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从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填人空白处的最佳选项。 21. Remember that the birthday _ we spend happily each year was just _ our mothers suffered bitterly.

A. when, that B. that, when C. when, what D. that, what

22. Many of the crimes have gone because some people dare not report them to the police.

A. to be unnoticed B. unnoticing C. to have been unnoticed D. unnoticed

23. ——Look at the lady over there. She's already forty. ——You are joking. She doesn't look----

A. so B. that C. it D. this

24. Experience is believing. If you' d like to know what it like to be a soldier in World WarII, the game Brothers

in Arm: Roads to Hill 30.

A. was, try B. would be, try C. would be, trying D. was, trying

25. By looking at a problem in as possible, creative

thinkers can find solutions that would otherwise remain invisible.

A. so many ways B. as many ways C. too many ways D. more ways

26.——I'm sorry,I thought the remark wonld amuse you. ——It——.

A.won't B.doesn't C.WOUldn't D.hadn't 27.Some people may know little about basketball,but when It the little Giant Yaoming,they must be familiar with him.

A.refers to B.deals with C.comes to D.talks with

28.——Did Helen go to sch001 on time yesterday? ——Yes.It was not yet seven o'clock she arrived at sch∞1.

A.when B.that C.before D.until 29.When watching TV, .

A.my mother came in B.the window was shaking C.he heard a terrible noise D.the entire hall burst into cheers

30.The country life he was used to greatly slnee 1999.

A.change B.changing C.has changed D.changed 3 1.——Oxford University has admitted that it will need efficient measures to keep itself among the international universities.

——Do you think it win come true? A.For what? B.So what? C.Take it easy. D.What on?

32.Why didn't you teU me there Was no meeting today?I all the way here the heavy snow.

A.needn't have driyen,thmugh B.needn't drive,across C.didn't need to drive,thmugh D.shouldn't have driyen,across

33.The famous singer Said that she WOUld like to something new in the coming year and her fans are eager to know what she wiU do.

A.make out B.bring down C.take up D.turn out 34.In no city of China little about the economic development.

A.doesn't the government care B.the government cares

C.the government doesn't care D.does the

government care

35.——, more than 200 houses and buildings are heated by solar energy, not to mention the big cities.

A. In the alone small town B. In the small town alone

C. Alone in the small town D. In the small alone town


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并将最佳选项填在答题卡的相应位置上。 One summer evening 1 was sitting by the open window,reading a good but rather frightening mystery story.After a

time it became too dark for me t0 read easily,36 I put my book

down and got up to swl‘tch on one light.1 wasj.ust about to draw the curtains as well 37 I heard a loud cry of”“Help!!Help!”It seemed 38 from the trees at the end of the

garden.I looked out but it was now too dark to see 39 .Almost immediately I heard the cry again.It. 40

like a child.aIthough I could not imagine how anybody could need help in our garden, 41 one of the boys of the neighborhood had climbed a tree and could not get down.

I decided,however,that I ought t。go out and have a look in the 42 ,just 43 someone was in trouble. I took

the toreh which we keep for going down into the ceUar, 44 there is no electrie light and picked up a strong walking stick, 45 that this might come in useful,too .Armed with

these,1 went out into the garden.Once again I heard 46

cry.There was no doubt that it came ftom the trees at the end of the garden.“Wh0's there?”I called 47 as 1 walked rather nervously,down the path that led to the trees,but there was no answer.With the help of my toreh I 48 the whole of that part of the garden and the lower branthes of the trees.There was no 49 of anybody or anything. I came to the conclussion that someone was playing a rather silly joke 50 me.

Still feeing rather puzzled, I went back to the house and put 51 the toreh and the stick.I had just sat down and begun

to tead my book again when 1 was start'led(大吃一惊)by the cry of“Help!Help!”, 52 time from right behind my shoulder.I dropped my book and jumped up.There, 53 On top of the

nlantelpiece(壁炉台),was a large green and red bird.It was a parrot!while I WaS out in the garden,tlle bird 54 the light



