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American fast food culture

----Take McDonald's as an example


The United States is a land of immigrants mainly from Europe and Africa after the discovery of the new world,in dealing with the issue of reunification and constitutional politics, economy and science and technology had been rapidly developed.At that time, due to the U.S. economic recovery after world war ii, American industrial civilization and the pace of global expansion accelerated. In the era, people were too busy to travel and create wealth. Withthe faster and faster pace of life and lifestyle changes, they need to eat more and more simply and quickly, advocating speed and efficiency, and all these promoted the development of the catering industry. (译文:美国是一个发现新大陆后欧非为主的移民国家,在解决了南北统一和宪法政治问题以后,经济和和科技得到了迅速的发展。当时,由于二战后美国经济复苏,美国工业文明和全球扩张步伐加快。那个时代,人们忙于创造财富而奔波,生活节奏越来越快,生活方式发生改变,对吃的要求越来越简单快速,崇尚速度和效率,从而推动了餐饮业的发展。

In order to adapt to the accelerating rhythm of life and thechanges of diet concept and demand, a new fast food was promoted and occupied the catering market rapidly, and McDonald's was believed to lead to the fast food’s vigorous development.

(为适应生活节奏的加快以及人们饮食观念与需求的改变,一种新的快餐模式迅速推广并占领餐饮市场,当初真正带动快餐业蓬勃发展的还是公认的麦当劳。) In 1955, a man named Raymond Kroc entered a partnership with two brothers named McDonald. They opened a popular restaurant in California which sold food that was easy to prepare and serve quickly. Hamburgers, French fries and cold drinks were the main food there.Kroc opened similar eating places under the same name,McDonald's, and they were an instant success. He later took over the company, and today it is one of the most famous and successful \restaurants in America and the world.McDonald’s today serves 38 million customers each day, 20 million of them in the USA. It’s about 23,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries around the word. It’s one of the world’s great entrepreneurial organizations, with most restaurants worldwide run by a franchisee or affiliate partner of company . (译文:1955年,一位名为雷蒙德·克劳克的人与两位名为麦当劳的兄弟合伙,在加州开了一家颇受欢迎的小餐馆,销售制作方便服务快捷的食物。那里的主打食品是汉堡、炸薯条和冷饮。克劳克用同样的名字—一麦当劳开了几家类似的餐厅,迅速搜索获得了成功。后来他接管了这个公司,今天它成为美国和世界最有名、最成功的“快餐”厅之一。如今的麦当劳每天却有3800万顾客,其中2000万在美国。麦当劳在全世界100多个国家约有2.3万家分店。它是世界上大型企业之一,其大多数国外分店都是由公司特许联营者或下属合作伙伴所经营。 Why was his idea so successful? Probably the most important reason was that his

timing was right. In the 1950s,most married women stayed home to keep house and take care of their children. In the 1960s, many women returned to the work places. This meant that they had less time and energy for housework and preparation of meals, so they depended more on \dinners\and fast-food restaurants. Single parents also had little time to spend in the kitchen. People living alone also depended on this type of food, since cooking for one was often more trouble than it was worth.

他的想法为什么会如此成功呢?也许最重要的原因是因为他时机正好。20世纪50年代,大多数已婚妇女呆在家里做家务、照顾孩子。而在60年代,许多妇女回去工作。这就意味着她们做家务、准备食物的时间、精力减少了,因此她们更多地依赖于“电视晚餐”和快餐店。单亲家庭中父母也很少有时间花在厨房里。独自居住的人也依赖于这种食物,因为一个人做饭经常太麻烦,不值当费那功夫) In my opinion, although the American fast food culture represented by \has become hugely popular around the world, it also made people's lifegreatly convenient, but the negative influence it brought in causes more and more attention of Americansociety.Fast food contains a lot of trans-fatty acids,a disease hazard to human heart. Because people eat too much fast food, leading to more and more obese patients in the United States, has becomethe second leading cause of diseasesafter smoking in America.In addition, most of the fast food market aims at children, there is an upward trend in the number of obese children


Anyway, although the delicious fast food have great attraction for us, but we cannot bring themselves to replace staple food. Instead of choosing delicious, we might as well choose a green and healthy way of life, a reasonable diet, and cannot be too addicted to fast food culture.




