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人教版高中英语必修4教师用书:Unit 3 Section - Learning - about - Language - - - Using - Language(含答案)

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Scan the passage and then choose the best answers according to the passage. 1.In the first dialogue the customer in fact means that ________. A.he doesn't know what it is now

B.he doesn't hear clearly what the waiter says C.he is not content with the soup D.he mistakes “bean” for “been”

2.In the third dialogue the customer really wants to know ________. A.the length of the pancake

B.how soon the pancake will be ready C.the size of the pancake D.the shape of the pancake

3.The passage mainly tells us ________. A.a joke made by two famous detectives

B.a dialogue between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

C.a misunderstanding between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson D.a story told by two famous detectives 4.From the story we can know that ________. A.Doctor Watson was quite honest

B.Sherlock Holmes was cleverer than Doctor Watson C.Doctor Watson was cleverer than Sherlock Holmes

D.Doctor Watson thought in an ordinary way while Sherlock Holmes in a funny way 答案:1~4 CBAD


1.whisper n.耳语;低语 vt. & vi.低语;小声说

2.particular adj.特殊的;特别的 n.细节;细目→particularly adv.特殊地;特别地

3.amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快→amused adj.愉快的;开心的→amusing adj.好笑的;有



趣的→amusement n.娱乐;消遣

4.explanation n.解释;讲解;说明→explain vt.&vi.解释;说明 5.occasion n.时刻;场合→occasional adj.偶然的;特殊场合的 6.actress n.女演员→actor n.男演员

7.react vi. 作出反应;回应→reaction n.反应;反作用

1.particularly adv.特殊地;特别地 ★背诵佳句培养语感

(教材原句) Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behaviour. 尤其是孩子们看到他的表演会大笑不止。

(鲜活例句) Traffic is bad, particularly in the city center. 交通状况很差,特别是在市中心。 ★归纳拓展全析考点

particular adj. 特殊的;特别的 n. 细节;细目 in particular (= particularly) 特别地;尤其 be particular about/over ... 对……挑剔 ①I like all the four seasons, spring in particular. = I like all the four seasons, particularly spring. 四个季节我都喜欢,尤其是春天。

②She is very particular_about her clothes, but she cares little for study. 她对衣着非常讲究,但不在乎学习。 2.amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快 ★背诵佳句培养语感

(教材原句) There are thousands of jokes which use “play on words” to amuse us.


(鲜活例句) The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games. 孩子们玩捉迷藏游戏取乐。 ★归纳拓展全析考点

(1)amused adj. 觉得好笑的;逗乐的 be amused at/by ... 对……觉得好笑 keep sb. amused 使某人快乐 .


(2)amusing adj. 好笑的 (3)amusement n. 愉悦;娱乐 to one's amusement 使某人感到好笑的是 ①We were all amused at his foolish behaviour. 我们为他那愚蠢的行为感到好笑。

②Playing with water can keep_children_amused for hours. 戏水可以使孩子们玩上好几小时。

③To_our_amusement,_his father watches cartoons for amusement. 使我们感到好笑的是,他爸爸看动画片消遣。 3.whisper n. 耳语;低语 vt.&vi. 低语;小声说 ★背诵佳句培养语感

(教材原句) Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered,“Watson, when you look at that beautiful sky, what do you think of?”


(鲜活例句) They spoke in whispers in case they should be heard. 他们低声说话,唯恐被别人听见。

(鲜活例句) Don't you know it's rude to whisper? 难道你不知道窃窃私语是不礼貌的吗? ★归纳拓展全析考点

(1)whisper to sb. 向某人低声说 It is/was whispered that ... 据秘密传闻…… (2)in a whisper = in whispers = in a low voice 耳语地;低声地 ①—What did he whisper to you just now? —He whispered a secret to me. ——刚才他对你耳语了什么? ——他小声告诉了我一个秘密。

②He told me an exciting piece of news in an excited whisper. 他压低声音激动地告诉了我一个激动人心的消息。 4.react vi. 作出反应;回应 ★背诵佳句培养语感

(教材原句) How do you think John will react to her? 你认为约翰将怎样回应她?

(鲜活例句) —How did your mother react to the news?



—She reacted by getting very angry. ——你妈妈对这条消息的反应怎样? ——她的反应是非常生气。

(鲜活例句) The chemist teacher shows us how iron reacts with air and water. 化学老师向我们展示铁是如何与空气、水起反应的。 ★归纳拓展全析考点 (1)react to sb./sth. 对某人/某事物作出反应;回应 react against sb./sth. 反对/反抗某人/某物 (2)reaction n. 反应;感应 reaction to sb./sth. 对某人/某事的反应 ①Local villagers reacted greatly to the new policy. 当地居民对这一新政策反应强烈。

②The boy often reacts_against his parents. 这个男孩经常和父母对抗。

③Her parents' reaction_to the news was surprisingly calm. 她父母对那条消息的反应出乎意料地平静。


1.My brother particularly (particular) likes to see an English film. 2.On this occasion I would like to say a few words. 3.I fail to see why you find it so amusing (amuse). 4.I in a whisper told them what I had seen. 5.How did they react to your suggestion?

6.Their water was cut off without explanation (explain) weeks ago. Ⅱ.完成句子


My son is_particular_about food. 2.我偶尔在俱乐部或剧院里遇到她。

I meet her on_occasion at the club or in the theatre. 3.大家听了关于那条狗的故事都被逗乐了。

Everyone was_amused_at/by the story about the dog.



4.她曾听到他对另外一个女孩说悄悄话。 She once heard him whisper_to_another_girl. 5.她对这消息有何反应? How did she react_to_the_news?

1.burst into laughter 放声大笑 2.on one occasion 有一次 3.pick up 拾起;捡起

4.treat ... as ... 把……当作/看作…… 5.in the open air 在露天;在户外 6.look up 向上看;查阅

7.react to 对……作出反应;回应 8.add up 合计;把……加起来

1.burst into 闯入;突然发作;突然……起来 ★背诵佳句培养语感

(鲜活例句) My wife burst into tears when she heard the bad news. 我妻子听到这个坏消息就哭了起来。

(鲜活例句) He burst into the room while we were studying. 我们正在学习的时候他冲进了房间。 ★归纳拓展全析考点

burst into tears/laughter 突然大哭/大笑 burst out laughing/crying 突然大笑/大哭 ①She burst into laughter, which made us surprised. 她突然笑了起来,这使我们很吃惊。

②The girl burst_out_crying/into_tears at the look of her mother. 那女孩一见到她妈妈就哭了起来。

2.treat ...as ... 把……看作/当作…… ★背诵佳句培养语感

(教材原句) The second person treats it as a question about shape. 第二个人把它看作一个有关形状的问题。

(鲜活例句) I decided to treat his words as a joke.


人教版高中英语必修4教师用书:Unit 3 Section - Learning - about - Language - - - Using - Language(含答案)


