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PEP三年级下册Unit 3 A部分 lets talk

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“合力英语教学法”(The Ropes)课堂教学备课用表

学校:龙泉小学 授课教师:尹智静 年级:三年级 时间:2017.3.23 教学内容:Unit 3 At the zoo Part A Let’s talk

Links Steps Activities Time Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls! I’m your English teacher, Miss Yin. Nice to meet you! I’m so happy to see you, and make friends with you. Let’s warm up first! T: Well done! What’s your name?/ How are you?/ Where are you from? Now I know you, but you don’t know me. Let me show you a video with something about me, then answer my question, OK? T plays the video and ask: My name’s ____. I’m from _____. I like _____. 1. T: I have many animal friends, I like giraffes best. Do you have animal friends? What animal do you know? Warm up Review Review Overview Review some words of animals, improve the mind map.. 2. T: What other animals do you know? (lead the Ss make a mind map and improve it) Task Try to introduce the animal friends you like in different aspects. assignment To finish the task, we should: 1. Review some animals: Panda, monkey, elephant, bird, bear … 2. Review some words to describe the animals: fat, thin, tall, short,cool, funny, happy... Explicit objectives 3. Review some words about colours: red, blue, yellow... 3. Grasp new sentence pattern: -Look at the ... It’s ... and ... 4. Use some simple sentences to improve your introduction: This is my friend, ... I like it! Lead in My animal friend is giraffe. Look! Here comes a giraffe! Let me introduce to you, OK? Presentation 1. T plays the tape and introduce the giraffe, then Ss imitate and make sentences to introduce other giraffes. 2. Pair work: introduce the animals. T gives an example, let Ss know what to do, then shows some pictures of animals, Ss work in pairs, choose an animal they like and describe with the sentence patterns. 3. T: Where can you see the animals? Can you see them at school? Presentation Ss: No. At the zoo. T: Now, let’s go to the zoo! 4. Present the picture of Let’s talk, T lead Ss review the sentence pattern in Unit 2: Who’s that woman/boy/girl? Then ask Ss guess: What do they see at the zoo? 5. Listen to the text and answer the question, then check the answers. Watch, read and dub the video of Let’s talk. Individual work First, Ss read after the tape; then T turn off the music, Ss dub the video. Ss work in pairs, look at the pictures of the text and make sentences according to the pictures. ★ I see ... ★★This is ... It’s ... Engagement Pair work ★★★Look at the ... It’s ... It’s ... Tips: Try to use more words we learned before and make the sentence long. The longer, the better. T shows some pictures of different animals, T presents the example first: Hi! I’m Jayne. I’m from Longquan School. This is my friend, monkey. Look at the monkey, it’s short and fat. It’s brown. It’s happy. It’s funny. I like it! Then Ss describe another animal together. After that, Ss work in groups and choose one of the animals, describe in groups. Task fulfillment Share together: Ask one or two groups have a introduction on the stage. See who can say more sentences. Make comments on the performance. Feed back What did we learn today? 1. Review some animals: Panda, monkey, elephant, bird, bear … 2. Review some words to describe the animals: fat, thin, tall, short,cool, funny, happy... Summary 3. Review some words about colours: red, blue, yellow... 4. Grasp new sentence pattern: Look at the ... It’s ... and ..., use some simple sentences to improve the introduction:This is my friend, ... I like it! 5. Show your animal friend and describe it in class. 6. Do some exercise, review the sentence and words. Summary Group work After- school activities

1. Listen and read P24 and P25 for 5 times and recite Let’s talk. 2. Describe the animal you like and share with your friends after class.

PEP三年级下册Unit 3 A部分 lets talk


