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to Memorial Day, a small national flag had been 21 in the ground next to each soldier’s memorial plaque (墓碑).

My 22 at the time was getting past the bottleneck, getting out of the rain and getting to the physical training on time. To my 23 , just as the traffic was getting started again, the car in front of me stopped. A soldier 24 in the pouring rain and ran over toward the Memorial Grove.

I couldn’t 25 it! This stupid man was 26 everyone for no reason! I 27 sounding the horn (喇叭), with the purpose of 28 the same worry and anger in him. He was getting completely 29 . He ran up to one of the memorial plaques, 30 the small national flag that had 31 and set it straight again. Then, he came to attention, took a(n) 32 salute (敬礼), ran back to his car and drove off.

I’ll never forget what happened that day. That soldier 33 me more about duty, honor, and respect. That simple salute-the act of 34 his dead brothers moved me. All the army values were contained in one gesture.

I am thankful for examples like that. I will remember all those who gave up their 35 for our motherland as well as the soldier who honored them in the heavy rain. 16.A.driving 17.A.knocked 18.A.relaxed

B. running C. walking D. riding B. checked C. warned D. caught B. regretful

C. impatient

D. hungry

19.A.passed B. remembered C. left D. visited 20.A.Although B. Because C. Until

D. Unless

21.A.found B. placed C. stored D. thrown 22.A.impression B. disappointment C. thought D. worry 23.A.anger B. sadness C. joy D. excitement 24.A.fell down B. stood still C. cheered up D. jumped out 25.A.allow B. believe C. explain

D. change

26.A.cheating B. fooling C. preventing D. frightening 27.A.considered B. enjoyed C. practiced D. kept 28.A.causing B. reducing C. showing D. avoiding 29.A.astonished B. wet C. scared D. embarrassed


30.A.staredat B. held up C. put away D. picked up 31.A.flew in the air

B. stood in the ground D. broken into pieces

C. fallen to the ground 32.A.interesting

B. exhausting C. standard D. funny

33.A.taught B. promised C. brought D. served 34.A.visiting B. honoring C. helping D. imitating 35.A.rights B. duties

语法填空(每小题1.5分,共15分 每空最多填3词)

Last week, 36 support of the battle against the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, my classmates and I started a campaign 37 ( name) “Lucky Money Plan”, which turned out to be worthwhile and 38 (benefit). Learning from TV that the epidemic situation in Wuhan went bad to worse and 39 the protective equipment were badly needed, I really felt uneasy and depressed, determined to do my bit to deal with this 40 (worry) situation. After careful 41 (consider), a good idea hit me that I could raise some money to buy medical supplies for Wuhan.

Without delay, I posted my advocation (支持) letter on the school website, calling on all my fellows to take an active part in it. 42 to my amazement, all of them showed great interest and donated all their lucky money. I ordered a wide range of medical necessities on the Internet, through express, these items were directly delivered to a hospital in Wuhan.

A few days later, I 43 (unexpected) received a telephone call from the hospital. The doctor spoke highly of 44 we had done, saying our kindness and our support 45 (strength) their determination to wipe out the virus. Hearing these words, I felt extremely excited and proud. I was convinced that we Chinese people were sure to win this battle. 单词拼写 (每小题1分,共10分 每空只填一词)

46. Her excuse for being late was totally _________________(难以置信).

47. Federico Mayor Zaragoza has won many _______________(奖) for his work in politics. 48. Lewis was ___________(钦佩) for his work in medieval literature. 49. The two ____________(间谍) attempted to escape to a neighboring country.


C. dreams D. lives

50. Marry is a girl of great ____________(好奇心). She takes an interest in everything. 51 . Passengers should check their ___________(行李) before boarding the plane.

52. The young man speaks ____________(温和地) and everyone likes him.

53. The discussion was held in a lively _________(气氛) with members talking freely to each


54. On _________(到达), the thief was caught by the police at the airport. 55. When __________(提醒) to attend the meeting, the manager set out immediately.

单句语法填空(每空1分,共10分;每空最多填3 个词)

56. ________(surround) by fear towards the stomach cancer, Xiong Dun had to admit it is

the fear of the cancer _____was driving her to fight against the disease, like in a war.

57. With the virus_________(spread) rapidly in this region, a large amount of equipment

as well as the medical experts from abroad__________(send) here so far.

58. In National Examinations based on the law, _____is well-known to us all is that those

who cheat will bear legal responsibility if _______(spot) in our country. 59. The hospital,______(measure) 200×3000 meters, began new operations in 2015 to screen

and treat patients_______(enter) China from African countries.

60. As_____ the COVID-19, there is simply no basis and no reason to push China for an apology,

because it is yet undetermined where the virus came into_______(exist) first.


班级___________ 学号___________姓名__________成绩__________ 选择题:

1—10 题 每小题2.5分 合计得分__________ 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8 4. 9 5. 10 11—15题 每小题2分 合计得分__________ 11 12 13 14 15 16—35 题 每小题1.5 分 合计得分__________ 16 17 18 19 20 8

21 26 31 22 27 32 23 28 33 24 29 34 25 30 35 语法填空(每小题1.5分)合计得分__________

36--40_____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 41--45_____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 单词拼写(每小题1分) 合计得分__________

46--50____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 51--55_____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 单句语法填空(每小题1分)合计得分__________

56_____________ ____________ 57____________ ____________ 58____________ ____________ 59____________ ____________ 60 ____________ ____________




