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Fitness consequences of altering floral circadian oscillations for Nicotiana attenuata

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Fitness consequences of altering floral circadian

oscillations for Nicotiana attenuata

Felipe Yon;Danny Kessler;Youngsung Joo;Lucas Cortes Llorca;Sang-Gyu Kim;Ian T. Baldwin

【期刊名称】《植物学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2017(059)003

【摘要】Ecological interactions between flowers and pollinators are all about timing. Flower opening/closing and scent emissions are largely synchronized with pollinator activity, and a circadian clock regulates these rhythms. However, whether the circadian clock increases a plant's reproductive success by regulating these floral rhythms remains untested. Flowers of Nicotiana attenuata, a wild tobacco, diurnally and rhythmically open, emit scent and move vertically through a 140° arc to interact with nocturnal hawkmoths. We tethered flowers to evaluate the importance of flower positions for Manduca sexta-mediated pollinations;flower position dramatically influenced pollination. We examined the pollination success of phase-shifted flowers, silenced in circadian clock genes, NaZTL, NaLHY, and NaTOC1, by RNAi. Circadian rhythms in N. attenuata flowers are responsible for altered seed set from outcrossed pollen. 【总页数】10页(180-189) 【关键词】


