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language is in agreement with the status and the temperament of the speaker. And the language should reflect the particular situation and the inner world of the speaker.

2.3 Brief Review of the History of Language Style

There are two main points of view about language style which are it could be translated and could not be translated. The first point of view considers that the language style cannot be translated. Another point of view thinks that the language style can be translated but it might be difficult to achieve the goal. In recent years, majority translators agree with the second viewpoint that is target text can be similar to the original text, although it might be hard to accomplish, the translated text should keep the same status as far as possible.

2.4 The Essentials of Language Style

The essential of language style consists of four parts. Firstly one is “naturally”, it means that the translator should considerate language feature of target language and source language, meanwhile should considerate personality style of novel?s writer. Secondly the translator should unite all the factors of the novel and keep unitary. Thirdly the translator should use “imitation”, the last the translator should get rid of origin-shaping so that reveal origin essence

3. Data Description

The data to be analyzed consist of two paragraphs that are translations of language style from two versions of the same English original novel, named Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen is one of the most famous female novelists in the world. Pride and Prejudice is her most outstanding representative. The novel on the dialogue of the characters description, not only proper, and subtle set people thinking, rich, successful highlights the character, making the book in the history of English literature won the important position. Its first Chinese version was translated by famous literary translator Wang Keyi(王科一) in 1956. And then another famous literary translator Sun Zhili(孙致礼) translate the same novel. Both of two versions have advantage and disadvantage of translation, through comparing the two versions we can find out how


to make translation decision.

4. Data Analysis

4.1 Coincide with speaker social cultural

In example (STL1) Mr. Collins propose:

The original: “thirdly -- which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness.”

In the vision 1,Wang Keyi translated “patroness” into“女施主”。 In the vision 2,Sun Zhili translated “patroness” into“女恩主”

Wang Keyi translated “patroness”into“女施主”,“女施主”is Buddhism language,it not coincide with the religion of Pride and Prejudice.

Another example in (STL1) Mr. Collins propose:

The original: “I am therefore by no means discouraged by what you have just said, and shall hope to lead you the altar ere long.”

In the vision 1,Wang Keyi translated “altar” into“神坛”。 In the vision 2,Sun Zhili translated “altar” into“成亲”。

It might be not appropriate that Wang Keyi translated \into \神坛\Most of British people are Christian and Catholic, they are generally married in the church. That is because of different culture between China and The UK. Compared to Wang Keyi, Sun Zhili translated into \结婚\although not as good as the straightforward to the church, but also allows the readers do not understand the British wedding ceremony to understand this sentence is “我希望不久就能与你结婚\

4.2 Coincide with speaker social status and identity

In example (STL1) Mr. Collins propose:

The original: \Collins, you must marry. A clergyman like you must marry. -- Chuse properly, chuse a gentlewoman for my sake; and for your own, let her be an active, useful sort of person, not brought up high, but able to make a small income go


a good way. This is my advice. Find such a woman as soon as you can, bring her to Hunsford, and I will visit her.\

In the vision 1, Wang Keyi translated “must” into“必须”;

Translated “Chuse properly, chuse a gentlewoman for my sake; and for your own” into “挑选一个好人家的女儿,为了我,也为了你自己” In the vision 2,Sun Zhili translated “must” into“应该”;

Translated “Chuse properly, chuse a gentlewoman for my sake; and for your own” into“选个合适的对象。为了我,选个有教养的女人;为了你自己,选个能干管用的人”

The two translators have translated the strengths and weaknesses. The author believes that \必须\应该\statement for the young people's recommendations by Austin Description learned that Lady Catherine is a social status high rich woman, and the Kosslyn Mr. is in her help to become parish priest in the thought of Lady Catherine, Mr. Kosslyn with her superior and subordinate relationship, \必须\word to better reflect the Lady Catherine identity.

But then the following sentence, it could be seen that Sun Zhili translation is more appropriate selection of a people's Daughter \translation more colloquial than choose a suitable object does not embody lofty Lady Catherine's warning tone. Sun Zhili to separate translation of this sentence for me ... for you ... \emphasizing the Lady Catherine distinct hierarchy thought. In example (STL3) Mr. Collins Letter:

The original: “I feel myself called upon by our relationship…”

In the vision 1, Wang Keyi translated“昨接哈福德郡来信,借悉先生目前正值心烦意乱,不胜苦悲…”

In the vision 2,Sun Zhili translated“昨接赫特福德来信,获悉先生忧心惨切,在下看在自身名分和彼此…”

It can be seen that both Wang Keyi and Sun Zhili translate the letter of Mr. Collins to a kind of classical Chinese. Most of The original sentences are long, formal and rigid. Both two translators choose the form of classical Chinese to portray Mr. Collins?s


self-righteousness, conceited.

4.3 Conform to the particular situation and time

The language habits of the characters have a relative stability, but this stability is not consistent and immutable. On specific occasions, certain environmental factors affect the attitude of the characters change may bring the language to change, for example, anger usually make a gentle people yell.

In example (STL4) After Elizabeth refusal Mr. Collins propose

The original: “Oh! Mr. Bennet, you are wanted immediately; we are all in an uproar… … “Elizabeth replied that it was?Very well- and this offer of marriage you have refused?? “I have Sir.”

In the vision 1,,Wang Keyi translated“哦,我的好老爷,你得马上出来一下,我们闹得天翻地覆了呢…”

…“伊莉莎白说,真有这回事。”?很好。你把这桩婚事回绝了吗?? “我回绝了,爸爸。”

In the vision 2,Sun Zhili translated“哦,贝内特先生,你快出来一下,我们家里闹翻天了…”

…“伊丽莎白回答说,真有这回事”?很好—这门亲事让你给回绝了?? “我是回绝了,爸爸。”

It can be seen from the original have been a man, but very formal tone, said each other's last name, and use \\not called the father is father, but \replied the father. We can see that because the marriage of Elizabeth, a man appeared in the eyes of the differences, each was nest a son gas, Wang Keyi translated \我的好老爷\not as good as Sun Zhili directly translated as \show Bennett Mrs. dissatisfaction.


5. Results and Suggestions

5.1 Results

In literary works, the speech of each participant in the conversation is peculiar in a certain way. For a translator the peculiarity of the individual speaker can and should be reproduced. To achieve this, the translator should make sure that the tone of the speaker in the target language is in agreement with the status and the temperament of the speaker in the original and with the particular situation concerned.

5.2 Suggestions

5.2.1 What the speaker says should coincide with speaker’s social cultural

It is generally agreed that translation is a code switch from one language to another language, so the cultural factors should be greatly concerned in translating. In the literary works, there are many idioms, proverbs and slang expression in the characters? speech, which are unique in certain nations, religions, histories and regions. This paper suggests that the translated works should be harmonious on the whole. As for the translation of the characters? conversation, this paper holds that the speaker?s speech should be corresponding to the culture in speaker is living.

5.2.2 What the speaker says should coincide with speaker’s social status and identity

In the characters? speech, the cultural factors may be very essential to reflect their social status and identity. If the translator does not adopt the appropriate strategies, the readers of the translate version will misunderstand the original.

5.2.3 What the speaker says should coincide with speaker’s personality

Different people have different speaking manners. In novels the readers may judge what kinds of personality the speaker is by speakers says, and the author should try every means to make the characters more striking and impressive.

5.2.4 The speaker says should conform to the particular situation and time

In some cases, the culture loaded expressions in the characters? speech can reflect the particularity of the situation and time, so the readers require a good understanding of them in order to get a good understanding of the novel.




