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期望英文 Z世代是指90年代中期至2000年代初期出生的一代人。最近的一项调查显示,他们对职场的期望与前辈80后有很大不同:80后渴望经济稳定,而95后00后最大的愿望是能够从事自己梦想的工作。 Over the past few years, the millennial workforce conversation has taken center stage in the media. While this group will be in the workforce for at least 30 more years, there is a new generation on deck causing prospective employers to take notice: Generation Z. Getting ready to step up to the plate, Gen Z will be just as focused and driven as millennials, however, their definition of a “good employer” will vary in some important areas. 多年来,千禧一代的职场问题一直都是媒体关注的焦点。这一代人至少还会在职场打拼30年,但与此同时,即将闪亮登场的Z世代员工应该引起潜在雇主的注意。他们已经准备就绪,并且与千禧一代一样,专注且干劲十足。但Z世代对“好雇主”的定义,在许多重要的方面却有所不同。 Generation Z is classified as those who were born in the mid-90s to early ,,00s. Much like the generation before them, Gen Z is driven, but according to the recent 2015 Way To Worksurvey by Adecco Staffing USA, their aspirations differ from those of millennials. Despite the stigma around millennial workers feeling entitled, many aspire to be financially stable, a desire that may likely be tied to them entering the workforce in the deepest part of the recession. Gen Z, however, is focused on their dream job. In fact, the majority (32%) of Gen Z surveyed stated their greatest aspiration is to be in their dream job within 10 years from now. Z世代是指90年代中期至2000年代初期出生的一代人。与前辈们一样,Z世代同样干劲十足,但艺珂人事顾问美国公司近期的“2015职场之路”调查显示,Z世代的期望不同于千禧一代。千禧一代尽管背负着不好的名声,但许多人渴望经济稳定,这在很大程度上与他们在经济衰退最严重的时期进入职场有关。而Z世代却专注于他们梦想的工作。事实上,接受调查的大多数Z世代(32%)都表示,他们最大的愿望是在未来10年内能够从事自己梦想的工作。

They don\expect finding a job to be easy though, as many of today\students (32%) report finding a job as their top concern. Student debt is on the list as well, with 21% of those surveyed being most concerned about the cost of education and the lasting financial impact it can have on their future. In fact, more than half (53%) of current students report that student loan debt is a major consideration in their schooling and career decisions. In spite of this concern, many students (36%) are more focused on the opportunity for growth rather than salary when it comes to their first job. 但他们并不认为找工作会很容易,因为许多学生(32%)认为,找到工作是最值得关心的问题。学生最关心的问题还包括助学贷款,约21%的受访者最关心教育成本及其未来的持续经济影响。事实上,现在的学生有半数以上(53%)表示,助学贷款债务是他们做出教育和职业决策时的主要考虑因素。除上述担忧之外,对于第一份工作,许多学生(36%)更关注成长的机会,而不是工资。 While many businesses are touting friendly workplace cultures with flexible schedules and transparent salaries in order to lure talent, they may need to offer more career focused perks instead for Gen Z. Today\college students ranked opportunity for career growth as the most important aspect of their first job (36%) followed by fulfilling work (19%) and stability (19%). Friendly work environments (10%), flexible schedules (7%), and the highest salary (6%) rank lower in priority. To attract the right talent, organizations will have to show how they can help their employees reach their most important career goals. 为了招徕人才,许多公司都在宣扬


(6%),受重视程度反而较低。为了吸引优秀的人才,公司必须证明他们可以帮助员工实现其最重要的职业目标。 Yet perhaps the biggest obstacle will be retaining these employees. Any company is susceptible to losing talent if employees aren\in the work they do or committed to the organization they work for. With Gen Z in particular, job hopping could be a major concern as 83% of today\years or less is the appropriate amount of time to spend at their first job. Furthermore, over a quarter (27%) of students believe you should stay at your first job for a year or less. By providing effective and frequent training, as well as professional development opportunities, employers can help their greatest assets-their employees-find a niche within the company and maintain a high level of engagement and retention. 不过,公司面临的最大障碍可能是如何留住员工。一旦员工未能积极开展自己的工作,或未能全身心投入到公司事业当中,公司便很容易失去他们。尤其是对于Z世代而言,跳槽将是一个重要问题,因为83%的学生相信,3年甚至更短的时间,才是从事第一份工作的恰当长度。此外,超过四分之一大学生认为,第一份工作的时间应该为一年或者更短。通过提供有效的、频繁的培训,以及职业发展机会,雇主可以帮助他们最宝贵的资产----员工----在公司内找到合适的位置,并保持较高水平的员工积极性和保留率。 Encouraging professional development opportunities outside the office can also be beneficial. Giving your employees the opportunity to attend career-focused conferences and expos allows them to step out of their comfort zone, network with other professionals, and bring their learnings back to the organization. 鼓励办公室之外的职业发展机会,也有益于留住员工。给予员工参加有利于职业发展的会议与研讨会的机会,可以使他们走出舒适区,接触其他职业人士,并将他们学到的知识带回公司。 Job shadowing is another way to give employees well-rounded training. Allowing employees to shadow their colleagues in other departments is an easy way for them to learn new skills. It will also give them a greater understanding of the company as a whole and encourage growth within the organization. 工作观摩是为员工提供全方位培训的另外一种方式。允许员工观摩其他部门同事的工作,是帮助他们学习新技能的一种简单方式。此外,这种方式还可以让员工对公司有更深入的整体了解,鼓励公司内部的成长。 Without question, Gen Z has big aspirations for the future and are motivated to climb the ladder. Knowing professional development and growth opportunities are essential to their success, Gen Z will prioritize companies that are engaging and encouraging over those that are not. By appealing to Gen Z\desire to learn while offering opportunities for substantial growth, employers can successfully attract and retain the next generation of talent stepping up to the plate.

毫无疑问,Z世代对于未来有着远大的志向,他们有足够的上进心,勇于攀登职业阶梯。Z世代很清楚,职业发展与成长机会对自身的成功至关重要,因此他们会将能够调动其积极性并鼓励他们成长的公司作为首要选择。雇主如果能满足Z世代的学习欲望,并提供持续成长的机会,便可以成功吸引和留住即将闪亮登场的下一代人才。 Bob Crouch is the CEO of

Adecco Group North America. 本文作者Bob Crouch为艺珂集团北美区CEO。(fortunechina) 更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训 /




