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高考之前,各位考生需要从以下几个方面做好准备: 词法、句法、时态与语态、非谓语动词、虚拟语气、倒装句 接下来我们分别对这些知识进行讲解阐释:




学习方法:牢固掌握每个词性的句法功能,及每个句子成分都由哪些词性的单词构成。主抓实词,兼顾虚词,总结固定词组。 ①名词 A.句法功能

主语:The book is on the desk. 表语:The tall man is a singer. 宾语:I found a cat on the grass. 宾语补足语:We call him a hero. 定语:I found a stone wall in the village.

同位语:Mr. Liu, our English teacher, is very handsome. 状语:The desk weighs 20 kilograms. B. 所有格 a.含义: 表所属关系: my mom’s dress 表类别: a woman’s school

表动作的执行者或承受者: my father’s praise


‘s所有格 表有生命的 my father’s car

of所有格 表无生命的 the cover of the book

双重所有格 表部分概念或某种感情 a friend of my sister’s ②冠词

不定冠词:a, an 表泛指,每一,类别,抽象名词具体化 定冠词: the 表特指的人或物 零冠词:表许多特殊含义和特殊用法 ③代词 A人称代词

主格:I you he she it we you they 宾格:me you him her it us you them B 物主代词

形容词性:my you’re his her its our you’re their 名词性:mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs C 反身代词

单数 myself yourself himself herself itself 复数 ourselves yourselves themselves D 相互代词

each other one another each other’s one another’s E 指示代词

this that these those such same F 疑问代词

who whom whose which what G 连接代词

who whom which what that whose whoever whomever .*



whichever等 H 关系代词

who whom whose which that as I 不定代词 人 物 -body -one -thing -where every- everybody everyone everything some- somebody someone something any- anybody anyone anything anywhere no- nobody no one nothing nowhere everywhere somewhere 注意:1. –body和-one同义

2. –thing有两个意思:东西和事情

3. some 有两个意思:一些和某一 some book some books 4. 不定代词的定语要后置 J it的用法 A用作代词

a. 代上文提到的同一物 b. 代上文的指示代词

c. 代天气、时间、距离、环境等 d. 代不清楚的一个人 e. 代整个句子 B. 形式主语

It’s important for you to learn English well. C. 形式宾语

Our boss made it clear that he would go abroad next month. D. 强调句型

It is/was +主/宾/状+that/who +其余成分 ④数词

A. 年月日时刻及年代表达法 a.基本顺序是月、日、年


b. 具体时刻用at c. 具体某一天用on 举例:

at 3:40 on Sep 1st, 2009 in Aug, 2004 in the 1980’s B. 分数

构成:基数词/序数词 分子大于1时,分母用复数 a half a quarter five and four sixths

注意:本身没有单复数,根据它所代替的名词而决定 C.百分数


注意:本身没有单复数,根据它所代替的名词而决定。D. 倍数表达方法

My room is twice larger than his room. = My room is twice as large as his room. = My room is twice the size of his room. = The area of my room is twice that of his room. = The area of my room is twice what his room has. 总结: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


long – length high – height wide – width deep – depth E. 数词和名词构成复合形容词

a two-day holiday a 100-meter-tall building 总结:名词作定语用单数 ⑤ 介词 A. 按形式分类

简单介词:in on at to from 复合介词:into onto inside without

weight .*

短语介词:according to in front of because of instead of 双重介词:from under from behind until after except for 分词介词:considering including regarding B. 按意义分类

时间:before after about past 地点:at in on near

原因、目的:for, because of owing to with 所属、伴随:of, with

除了:except but besides except for 方法、手段:in by with without 关于:on about of over ⑥ 形容词与副词 A. 形容词 句法功能 a定语

I think he is the great man alive in the world. b宾语补足语

You must keep your room tidy and clean. c 状语

The boy lay on the bed, very angry. 位置 a. 前置 He has a red coat. b. 后置

I want to tell you something important. B. 副词 分类

a. 时间 now today already recently b. 地点 home here below ahead

for the sake of due to as a result of



