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人教版2019-2020学年高一下学期英语必修四 Unit1 Achievement of women 训练卷(一)(含答案)

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2019-2020学年高一下学期训练卷 必修四 Unit1 Women of achievement

号位英 语 (一)

封座 (本卷满分100分)


密1. I a_________ with him the whole day but failed to persuade him. 2. Today police began a c____________ to reduce road accidents.

号3. She b________ with panic when she was told that she had failed math exam again. 不场考4. She sold everything she'd ever bought in order to s__________ herself through art school.

5. It is impossible to d__________ this letter because the address is difficult to 订 identify.

6. The university plans to set up an _____________(机构) for Chinese studies. 装 号7. He was the head of a charity for the __________(福利) of children.

证考8. Television provides us with a wide range of information and 准________________(娱乐).

只 9. He has made every arrangement to meet any _____________(紧急情况). 10. She is always polite and _____________(体贴的) towards her employees. 卷 二、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共15分)

名11. Now the number of the students in our school is ______ that of five years 姓 ago.

此 A. as twice much as B. twice as larger as C. as twice large as

D. twice as large as

12. You’ve done much of the work, and please leave ______ to us. 级班A. the rest

B. the other

C. another D. the others

13. A man dressed in a black coat was observed ________ the house and later the owner found all the valuable things stolen. A. entering B. to enter C. entered

D. on enter

14. Seeing the terrible scene, many problems crowded ________my head. A. about B. out C. up

D. in

15. Only by making joint effort _________ improve rapidly improve. A. we can B. can we C. we do

D. do we

16. You can work __________ the answer by adding all the numbers. A. out B. in C. with

D. on

17. _____________ has been argued that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. A. What B. That C. It

D. As

18. What he wanted then was ___________ a simple life. A. leading B. to lead C. leads

D. leaded

19. When coming ________ a new word, you'd better refer ______ a dictionary. A. up; to B. through; for C. across; in

D. across; to

20. We should not look _________ and laugh at those in trouble. Instead, we should help them. A. at

B. forward to

C. down upon D. up 三、翻译句子(每小题3分,共15分)

21. The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to carry on their discussion.

_________________________________________________________________ 22. The children will not be allowed to go to the supermarket if they don't behave themselves.

_________________________________________________________________ 23. Having achieved his goal has given him much confidence, and he works even harder.

_________________________________________________________________ 24. 他全身心地投入研究当中,甚至周末也在工作。

_________________________________________________________________ 25. 事实证明了他与这件事情有着密切的关系。

_________________________________________________________________ 四、阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共10分)

Can you imagine being able to remember every single experience of your life and every word in your favorite book? That’s what Becky’s life is like, and as wonderful as it sounds, it can also be quite terrifying at times.

Three years ago, Becky was reading a newspaper article which mentioned that it was impossible for people to remember the details of their life in the first three years. “What nonsense(胡说八道)!” she thought, because she could clearly remember her life all the way back to when she was just 12 days old. Her parents had carried her to the driver’s seat of their car and laid her down for a photo. But it wasn’t nonsense. She was just one of only 80 known people who have a condition called HSAM(Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory).

Becky’s unusual condition was recently shown on a program called 60 minutes,

where reporter Allison tested her ability by asking her questions about her favorite book series, Harry Potter. Allison would pick up a book and open a page and read her a line. Immediately Becky would name the book, chapter number, chapter name and could recite every word until Allison told her to stop.

Being able to remember every little detail is a great ability, but as every person with HSAM will tell you, it can be very hard to deal with. Forgetting is one of the things we use to get over sad experiences in our lives, but it’s something that people like Becky are unable to do. Even walking on the street and lightly bumping(撞) into somebody brings back memories from Becky’s childhood, when a boy knocked her over. She’s taken right back to that time, living the experience all over again. Also, like Becky, people with HSAM never do well in school, because they have problems filtering(过滤) through all the information, remembering only the important bits.

Becky’s special brain could help scientists find a way to treat people with terrible illnesses like Alzheimer’s. Her condition could hold the secret to treating or even preventing Alzheimer’s.

26. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about? A. What people with HSAM feel like. B. Why HSAM is unfamiliar to people. C. How Becky knew she was different. D. How Becky spent her early childhood. 27. Why was Becky asked questions on 60 minutes? A. To help treat her illness. B. To advertise Harry Potter. C. To test her ability to remember. D. To encourage other kids to read. 28. Which of the following troubles Becky? A. She can’t forget her painful experience.

B. She feels tired remembering everything. C. She can’t get along well with other kids. D. She is different from other kids of her age. 29. Why does Becky do poorly at school? A. She feels sad every time she studies. B. She remembers too much information. C. She can’t deal with difficult problems. D. She can’t understand the teacher in class. 五、七选五(每小题3分,共15分)

I work as a meteorologist(气象学家) in Tampa, Florida. It’s my job to follow hurricanes(飓风) and provide information about them to scientists.

I was working for the National Meteorological Office in Bracknell, near London, in the autumn of 1995, and I saw a documentary called Stormchasers with family. 30.____ Two months later I came across an ad for a meteorologist to work in Florida. I was interviewed over the phone, moved to the US, and started to work here in Tampa in May 1996.

31. I have been all over the world hunting hurricanes. It’s exciting to end up in different cities and different countries day after day. If you are a meteorologist, you have to love flying. I also love working with top scientists. 32. For me, it’s like a classroom in the sky.

People often ask me what an average day is like. In fact, there’s no such thing as an average day in my job! 33. We often take off at a moment’s notice to hunt storms.

Next, I would like to join a space program and be the first meteorologist in space. 34. There aren’t any hurricanes!

If you also want to be a meteorologist, study math and science and get a degree in meteorology. I have taken the hurricane hunter path, but you could do research.

A. I have learned so much from them. B. What I like most about my job is the travel. C. It’s a wonderful job and the pay is pretty good. D. It all depends on the weather, and you can’t control that.

E. However, I haven’t come up with an experiment to do in space yet. F. Because of the job, I’m away from my family who all live in the UK. G. It was about hurricane hunters and I thought, “Wow, that’s an interesting job!” 六、书面表达(共30分)


注意: 1.词数100左右;


Dear Peter,

How is everything going recently? Yours, Li Hua

2019-2020学年高一下学期训练卷 必修四 Unit1 Women of achievement

英 语(一)答 案

一、单词拼写(每小题1.5分,共15分) 1.argued 2.campaign 3.behaved 4.support 5.deliver 6.institute 7.welfare 8.entertainment 9.emergency 10.considerate

二、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共15分) 11.D

考查倍数。句意:现在我们学校学生的数量是五年前的二倍。倍数+as+形容词原级+as是倍数表达法,故选D。 12.A

这题考查代词的用法:the other,another,the others都是修饰可数名词,the rest既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词,句意是:你做了大部分工作请把其它的留给我们。选A。 13.B


用于被动语态时往往要添加上to。 14.D

crowd about“涌向;在……周围”;crowd out“挤出,排挤在外”;crowd up无此搭配;crowd in one's head“涌入脑海”。句意:看到那个可怕的场面,很多问题涌入我的脑海。故选D项。 15.B

only by doing sth. 是介词短语做方式状语,放于句首时,句子需要部分倒装。根据句意可知,只有通过共同努力,我们才能迅速提高。应使用can而不是do,故选B。 16.A

work out想出,完成,计算;work in进入,插进;work with与…共事,对……有效;work on影响,对…起作用,继续工作,从事于…。结合句意,你可以通过把所有数字相加算出答案。故选A。 17.C

此处是It做形式主语,真正主语是that gifted children should be grouped in special classes。句意:有天赋的孩子应该被单独放在特殊的班级中,这个问题一直被人们争论。故选C。 18.B

句意:他那时想要的是过一种简单的生活。根据句意可知,此处是用不定式做目的状语,故选B。 19.D

come up走近,被提及,即将到来,突然发生;come through安然渡过(危险或难关),显现;come across偶然发现,偶然遇见。refer to 参考,涉及,指的是,适用于。结合句意:当碰到一个新单词的时候,你最好去查阅字典。故选D。 20.C

人教版2019-2020学年高一下学期英语必修四 Unit1 Achievement of women 训练卷(一)(含答案)


