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9A Unit 1 假期练习


一 翻译下列短语

1.既不太冷也不太热________________________________ 2.缺课_________________________ 3.给某人动手术____________________________________4.生某人的气___________________

5.注意仔细讲____________________________________6.接受他人意见___________________ 7.适合于当画家_____________________________8.害怕输掉比赛 _______________________ 9.把一年分成12星座______________________________10.发表演讲_____________________ 11.使....保持井然有序_____________________________12.三思而行______________________ 13.简直和新的一样________________________14.工作高标准严要求_____________________ 15奉献她的一生训练排球_________________________________________

16.以固定的顺序出现____________________________17.信任他们_______________________ 18看不起病____________________________19.取决于你的性格_________________________ 20.出生在同一星座下的人们__________________________________________

21通过努力工作成功地完成一项艰巨任务________________________________________ 22.每12年重复一次__________________________23.一个……的循环____________________ 24有许多突出的品质胜任这个职位__________________________________________ 25.塑造你的生活和未来__________________________生于虎年________________________ 二 单选题

( ) 1. Kate, you should learn to keep the things in your room in ________ good order! A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the

( ) 2. It makes me feel great _________ my novels _________ others.

A. share; with

B. to share; with

C. sharing; with

D. sharing; to

( ) 3. Simon is creative enough to _________ new ideas.

A. come on

B. come in

C. come up with

D. come out

( ) 4. – Where is the apple, Tom? I put it on the table just now. -- Sorry, I ________. A. just eat it up

B. have just eaten it up

C. have just ate up it

D. just ate up it

( ) 5. Babies are always curious _________ the world around them.

A. about


B. with C. to D. of


( ) 6. Neither I nor my cousin _________ been to Britain before.

A. have

C. has

C. are

D. is

( ) 7. Nurses devote much of their time _________ patients.

A. to looking after

B. to look after

C. looking for

D. in looking out

( ) * 8. I found _________ difficult to work with the leader.

A. its

B. this is

C it is

D. it

( ) * 9. Attention should be paid by tourists __________ the environment when enjoying their journey.

A . to protect

B. for protecting

C. to protecting

D. on protecting

( ) 10. Fred loves sports and is always __________.

A. serious

B. energetic

C. creative

D. curious

( ) 11. The boss is unhappy _________ Dick. He doesn’t think Dick is suitable _________ the job

A. to; to

B. with; with

C. for; with

D. with; for

( ) 12. Mr Smith is crazy about football. ------_____________his two sons.

A. So are

B. So is

C. neither are

D. So do

( ) 13.----Tell me something about Canada, OK?

----Sorry,________Jack________I have ever been there.

A. Either;or

B. Not only;but

C. Both;and

D. Neither;nor

( ) 14. You can’t be too _________ when you are driving on the free way. A. careless

B. careful

C. carelessly

D. carefully

( ) 15. How was the food in the town? ------Terrible. ________we still had a good time. A. Or 三、完形填空

Ever since I was a child, my mouth has caused me trouble. I’m not a bad person, I have a hard time learning when 1___ bad things about others. My mom had told me again and again, “Robot, your bad words are hurting 2 . If you 3 to be so rude, you will get into trouble.”

One day in English class, I was working on my homework when I heard a classmate 4 behind me. It was Mike --- he liked doing that 5 usual.

“Mike, would you be 6 ?” I said to him politely. Mike kept saying 7 to himself. “Mike, shut up!” I shouted. For the next five minutes, we threw hurtful words at each other. “ 8 I don’t have an ugly lazy eye like you!” I cried out.


B. So C. But D. Because


I knew this would make him sad and it would hurt his feelings and shut him up.

What I said 9 him with anger (怒火). He tried to 10 over my seat and catch me as he screamed, “That’s it! That’s it!”

Surprised at his reaction (反应), I sat back in my 11 . I had never seen Mike act like this before. Later on, We 12 to the teachers’ office. There, Mr. Black, our English teacher, told us to discuss the matter. Until then, I realized when I hurt someone physically, the wounds (伤口) finally heal (愈合), but when I hurt someone with my words, sometimes the 13 never goes away. At the end of the discussion, I said 14 to Mike.

When I went back to my room, I spent some time praying (祈祷). I began to think about how often what I said hurt others. But I believe that as I keep asking God to help me, he’ll tell me when to keep my 15 closed.

( ) 1. A. stop speaking ( ) 2. A. my ( ) 3. A. keep ( ) 4. A. talking ( ) 5. A. like

B. stop saying B. me

C. to stop speaking C. mine

D. to stop saying D. myself D. carry on D. crying D. for D. quiet D. nothing D. At last D. shared D. reach D. chair D. would take D. knowledge D. sorry D. door

B. still B. reading B. as

C. continue C. singing C. than

( ) 6. A. generous ( ) 7. A. everything ( ) 8. A. At most ( ) 9. A. filled ( ) 10. A. go

B. happy C. organized C. something C. At first C. helped C. get C. seat

B. anything B. At least

B. covered B. come B. desk B. took B. pain B. hi

( ) 11. A. bench

( ) 12. A. were taken ( ) 13. A. feel

C. were taking C. experience C. thank you C. window

( ) 14. A. goodbye ( ) 15. A. eyes 四、词汇

B. mouth

1. More _______________ (注意) should be paid to teenagers’ mental health.

2. The product of this company has reached the international__________________(标准), so it sells well. 3. It’s a tradition for a Chinese family to buy a new _______________(挂历) when the new year is coming.




