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人教版运城市2020年九年级英语Unit 5学案(带答案)

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Unit5 What are the shirts made of?

Section A 1a-2d

Learning aims:

1. 理解、掌握和运用与日常生活相关的生词和短语。 2. 学习被动语态的肯定句、一般疑问句和否定句 Important and difficult points:

1. 被动语态的肯定句、一般疑问句和否定句 2. be made of/ be made from/ be made in 一、重点词汇

1.筷子 _________ 2. 硬币__________ 3. 餐叉__________ 4.银,银色的________ 5. 玻璃_______ 6. 钢________ 7.叶子________ __________(pl.) 8. 广泛地__________ 9.由…制成_____________/ _____________________ 10.因……而出名__________________/_________________ 11.全世界____________________/_________________

12.as far as I know __________ 14.the art and science fair_______ 二、重点句型 1.这枚戒指是银制的。

The ring _____ _______ ______ silver. 2.它是泰国制造的。

It _____ ______ ______ Thailand. 3.这幅画是由什么制作的?

What_____ the painting ______ ______? 4.杭州因西湖而闻名。

Hangzhou _____ _____ _____ the West Lake. 三、精选试题

1.This ring is made of s_______. 2.The desk is made of w_______. 3.Tea is p_______ in many different areas.

4.Anxi and Hangzhou are w_____ known for their tea.

5.When the leaves are ready, they are p_____ by hand. ( )6.The Olympic Games ______ every four years. A are holding B are held C were held ( )7.Usually computers ____ to search the Internet. A use B are using C are used ( )8.Hangzhou is famous ____ tea.

A as B for C in

( )9.Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular. It ____ in many schools around the world.

A is taught B is teaching C teaches 10.This book was written by Mo Yan.(改为否定句) This book _____ _______ by Mo Yan.

11.The classroom is cleaned by students every day.(一般疑问句) ___________________________________________________ 12.The boy is taken care of by the old woman.(变为主动句) ____________________________________________________ 13.The sweater is made of wool. ( 对划线部分提问) ________________________________________


1. Silver 2. wood 3.planted 4. widely 5.picked 6-9 B C B A 10. wasn’t written

11. Is the classroom cleaned by students every day? 12.The old woman takes care of the boy. 13. What is the sweater made of?

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

Section A 3a-3b

Learning Aims

1. 能够阅读并且理解关于中美文化对比的短文; 2. 能在短文中找到并运用关于被动语态的语言结构; 3. 能够理解并且掌握指示代词的指代关系。 Important and Difficult Points 用被动语态描述物产及其产地。 一、重点词汇

1.German(复数)___________ 2. postman(复数)______________ 3. 法国______ 法语_______ 4.德国_______ 德国人_______ 5. 避免做某事__________ 6. search for=_______________ 7. 无论什么_________;___________8.尽管,虽然______________ 9. 美国品牌______________ 10. 一位17岁的学生 ____________ 二、重要句型


The _______ ________ is _____ ______wood and glass. 2.虽然大多数玩具是美国牌子,但它们是在中国制造的。

_______ _______most of the toys were American brands, they ______ _______ ______China.


Americans can _____ _____ _____ products made in China. 4. 我原以为这个工作很难,事实上它很容易。

I thought the work was difficult._____ ______, it was very easy. 三、精选试题

1. More and more tea plants _______(grow) in our hometown.

2. In order to avoid_______(waste) resources, we must recycle them as much as possible.

3. Many ______(product) in the local shops were made in China. 4. School is a _____(日常的) event for most children.

5. You can hardly avoid _____ (meet) her if you both work in the same office. 6._____ ______(无论) who you are, you must obey the rules. 7. Most of these _______ (produce) are made in foreign countries.

8.After a long talk with his teacher, Billy got better at _____ (learn) English. ( )9. He always wears his ________ clothes, it makes everyone think he doesn’t have much money.

A. beautiful B. new C. everyday

( )10. Many trees and flowers ________ in our city every year. A. planted B.are planted C. were planted ( )11.—Your shirt looks nice. What is it made _________? — Silk,and it is made _____ Shanghai. A. in;of B. of, in C. of ;from

( )12. The traffic is terribly busy in the morning.You’d better avoid ______ in the center of the city.

A. drive B. driving C. to drive


1. are grown 2. wasting 3.products 4. everyday/ daily 5. meeting 6.No matter 7. products 8. learning 9-12 C B B B

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section A Grammar focus -Section B 1a-1e

Learning aims:

At the end of the class, students can

1. Read and use the key words: Germany, material, traffic, postman, international, competitor, cap, surface

2. Understand and use the passive voice with am, is, are Important and difficult points:

Understand and use the passive voice: “be+ Vp.p” 一、重点词汇

1.Germany _______--_________(德国人)--__________(pl.) 2. postman_______ 3.traffic accidents ____________ 4.international ______---________(国家) 5.competitor________---___________(竞赛n.)--____________(竞赛v.) 6.the surface of _____________ 7. be made in _____________ 8.many different kinds of kites __________ 9. 放风筝______________ 10.国际风筝节________________________ 11.find out ___________ 二、重点句型


What’s the model plane _______ _______? 2.茶树被种在山的两边。

Tea plants _____ ______ on the ______ _____ the mountain. 3.郑云看到的一些风筝是由塑料制成的。

Some of the kites Zheng Yun saw _______ ______ _____ plastic. 4.国际风筝节每年在潍坊被举行。

The international ______ ______ is ______ in Wei Fang every year. 5.很多交通事故都是由于粗心驾驶造成的。

Many traffic accidents _______ _______ by _______ driving.

人教版运城市2020年九年级英语Unit 5学案(带答案)


