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eat-in-class娴嬭瘯棰?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱

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in class!测试题一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子:(15分)

1、--- D_____________ eat in classroom、-

S____________, Ms、 Clark、2、 I’m s______________, I a_________________ late for school、3、- Can we bring music players to school?-- No, you c_________、4、-He always w______________ a uniform at school?- No, he d___________、5、 I r___________ to school, because can’t be l______________ for school、6、 There many _____________ (规章制度)

at school、 And they’re very______________(重要)、7、 Can I go ________________(在---前)class or ______________(在---后)


8、 It’s too ________(脏) and _________(吵闹)

in that classroom、9、 __________(记住) to _____________(休息) for an hour、

10、 __________(跟随)

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me, you can _________(学会) it well、二、 单项选择:(20分)

1、Usually they _________ rules, and we must follow ________、

A、 make, it B、 make, them

C、 makes, it D makes, them

2、- _________ in the hallways、- Sorry, sir、 A、 Not run B、 Don’t run C、 Not running D、 Don’t running

3、-Does he like _____________ music?- Yes, he does、 A、 listening to B、 listen to C、 listen D、 listening

4、 We _____________ in the classroom、 A、 have to quiet B、 have quiet C、 have to be quiet D、 have quiet to

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5、 Don’t ________ and don’t _________ in class、 A、 eat, noise B、 to eat, noisy C、 to eat, noise D、 eat, noisy

6、 I am not happy because there are __________ rules and ___________ homework at home、

A、 too many, too much B、 too much, too many C、 too many, too many D、 too much, too much

7、 I think it’s best _____________ for Tom、 A、 relax B、 to relax C、 relaxing D、 relaxes

8、 She ____________ school every day、 A、 doesn’t have to come B、 doesn’t has to come C、 doesn’t have to come to D、 doesn’t has to come to

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eat-in-class娴嬭瘯棰?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱


