ,Paul,had an happy life.
. How is T wain 's realism different from James's realism?
1.Mark T wain ' s reisaml is tainted with local color,prefernny to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories.2.Jame's realism is concerned with the “inner world ”of
man.3.James'srealism is also concerned with the international them4e.T. wain 's language is
sipmle and colloquial5.Twain employs humor in his writing. 6.J ames' s language is eblaorate and refined with lengthy psychological analyses.
.Discuss the striking feature of Paul,the main character in Sons and Lovers?
1.He gradually comes under the strong influence of his mother in affections,aspiration and mental
habits,and seeshis father with his mother '2.Psaeuyledse.pends heavily on his mother 's love and
help to make sense of the world around him.3.In order to become an independent man and a true artist he has to make his own decisions about his life and work,and has to struggle to become free from his mother 'insfluence.4.Paul is proved to be incapable of escaping the overpowering emotional bond imposed by his mother
' s love,so he fails to achieve a fulfilling relationship
either girl.5.Finally,Paul determined to face the unknown future.
.F.Scott Fitzgeraldis a great stylist in American literature.What is his art of novels?
1.His style,closely related to his themes,is explicit and chilly.2.His accurate dialogues,his careful observation of manneeism,styles,modelsand attitudes provide the reader with a vivid sense of
reality.3.He also skillfully employs the device of having events observed by a central consciousness to his great advan-tage.4.In his words,there are plenty of accurate details,the completely original diction and metaphors,the bold impress-sionistic and colorful quality.
..Based on the novel,The Great Gatsby,discuss the characteristics of Fitzgerald is works.
1.Fitzgerald is fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of the Jazz Age,in which he shoes a particular in-terest in the upper-class society,especially the upper-class young people.2.Fitzgerald never spared an intimate touch in his fiction to deal with the bankruptcy of the
American Dream.3.Fitzgerald is a great stylist in American literature.His style,closely related to his themes,is explicit and chilly.His accurate dialogues,his careful observation of
mannerism,styles,models and attitudes provide the reader with a vivid sense of reality.4.He follows the Jamesian tradition in using the scenic method in his chapters,each one of which consists of one or more dramatic scenes,sometimeswith intervening passagesof narration,leaving the tedious process of transition to the readr is imagination.
.Briefly discuss The Great Gatsby.
The Great Gatsby,a novel written by F.Scott Fizgerald,is one of the greatest novels in Amercian literature.It fully explores the disillusionment and despair of the Lost Generation through the
personal tragedy of young man whose in-corruptible dream is easily smashed into pieces by the crude reality.The protagonist,Gatsby,isa mythical figure whose intensity of dream partakes of a state of mind that embodies American itself.His failure magnifies the end of the Ameri-can dream.The style of the story is explicit and chilly.Fitzgerald is accurate dialogues,his careful observation of man-nerism and the colorful images provide the reader with a vivid and profound sense of reality.
.Why is The Great Gatby is a successful novel?
A.Evoking a haunting mood of a glamorous,wild time that seemingly will never come again;B.Sense of loss and disillusionment that comes with the failure embodied fully in the personal tragedy of a young man whose”incorruptible dream”s”mashed into pieces by the relentless
reality”;C.Gatsby,a mythical figure whose personal experience approximates a sense of mind of the American;the last of the romantic heroes,whose energy and sense of commitment take him in search of personal grail,Gatsby'sfailuer predicts to great extent the end of the American dream.
.Discuss Hemingway is art of fiction:his style,the particular type of hero in his nowels,and his life attitudes,etc.
1.Typical of this iceberg analogy is Hemingway is style.2.Grace under pressure isactually an
attitude towards life that Hemingway had been trying to demonstrate in his works.3.In his works,he depicts characters as brave and unyielded heroes.4.Human speech is full of accents and
mannerisms and the use of short,simple and conventionai words and sentenceshas an effect of clearness,tereness and great care.
.What are the characteristics of the Hemingway code hero?
A.They have seen the cold world and for one cause or another,they boldly and courageously face the reality;whatever the result is,they are ready to live with grace under pressure.B.Almost all his heroes are”soldiers”either in a narrow or broad sense.They are out there to fight against nature or the world,or even themselves.But no matter where the battleground is and how tragic the ending is, they will never be defeated.C.Hemingway himself is one of those code heroes;some critics say his