在 职 证 明
兹证明 人名(护照号: )为我公司正式在职员工, 年
月入职,职位为 ,平均月收入约 元人民币,年收入: 元人民币
我司同意她在 年 月 日至 日带薪休假去 旅游,并保证她会按时返回中国。
总经理: 年 月 日
Confirmation of employment
It is certified that Wang Sheng chuan (Passport No. E31431553 ) is our formal employee, who entered our company in 1983.9, as worker, with average monthly salary of RMB 4334.8, and annual salary of RMB 52024.Our company agrees him to have a vacation to Germany to
visit relatives in June 2014. and will give him normal
salary during his vacation; we guarantee him will come back to China on time.
1.All his costs in the vication will borne by himself. 2.He will abide by the local laws and regulations. 3. After the end of the holiday he will be returned, holds
his office.
Tel: 0634 - 6811555 Luzhong Mining
Co., Ltd. of Xiaoguanzhuang Iron Mine
Date:March 28 2014