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定语从句修饰,或特指某一次餐饮时,则需加上定冠词,如:The dinner that mum cooks is

very delicious! The breakfast today is too terrible.

4.在介词+交通工具的短语中:by bus by car by

bicycle by air/ plane by ship 但若介词换成on/ in或用动词take(乘坐),则要用冠词,如:on the plane in

the boat in a spaceship take the bus 5.名词前已有指示代词、物主代词,不定代词等限定词或修饰语时:his book, these factories, each apple


family will go swimming in summer. He was born on

October 1,2019.

7.作为专有名词的姓氏和人名前:Mr. Blake, Captain Cook

8.在由两个相对的名词组成的短语中:hand in hand手拉手 side by side肩并肩 face to face 面对面 sun

and moon 日月 day and night 白天黑夜 mother

and daughter母女

9.as和though引导的让步状语从句倒装时,如表语是单数名词,其放在句首时,不加冠词:Child as/ though he is, he knows a lot.

10.表示一个××部门中独一无二的职位或头衔时,不用冠词,如表示其中之一,可以加不定冠词:He is principle

of our college. 他是我们学院的一个院长(唯一一个)。

He is a principle of our college. 他是我们学院的一个院长。


不用冠词有几点,呼语头衔职务前; 星期月季节假日,专名球类及三餐; 听音下棋各学科,正午睡觉是习惯;

页 4 第

名前代词这那限,泛指事物不用冠。 (四)有无冠词意义不同

go to school 去上学 go to hospital 去看病

go to the school 到学校去 go to the hospital到医院去

at table 在进餐 on earth 究竟 at the table 在桌子旁 on the earth 在地球上

in class 在上课 in front of 在…前面(某物之外) 页 5 第

在…前面(某物之of in the front in the class 在班上

内) in possession of 拥用… be in charge of 负责…

in the possession of be in the charge of由…负责 为…所有 代替 in place of take place 发生

在…的地方 代替 in the place oftake the place of

在广播in air in future 今后

在空中in the air in the future 将来

白天 by day in open 公开 按天计算 by the day in the open 在户外

公开 in public 坐牢in prison 在公众中in the public in the prison 在监狱中

管理家务 keep house take advice 征求意见

呆在家里keep the house take the advice 听从劝告 不外出 〔例题精析〕are jobs doing odd servants 例1.As a rule, domestic paid_______.

D. B. A. C.by hours by hourby an hour by the hourthe by 所以应用短语解析:本题意思为工作按小时计算,。为介词,意为“以…为标准或单位,以…计”hour。by A。这种表达方式为by+the+度量名词。答案:注意:by weight/lenght按重量/长度。

例2.--What is ___population of China? --China has ___population of 1.3 billion. A. the, a B. a, the C. a, a D. the, the

解析:第一空为特指中国的人口,故填定冠词the,第二空中have a population of是一个固定搭配,强调population为一个整体。答案:A。

例3. She told us ___story that we forgot the time.

A. a such interesting B. a so interesting

C. such an interesting D. so an interesting 解析:“故事”应是“如此有趣”才使“我们忘记了时间”,不定冠词置于so, such之后,所以A,B排除。此外,such后跟名词短语,so后加形容词或副词。答案:C。 例4.-Have you seen___pen? I left it here this

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