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1. 覆盖了所有的要点 2. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇 3. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑 4. 语言得体

要素一: 内容完整 、相关



提示: 1、浪费现象:水、电、餐厅的食物及其他; 2、危害:自身性格,父母财政负担,自然资源; 3、制止浪费现象的措施:由自己设想。

要求:1、词数120左右;演讲的开头和结尾已写好,不记入总词数。 2、不要逐字逐条翻译,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。 How can we organize the passage? Para.1 Para.2 Para.3

要素二: 行文连贯,结构严谨



表__________ 表__________ and,both…and,as well as,as well, also, neither…nor,or,either…or besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover, not only…,but also…, for one thing…for another, what’s more/worse, worse still 表__________ however, while, but, yet, still, in spite of, despite, on the contrary, on one hand…, on the other hand, nevertheless 表__________ for example, such as, in other words, as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, that is to say, 表__________ therefore, thus, hence, otherwise, thanks to..., due to..., owe…to, consequently, accordingly, as a result, for the reason that…, so that 表__________ personally speaking, in my opinion, as far as I am concerned/ know, as we all know, As far as I can see…, It seems to me that…/ from my point of view… 表__________ in a word, in short, in brief, as has been stated, as I have shown, We can safely draw a conclusion that…, all in all, on the whole 表__________ first, second, third, last/firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally/the first, the second, the third, the last/in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly/to begin with, then, furthermore, finally/to start with, next, finally/first and foremost, last but not least, most important of all 表__________ first, then, later, in the end, eventually, since then, after a while, at last 请为下面两段话加上合适的过渡语:

1、The bad habit of being wasteful will have a bad effect on their own character. It adds financial burden to their parents. The world’s limited natural resources will be used up.

2、We should have a clear awareness of the serious situation. We should educate the students to form the good habit. We should start with ourselves and take the lead in reducing the waste to save everything.




Translate:保持平常心。keep a normal heart.(╳) →Keep a normal state of mind. /Keep an easy mind. /Take it easy. Correct the mistakes:

1) Someone could hardly receive the result. So they lose their heart. 2) We should find out our poor points in our studies and throw them away. 3) I think we should think more good thinks.

4) They dare not raise their heads before the other students. 5) Through traveling, I learned a lot of knowledge. 2、词汇量不足采取应急措施 1)联想同义词

I had a nightmare last night. = I had a ___________ last night. He is stupid. = He is __________. = He is a __________. = He is _________. The food is delicious. = The food is ____________. = The food is __________ to eat. They discontinued the work at five. = They __________ the work at five. His temper is nasty. = His temper is __________. = He has a __________ temper. 2)联想反义词

He is tame. = He is not ____________.

The knife is blunt. = The knife is not _____________. This is expensive. = This is not ____________. She is talkative. = She is never ____________.



He is a dumb. = He is a person who _____________________. He refused. = He said ________________.

I‘ve never seen such a stubborn person. = I’ve never seen such a person who __________________.



1、 使用高级词汇,避免重复用词

I like reading while my brother likes watching television.

→I like reading while my brother _____________________ watching television.

原 词 替换词 diligently rather\\ extremely attach importance to delighted\\ enjoyable the increasing number of \\ increasingly 2、注意使用词组、习语谚语、表强调的词来代替一些单词、句子,以增加文采。 1)Don’t worry about your expenses for university education, and we will try to help you. →Don’t worry about your expenses for university education, and we will ___________________ __ to help you.

2) At that time the taxi driver had to ask the tourist for help.


→At that time the taxi driver _______________________________ the tourist. 3) I had a good idea.

→I ________________ a good idea./A good idea _____________________ me. 4) A new railway is being built in my hometown. →A new railway ______________________ in my hometown. 5) The teacher who carried a book in his hand smiled to the students who are in the classroom. →The teacher _______________________ smiled to the students _____________________. 3、 使用高级句型 1) 肯定不如双否好

例如 “邮递员天天准时到”, The postman comes on time every day.,

双重否定, The postman never fails to come on time.

In the neighborhood there is nobody who does not know me. 在这儿,我绝对是个名人。 请用双重否定翻译下列句子: 没有磨难,就没有胜利。

_________________________________________________________________________. 我从不看不感兴趣的小说。





