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根据代理理论,各种治理机制减少了投资者和管理者之间的代理问题(Jensen and Meckling,1976; Gillan,2006)。传统上,治理机制已经被认定为内部或外部的。内部机制包括董事会及其作用、结构和组成(Fama,1980;Fama and Jensen,1983),管理股权(Jensen and Meckling,1976)和激励措施,起监督作用的大股东(Demsetz and Lehn,1985),内部控制系统(Bushman and Smith,2001),规章制度和章程条款(反收购措施)和使用的债务融资(杰森,1993)。外部控制是由公司控制权市场(Grossman and Hart,1980)、劳动力管理市场(Fama,1980)和产品市场(哈特,1983)施加的控制。




尽管有其相关性,但投资者不能直接观察,因此也无法得到内部控制系统设计和发挥功能的信息,因为它们都是组织内的内在机制、活动和过程(Deumes and Knechel,2008)。

由于投资者考虑到成本维持监控管理其声称的(Jensen and Meckling,1976),内部控制系统在管理激励信息沟通上的特性,以告知投资者内部控制系统的有效性,是当其他监控机制(该公司的股权结构和董事会)比较薄弱,从而为其提供便捷的监控(Leftwich et等, 1981)。存在的替代机制一直是人们在不同公司治理文献中争论的话题(Rediker and Seth, 1995;Fernandez and Arrondo,2005),基于威廉姆森(1983年)的替代假说认为,特定控制机制的边际作用取决于其在公司治理制度的相对重要性。


特别是,我们重点关注内部控制系统和监控包的另外两个机制 (公司的所有权结构和董事会) 间的关系,根据有关文献(Jensen and Meckling,1976;Fernandez and Arrondo,2005;Gillan,2006)它们在管理行为监控方面发挥相关作用。我们假设认为,内部控制系统的特性取决于激励由企业的股权结构和董事会发挥监督作用。






司治理系统(Chen and Jaggi,2000;Eng and Mak,2003;Barako 等,2006),的确提供了结果对比,在本研究中,我们表明内部控制系统披露是可替代的其他治理机制。这意味着更好的治理不一定意味着更高的透明度和更多的披露。公司坚持公司治理的最佳做法是提供内部控制系统披露信息,这样当其他治理机制很薄弱可以保证投资者的利益。另一方面,当管理体系健全,管理有更少的激励内部控制体系的广泛披露,因为这是一个高成本的活动,而且它会打压其他治理机制。





不过,对内部控制系统的具体信息的收集的确是困难和昂贵的,因为内部控制体系是在公司中执行的一系列活动和过程(Deumes and Knechel,2008;Bronson等,2006)。实际上,公司治理的最佳做法要求内部控制系统的披露,但它们不提供内部控制系统具体内容的披露。因此,投资者也不太可能了解其性质、范围、程序和内部控制质量,除非内部控制系统披露报告是由管理者提供的。这样的披露内容和程度取决于公司现行的监控包(Leftwich 等,1981;Williamson,1983)。

据我们所知,内部控制系统的特点和功能的披露还没有引起广泛的注意。美国萨班斯法案的出台,内部控制系统按相关要求披露弱点和不足在近几年日益受到学术兴趣(among the others see Ash Baugh 等人,2007;Doyle 等人,2007;Leone,2007),只有少数研究焦点在于内部控制披露方面。


Bronson等人,(2006) 探讨有关公司的内部控制系统特性的披露它是由萨班斯法案强制执行的。他们发现了一个积极的可能性之间的关联发布了内部控制管理报告、公司的治理变数如审计委员会会议的次数、机构股东的百分比。Deumes and Knechel (2008)确定了内部控制系统信息披露可以从公司年度报告中获得的六个披露项目的清单。他们发现,内部控制披露指数,显示了相关变量代表的股权代理成本和负债代理成本变量。

根据我们的理论框架,如果内部控制系统披露作为一个替代治理机制,当索赔定价索赔高(Jensen and Meckling, 1976)由于这一事实,其他已经实行各种监测设备没有足够有效限制的代理关系的成本,我们期望内部控制披露,以作为其他监督机制替代,以减少代理冲突的整体强度(Williamson,1983; Fernandez and Arrondo,2005)。


文献与实证指出了关键的大股东所起的监督作用。Kang and Shivdasani (1995)检测到发现了大股东之间的存在比率和管理层在业绩不佳的公司营业额呈正相关。另一方面,一个分散的所有权通常关联一个到较低的监测能力和更多的信息对称性(Shleifer and Vishny, 1986;Zeckhauser and Pound,1990;Barako 等,2006),或者说,由公司的大股东直接监督,减少了对替代监控机制的需要。因此,我们希望鼓励内部控制系统披露的公司的所有权是分散的。

机构投资者也起到了有关监督作用。虽然上市公司的个人投资者很少有动力去监督管理,他们很容易手私人成本与公共利益的影响(Grossman and Hart,1980),机构投资者所持有的投票权激励他们的监督管理作用(Milgrom and Roberts,1992)。此外,机构投资者可以通过信息渠道特权参与管理,以取得该公司的运营披露(Schadewitz and Blevins, 1998)。因此,我们预期机构投资者的存在,管理有较低的内部控制系统披露。

最后代表监督作用的所有权结构就是管理所有权。人们普遍认为管理股权有助于对齐的管理人员和股东的利益(Jensen and Meckling,1976;Bronson 等, 2006; Deumes and Knechel, 2008),因而减少了在公司代理冲突(Eng and Mak, 2003; Fernandez


and Arrondo, 2005 Cheng and Courtenay,2006)。管理股权减少了监控的需要,我们希望鼓励内部控制系统披露是在管理所有权较低的情况下。

董事会在监控管理作为股东委托给他们的权力控制的管理决策的重要作用。以往文献(Carcelo and Neal,2000;Fernandez and Arrondo,2005; Krishan,2005)确定了董事委员会的能力,进行不同的代理管理行为的监察:(1)独立董事比例;(2)CEO的二元性存在;(3)会计专家的比率;(4)审计委员会的监控能力。我们期望的更强大董事会监控作用、较低内部控制系统披露。预计独立董事、董事会的监察活动,可以限制经理的机会主义(Fama,1980; Fama and Jensen,1983)。实证证据支持了这个预期。Rosenstein and Wyatt (1990)解释正相关的股票价格与一个新的独立董事任命和外部人员在市场的监督作用方面发挥了积极的反应信号相关联。大量的研究证实独立董事比例对公司的董事会和公司绩效的一个正面的关系 (Baysinger and Butler,1985; Goodstein and Boeker,1991; Pearce and Zahra,1992):独立董事在董事会的比率被认为是以控制管理代理的行动能力(Fernandez and Arrondo,2005) 从而证明了的董事会和他们的监督作用的有效性的独立成员的比例呈正相关。因此,我们期望更高独立董事的存在,降低激励管理层自愿披露内部控制系统。



审计委员会监测起着决定性的作用。证实了前期研究的发现表明,设立审计委员会(AC)通常与影响公司财务报告的质量存在积极的作用(Beasley,1999; Bedard 等,2004)。以往的研究表明,企业财务报告的质量是受成员的独立性和他们的在财务报告的专业技能决定的(Beasley,1999;Beasley 等,2000)。对于后一种结果,作为一个事实,AC成员的审计和会计专业知识可以更轻易检讨内部审计文件交互和内部审计人


员(Raghunandan 等, 2001;Krishnan,2005;Zhang 等人,2007)。因此,我们期望,当审计委员会监测能力较高,减少内部控制系统的披露。


示例。我们分析了由欧洲金融市场在四个上市公司披露了ICS:伦敦、巴黎、法兰克福和米兰。我们选择了在受保护投资者的不同水平,以不同的特征来验证相关的信息披露行为,以不同的国情不同的国家背景的国际经营公司做出了实例研究,从而使我们的结果不是从具体的治理环境得到的。 ICSS是公认的符合法律规定,效益和效率,应对董事机制的最佳实践方法。




为了收集关于ICSS发布的披露信息,我们开发了二维计划(分类矩阵 )。在该计划的一个方面,我们对组件类型的分类与ICS所披露的信息有关。在该计划的其他方面,我们按类型分类:目标(防止风险),角色种类,在控制过程企业内部控制机制的实施涉及披露的信息。



关于角色参与控制过程这一部分我们采取以下的分类:(1)董事会;(2)审计委员会;(3)内部控制主管汇报;(4)内部审计师; (5)最高管理(首席执行官,财务总监,管理者?);(6)风险委员会—风险经理;(7) 其他。

关于实施机制采用,公司为了有效地实现内部控制系统采用以下的分类:(1)审计委员会的工作机制;(2)内部控制指引和程序;(3)责任定位; (4)伦理准则—行为规范;(5)计划和预算;(6)风险情况的汇报;(7)信息系统工具;(8)其他活动记录。


Disclosure on Internal Control Systems

As a Substitute of Alternative Governance Mechanisms

Sergio Beretta Accounting Department Bocconi University

According to agency theory, various governance mechanisms reduce the agency problem between investors and management (Jensen and Meckling, 1976; Gillan, 2006). Traditionally, governance mechanisms have been identified as internal or external. Internal mechanisms include the board of directors, its role, structure and composition (Fama, 1980; Fama and Jensen, 1983), managerial share ownership (Jensen and Meckling, 1976) and incentives, the supervisory role played by large shareholders (Demsetz and Lehn, 1985), the internal control system (Bushman and Smith, 2001), bylaw and charter provisions (anti-takeover measures) and the use of debt financing (Jensen, 1993). External control is exerted by the market for corporate control (Grossman and Hart, 1980), the managerial labor market (Fama, 1980) and the product market (Hart, 1983).

After the various financial scandals that have shaken investors worldwide, corporate governance best practices have stressed in particular the key role played by the internal control system (ICS) in the governance of the firm. Internal control systems contribute to the protection of investors’ interests both by promoting and giving assurance on the reliability of financial reporting, and by addressing the boards’ attention on the timely identification, evaluation and management of risks that may compromise the attainment of corporate goals. These functions have been widely recognized by the most diffused frameworks for the design of ICS that have stated the centrality of internal control systems in providing reasonable assurance to investors regarding the achievement of objectives concerning the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the reliability of financial reporting and the compliance with laws and regulations (COSO, 1992; 2004).

Notwithstanding their relevance, investors cannot directly observe ICSs and therefore cannot get information on their design and functioning because they are internal mechanisms,


activities and processes put in place within the organization (Deumes and Knechel, 2008). As investors take into account the costs they sustain to monitor management when pricing their claims (Jensen and Meckling 1976), management have incentives to communicate information on the characteristics of the ICS in order to inform investors on the effectiveness of ICS when other monitoring mechanisms (the ownership structure of the firm and the board of directors) are weak, and thereby providing them with the convenient level of monitoring (Leftwich et al., 1981). The possible existence of substitution among different mechanisms has been debated in corporate governance literature (Rediker and Seth, 1995; Fernandez and Arrondo, 2005) based on Williamson’s (1983) substitute hypothesis, which argues that the marginal role of a particular control mechanism depends upon its relative importance in the governance system of the firm.

In this paper, we contend that disclosure on the characteristics of ICS is a relevant alternative governance mechanism in the monitoring package selected by the management. According to Leftwich et al. (1981) “managers select a monitoring package, and the composition of the chosen package depends on the costs and benefits of the various monitoring devices” (p. 59).

In particular, we focus particular on the relationship between ICS disclosure and two other mechanisms of the monitoring package ( the ownership structure of the firm and the board of directors) that according to literature (Jensen and Meckling, 1976; Fernandez and Arrondo,2005; Gillan, 2006) play a relevant role in monitoring management’s behavior. We posit that incentives for reporting on the characteristics of ICS depend on the supervisory role played by the firms’ ownership structure and board of directors.

We therefore examine the contents and extent of ICS disclosure of 160 European firms listed in four different stock exchanges (London, Paris, Frankfurt and Milan) on a three-year period (2003 – 2005). By using this international sample, we are able to the depict some features of different institutional environments.

We find evidence that disclosure on ICS is a substitute for the monitoring role played by other governance mechanisms as ownership concentration, institutional ownership, the proportion of independent directors sitting on the board and the proportion of accounting expert members on the audit committee.


We add to previous literature on the governance role played by disclosure on ICS by adopting a complete disclosure framework that allows us to consider in detail the content and extent of information the management discretionarily communicates on the ICS of the firm. While corporate governance best practices ask for the disclosure on the characteristics of the ICS, they do not provide instructions on what management should disclose and on the extent of such disclosure. Such lack of instructions leaves management with a discretionary choice on the narrative content of ICS disclosure.

This paper offers empirical support for Williamson’s (1983) substitute hypothesis among different governance mechanisms and it has relevant policy implications. While most corporate governance studies consider disclosure as a complementary mechanism management adopts to reinforce the governance system of the firm (Chen and Jaggi, 2000; Eng and Mak, 2003; Barako et al., 2006) and indeed provide contrasting results, in this study we show that disclosure on ICS substitutes for other governance mechanisms. This means that not necessarily better governance implies greater transparency and disclosure. Firms adhere to corporate governance best practices by disclosing information on the ICS and such disclosure is more extensive when investors need more assurance about the protection of their interests, when other governance mechanisms are weak. On the other side, when the governance system is sound, management have less incentives to extensively disclose information on the ICS, as this is a costly activity and its benefits are overwhelmed by the other governance mechanisms. The evidence provided by the empirical research has important policy implications, because it offers insights to firms and practitioners on the relevance of disclosure on internal control systems as a monitoring mechanism for investors. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The next section reviews the theoretical background and develops the research hypotheses. The research method is described in section 3, followed by results discussed in section 4. Concluding remarks are presented in the last section. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Development

According to corporate governance literature, the main internal monitoring mechanisms are the board of directors, the ownership structure of the firm, and the internal control system (Gillan, 2006). In particular, ICSs play a central role in the protection of investors’ interests both assuring the reliability of financial reporting and promoting the timely identification,



