According to Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) - Sixth revised edition
1.1GHS Product identifier
Product name
sulfurochloridic acid
1.2Other means of identification
Product number Other names
Chlorosulphuric acid
1.3Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use
Identified uses
Uses advised against
1.4Supplier's details
Company Address Telephone Fax
1.5Emergency phone number
For industry use only. Intermediates no data available
Emergency phone number Service hours Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT
2.Hazard identification 2.1Classification of the substance or mixture
Skin corrosion, Category 1A
Specific target organ toxicity – single exposure, Category 3
2.2GHS label elements, including precautionary statements
Signal word
Hazard statement(s) Precautionary statement(s) Prevention
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage H335 May cause respiratory irritation
P260 Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. P264 Wash ... thoroughly after handling.
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P301+P330+P331 IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
P303+P361+P353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water [or shower]. P363 Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
P304+P340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor/… P321 Specific treatment (see ... on this label).
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for severaminutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continurinsing.
P312 Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/…if you feel unwell.
P405 Store locked up.
P403+P233 Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
P501 Dispose of contents/container to ...
2.3Other hazards which do not result in classification
3.Composition/information on ingredients 3.1Substances
Chemical name Common names and synonyms CAS number EC number Concentratiosulfurochloridic acid sulfurochloridic acid 7790-94-5 none 100% 4.First-aid measures 4.1Description of necessary first-aid measures
General advice
Consult a physician. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.
If inhaled
Fresh air, rest. Half-upright position. Artificial respiration may be needed. Refer for medical attention.
In case of skin contact
Remove contaminated clothes. Rinse skin with plenty of water or shower. Refer for medical attention .
In case of eye contact
First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), then refer for medical attention.
If swallowed
Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give one or two glasses of water to drink. Refer for medical attention .
4.2Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed
INHALATION: vapor extremely irritating to lungs and mucous membranes. Vapor has such a sharp and pentrating odor that inhalation of severely toxic quantities is unlikely unless it is impossible to escape the fumes. CONTACT WITH EYES OR SKIN: liquid acid will severely burn body tissue. (USCG, 1999)
4.3Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessary
no data available
5.Fire-fighting measures 5.1Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media
Use water spray, dry chemical, foam carbon dioxide. DO NOT allow water to make contact with material, as highly acidic run-off will be formed. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Closed containers may rupture violently when heated.
5.2Specific hazards arising from the chemical
Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Decomposes into irritating and toxic gases Behavior in Fire: Although nonflammable, it may ignite other combustibles. Contact with water AND metal produces explosive hydrogen gas. (USCG, 1999)
5.3Special protective actions for fire-fighters
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.
6.Accidental release measures 6.1Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Use personal protective equipment. Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing vapours, mist or gas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas. Avoid breathing dust. For personal protection see section 8.
6.2Environmental precautions
Evacuate danger area! Consult an expert! Personal protection: complete protective clothing including self-contained breathing apparatus. Ventilation. Collect leaking liquid in sealable containers. Cautiously neutralize remainder with alkaline materials, crushed limestone, sodium bicarbonate or soda ash. Then wash away with plenty of water. Do NOT absorb in saw-dust or other combustible absorbents.
6.3Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up
Spills of hazardous chemicals (such as inorganic sulfur acids, oleums of strength 35 to 65%, liquid sulfur trioxide, or chlorosulfonic acid) can be treated with high molecular weight polyacrylamide, polymethyl methacrylate or a blend of polyacrylamides. Each forms a polymer skin over the liquid surface, suppressing the fume & allowing access to the spill so that cleanup can be done in a controlled manner. Polyacrylamide variant DP 1916 is best treatment for chlorosulfonic acid & oleum 20. Polycarbonate granules used in a layer approx 80 mm thick topped off with Sorboil (an absorbent clay) is best treatment for diked spills of oleums of all strengths & liq sulfur trioxide. The acid beneath the skin is best recovered by pumping. Unconfined spills of sulfur trioxide & oleums of all strengths can be treated with excess anhydrous sodium sulfate which forms a concrete-like residue that can be sprayed with water within 1 hour, dissolving it slowly. Expanded perlite, if contained in degradable bags, will effectively absorb & contain sulfur acids. Fumes of oleum 65% arising from spillage of 80 to 750 kg can be killed within 4 to 13 min. Asphalt or concrete is slightly affected.
7.Handling and storage 7.1Precautions for safe handling
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid formation of dust and aerosols. Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed. For precautions see section 2.2.
7.2Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Separated from food and feedstuffs. See Chemical Dangers. Dry. Well closed.KEEP TIGHTLY CLOSED.
8.Exposure controls/personal protection 8.1Control parameters
Occupational Exposure limit values
no data available
Biological limit values
no data available
8.2Appropriate engineering controls
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.
8.3Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment (PPE)
Eye/face protection
Safety glasses with side-shields conforming to EN166. Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).
Skin protection
Wear impervious clothing. The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace. Handle with gloves. Gloves must be inspected prior to use. Use proper glove removal technique(without touching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product. Dispose of contaminated gloves after use in accordance with applicable laws and good laboratory practices. Wash and dry hands. The selected protective gloves have to satisfy the specifications of EU Directive 89/686/EEC and the standard EN 374 derived from it.
Respiratory protection
Wear dust mask when handling large quantities.
Thermal hazards
no data available
9.Physical and chemical properties Physical state clear to light yellow liquid Colour COLORLESS OR SLIGHTLY YELLOW LIQUID Odour PUNGENT
Melting point/ freezing 32°C(lit.) point
Boiling point or initial 151-152°C/755mmHg(lit.) boiling point and boiling range
Flammability Not combustible but enhances combustion of other
substances. Many reactions may cause fire or explosionGives off irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fir
Lower and upper explosion no data available limit / flammability