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新外研版英语九年级下册module3《lifenowandthen》模块优秀教案(重点资料).doc - 图文

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Module 3 Life now and then

一、学习目标: A. 单词和短语:

wealthy, fear, used to, wealth, double, seldom, spare, spare time, speak up, deaf, tiny, electric, light, candle, postman, cold, heat, full-time, role, education, transport B. 交际用语: 1. Nearly finished. 2. That’s true. 3. I suppose…

4. — Is life better today than in the past?

— Yes, it is. I think it’s because… / No, it isn’t I think… 5. Remember to speak up! She’s a bit deaf now. 6. …looking after us was more than a full-time job. 7. Generally speaking, I think life is better today.

8. People are wealthier today, and they live longer than they did in the past. 9. But people don’t take as much exercise as they used to. 10. More people have cars, and they walk or use their bikes less. 11. We eat better and we live longer. 二. 教学目标

1. Function: T Making comparisons (2)

2. Structure: Revision : adjectives and adverbs ( comparative and superlative forms ) 3. Skills: 1) Listening for specific information ; taking notes 2) Expressing views and opinions

3) Predicting ;reading for main ideas; summarizing main ideas in notes 4) Writing a composition about the advantages and disadvantages of life today 4. Around the world: Cars


5. Task: Organizing a debate. 三、重点及难点:

Grammar: Revision : adjectives and adverbs ( comparative and superlative forms ) 四、教学设计:

Unit 1 They sometimes work harder.

Ⅰ Teaching model Listening and speaking Ⅱ Teaching method Communicative and interactive Ⅲ Teaching aims

1. To understand conversations of comparing life in the past and now 2. To understand comparative degree and superlative degree 3. To learn how to make comparisons Ⅳ Teaching Objectives

1. Key vocabulary: wealthy, fear, used to, wealth, double, seldom, spare, spare time, speak up,


2. Key structures: Sentence structure Ⅴ Teaching aids

Tape recorder, OHP , video Ⅵ Teaching Steps Step 1 Warming up

1. Show some pictures to talk.

1) Say what life was like in the early 1980s. 2) Say what life is like today. 2. Introduce new words and expressions. Step 2 Listening practice.

1. Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 2.


1) What is the history homework?

2) What is the question they need to answer? 3) What does Betty ask? 4) What does Daming ask?

2. Play the tape and ask the students to listen to the tape carefully 3. Listen and answer the questions.

4. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.

5. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers. Keys: Write about life in the past and life today. Is life today better than it was in the past?

Betty asks if they can write about medicine and pollution.

Daming asks if they can write about personal safety.

Step 3 Listen and read.

1. Ask the students to listen and read the conversation silently. 2. Talk about the pictures. 3. Everyday English

Nearly finished. That’s true. I suppose… 4. Now choose the correct answer. 1. People live longer because ________. a) we know more about medicine b) they do not work as hard as they did c) they take more exercise

2. There is less fear of getting ill ________. a) so people live longer

b) because people know how to deal with the ordinary diseases


c) so people work harder than before 3. People take less exercise because ________. a) they do not need to b) they drive cars instead c) they do not have cars or bikes 4. People work harder today and ________. a) they do not live as long as they did b) they do not usually have enough free time c) they live a healthier life

4. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.

5. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers. Keys: 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b Step 4 Complete the questions.

1. Ask the students to read through the words and expression in the box in Activity 4. deaf doubled fear spare used to wealth 2. Complete the questions with the words or expression in the box. 1) What kinds of things do you _________? 2) What do you do in your _________ time? 3) What can someone not do if they are ________? 4) If something is _________, is it more or less?

5) Do you think people _________ take more exercise than they do today? 6) Do you think people have more ________ today than they used to? 3. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.

4. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers. Keys: 1. fear 2. spare 3. deaf 4. doubled 5. used to 6. wealth 5. Now work in pairs. Ask and answer. Step 5 Pronunciation and speaking.


1. Play the recording once without stopping.

2. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat. 3. Read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.

Some people think life in the past was simpler and healthier than today. More wealth sometimes means less health. When the number of cars is doubled, the pollution is also doubled, or even worse. 4. Now listen and check.

5. Read the paragraph in Activity 5 aloud. Step 6 Work in pairs.

1. Answer the question and give your reasons.

— Is life better today than in the past? — Yes, it is. I think it’s because… / No, it isn’t I think… 2. Now say what is better or worse in:

education environment health Step 7 Language points

1. Remember to speak up! She’s a bit deaf now. 记得说话大点儿声,她现在有点儿耳背了。 speak up表示“大点儿声说”。例如:

e.g. Speak up, please. I can’t hear you. 请大声一点儿,我听不见你说话。 Step 8 Grammar 形容词与副词

对于形容词与副词,我们主要掌握两点,一是形容词与副词的句法功能,二是形容词与副词的比较级和最高级。 1. 形容词的句法功能


Did you see that old photograph that I found? It’s a lovely picture.


新外研版英语九年级下册module3《lifenowandthen》模块优秀教案(重点资料).doc - 图文


