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Cloze 1.

alongside book browse comfort employment crash fill out make friends (with sb.) paperwork sighting prior to capture solo stress out visa obsessed with

Prior to taking a working holiday abroad you will need to do a number of things. There is quite a lot of.Paperwork to complete. You will need to fill out various forms, including a(n) visa a application.Make sure it is the sort that allows you to take employment , rather than just being an ordinary tourist type that allows you to do sightseeing only.Alongside that, of course, you need to book your ticket. Once that is all done you will be

ready to set off. Don't let the thought of stepping outside your comfort zone frighten you, don't let it stress you out . You may set out on your own, travelling solo ,but you will soon make friends with many of the new people you meet on the way. So, start browsing,the Internet to see where you would like to start your adventure!


adopt apparent dine expectation fall short of get..wrong in one's view preference extreme presence repay work out

It is easy to get things wrong if you move to live in a new country with different culture from your own. You may find yourself facing a whole new set of expectations about the proper way to behave. Go out to dine with your new friends and you may find yourself having to adopt a whole new set of table manners. Then there is the problem of who is responsible for paying for the meal. This may not be immediately apparent. In some cultures friends share the cost equally at the end of the meal, in others the preference is for friends to take turns,repaying one meal with another at a later date. Working out the details of local customs like these may take time, but, in my view , it is well worth the effort if you want to avoid misunderstandings. 3.

opponent artificial crack accelerate intellectual tackle adjust Breakthrough put... to the test construct tournament get the better of

Those who champion(为…而奋斗)the cause of artificial intelligence are celebrating a(n) break through.For computer scientists have managed crack the problem of how to construct a computer that can play the ancient game of Go better than the



humans. In tournaments with grand masters the computer has got the better of them, defeating one opponent after another. Some welcome the greater power of computers, arguing they will be willing slaves in helping us tackle our problems.Others, like the great scientist Stephen Hawking, fear computers may tackle our problems.Others,like the great scientist Stephen Hawking,fear computers may eventually become independent of us and bring the reign of human beings to an end. 4.

chemical nevertheless settlement inadequate in violation of court draft stagger nightmare deny accuse .. of represent responsible dispose of

My name is Wilbur Tennant and I'm a farmer. You can't imagine what a terrible nightmare I have had to live through. It all started when I discovered my cows staggering all over the place. And then they began dying. Well, I thought I knew who was responsible: Dupont, the chemical company. It was disposing of poisonous waste near a river that runs through my farm. Nevertheless,the company denied it and claimed it was all my fault! It was not until I was lucky enough to get a top lawyer to represent me that I had any success. He took the company to court and eventually I was able to reach a(n) settlement with Dupont for a large sum of money. As what it had done was clearly in violation of the law, Dupont also found itself in trouble with the Environmental Protection Agency. 5.

dramatic lay low acquire pass through recall step up neighborhood hang around move out

Can you recall a time when the area where you live was very different from what it is today?Given the dramatic changes that China has passed through in recent years, that would not be surprising. Whole neighborhoods have been transformed. New construction has meant that the housing stock has improved in size and quality. As a result of redevelopment many people have been able to move out of old housing into new accommodation that offers better amenities, boosting their standard of living. This is naturally to be welcomed, but the change has not been without some costs. As whole areas of traditional low-rise housing have been laid low to make, way for high-rise apartments, opportunities for neighbors to casually hang around with each other have frequently declined. 6.

most of the time leadership attribute come up with as opposed to like hill care about have one’s eye(s) on



Those in charge of organizations naturally want to recruit the best candidates. But just what attributes are managers looking for in a potential employee? What do they set out to assess in an interview? One thing is the capacity to quickly come up with answers when confronted with problems, the ability to think up solutions on the fly. Another is the ability to combine self-confidence with a degree of humility that will enable you to take advice gladly and learn from your mistakes. If you are applying for a post because you are unhappy with your current employer, beware of saying negative things about them. Focus on the positive things the future has to offer, as opposed to the negative aspects of your present situation. In a(n) increasingly competitive market you need to convince the interviewer that you have the ability and enthusiasm to do the job well and the capacity to work like hell when the need arises.


brilliant conclusion intense hypothesis intrigue nominate object to stir instrument likely suspect

I suspect that by now you know all about Marie Curie. You have,after all, been bombarded with facts about her. You will have read all about the brilliant work that led to her being awarded the most prestigious of scientific prizes, But why is it that So few women have been nominated for a Nobel Prize in science? It is an intriguing question and one that has led to intense debate, stirring up emotions, with strong views being expressed on whether nature or nurture plays the dominant role. The debate has generated numerous hypotheses, but arriving at a conclusion that satisfies everyone would prove difficult. 8.

concise negative harsh dump tone evolve mood evolution disaster economic communicate kill of sharpen up filter into

Has the evolution of technology been a disaster for the way we communicate with one another? Some people certainly fear that the development of computers and smartphones has had a(n) negative effect on language. But such an assessment is probably too harsh. For language inevitably evolves to take advantage of new methods of communication. Rather than limiting our ability to communicate by killing off language such changes often offer fresh ways for us to sharpen up our communication skills. Emoticons and emojis, for example, may not be appropriate where a more formal tone is required, but in informal contexts they offer a concise way of expressing our mood.


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