Monthly gravity field solution from GRACE range measurements using modified short arc approach
Monthly gravity feld solution from GRACE range measurements using modifed short arc approach
Shen Yunzhonga,*,Chen Qiujiea,b,c,Xu Houzed
【摘 要】A B S T R A C T:In this paper we present a series of monthly gravity
Experiment(GRACE)range measurements using modifed short arc approach, in which the ambiguity of range measurements is eliminated via differentiating two adjacent range measurements.The data used for developing our monthly gravity feld modelare same as Tongji-GRACE01 modelexcept that the range measurements are used to replace the range rate measurements,and our model is truncated to degree and order 60, spanning Jan.2004 to Dec.2010 also same as Tongji-GRACE01 model.Based on the comparison results of the C2,0,C2,1,S2,1,and C15,15,S15,15,time series and the globalmass change signals as well as the mass change time series in Amazon area of our model with those of Tongji-GRACE01 model,we can conclude that our monthly gravity feld model is comparable with Tongji-GRACE01 monthly model. 【期刊名称】大地测量与地球动力学(英文版) 【年(卷),期】2015(006)004 【总页数】6
【关键词】Keywords:Satellite geodesy A R T I C L E I N F O
Monthly gravity field solution from GRACE range measurements using modified short arc approach