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英语倒装句型 【专升本必考题型】

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倒装的实质:语序(谓语+主语) 倒装的作用:强调

倒装的分类:全部倒装和半倒装(必考点) 谓语: 1. be+表语

2.情态动词+动词原形 3.实义动词


1. 表示否定意味的副词位于句首,采取全倒装。

Eg:(1).She hardly stays up too late on weekend.

半倒:Hardly does she stay up too late on weekends.

(2). She at no time goes to the bar. 半倒:At no time does she go to the bar. 2. 主倒从不倒

(1). Hardly/ scarcely...when=no sooner... than

将hardly/scarcely/no sooner 位于句首,主句


Eg: I had hardly entered the room when I heard the ring.

半倒:Hardly had I entered the the room when I heard the ring.

总结:Hardly/Scarcely/No sooner +had +主语+done+....when/than....

(2).only +副词/介词短语/时间状语从句, 主句(be/情态动词/助动词+主语+表语/动词原形)

Eg: Only in this way can we protect the environment.

Eg: Only when she comes back do I know the news.

3. 前倒后不倒

(1)So/such...that... “如此。。。以至于。。。” Eg: she is so beautiful that I can not breathe. 半倒: So beautiful is she that I can not breathe.

总结:So/such +adj./adv.+be/情态动词/助动词+主语+其他+that 从句(不倒装) 真题:

So_________ that she has no time to rest. A. Busy she was B. Busy was she C. Was she busy D. She was busy

(2)Not only...but also... “不仅...而且。。。” Eg: i am not only lonely but also i miss you. Not only am I lonely but also i miss you. (3)Not ...but...“不是。。。而是。。。” Eg: it is not you dead but i am dead. 半倒:Not is it dead but i am dead. 4. as “尽管” 引导让步状语从句

结构:adj./adv./n.+as +主语+谓语,主句. V. +as +主语+would/could, 主句. Eg: Try as I could,I failed at last. Ugly as i am, i am gentle.

Strong as he is, he can not hold up her. Child as he is, he knows a lot. a / an /the 不能在名词前。

5. If 引导的虚拟条件句的半倒装(必考) 条件:if 从句中有had/were/should时, 可


eg: if I were a boy, i would drink beers with guys and chase after the girl.

==Were I a boy, i would drink beers with guys and chase after the girl.

Eg: if he had eaten the rice, he would have been fat.

==had he eaten the rice, he would have been fat.

Eg: if it should rain tomorrow, we would sleep. ==should it rain tomorrow, we would sleep. 6. 前面句子(肯定), so+be/情态动词/助动词+主语。“也一样”

Eg: she can dance, so can I. She likes ice-cream, so do I. 前面句子(否定),neither/nor+be/情态动词/助动词+主语。“也不一样”

Eg: he can not sing, neither/nor can I.

注意:so/neither/nor +主语+be/情态动词/助动词 “的确如此”

英语倒装句型 【专升本必考题型】


