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1.There’s no question that the ads had a real impact _____ the public. A.to B.with C.on D.of 答案:C


2.No one was aware ________ Jane had gone. A.where that B.of the place C.of where D.the place 答案:C

解析:be aware of 常用短语,表示“知道......”。

3.The rest of the magazines ________ on sale today. A.is B.have C.are D.has 答案:C

解析:主语 magazines 是可数名词的复数,系动词应该用复数。

4.Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has ________ IQ. A.a high B.a higher C.the higher D.the highest 答案:B


5. Frank plays ________ Alex. A.a lot more better than B.a lot better than

C.much more better than D.much more well than 答案:B


6. Either of these young ladies ________ perfectly qualified to teach Greek, Latin and French. A.were B.are

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D.have been 答案:C

解析:either 作为代词表示两者之中任何一个,作主语时谓语动词为单数。

7.The question ________ finally, we went home. A.to be settled B.settling

C.having settled D.settled 答案:D


8._______ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday. A.In spite of B.But for C.Because of D.As or 答案:B

解析:But for 表示“要不是......”

9.The temperature________, the chemical reaction is being speeded up. A.raised

B.being risen C.rising D.raising 答案:C

解析:现在分词的用法,在句中充当伴随状语,以及自动词 rise 和它动词 raise 的区别。

10.If he had worked harder, he ________ the exams. A.must have got through B.would get through

C.would have got through D.could get through 答案:C

解析:虚拟语气在条件句中的用法:表示与过去的事实相反,谓语动词的主要形式如表所示:条件从句主句 had+过去分词Would( should,could,might)+have+过去分词eg: If you had come a little earlier, you could have met him.

11.Women workers wear hats their hair gets caught in the machinery. A.if

B.in case C.unless D.because 答案:B

解析:in case 表示“万一”,引导让步状语从句。

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12.You can’t imagine _____ when they received these gifts. A.how they were excited B.how excited they were C.how excited they have D.they were how excited 答案:B


13.Word has come _____ some guests from Canada will visit our school. A.what B.that C.whether D.when 答案:B

解析:同位语从句一般由某些抽象名词news, fact, belief, idea, suggestion, advice等由连词that引导的从句构成。与定语从句不同的是:同位语从句只是进一步阐述或说明所修饰的词的详细内容,并且只能用that作连接词。

14.We don’t doubt ________ he can make a good job of it. A.if B.that C.what D.why 答案:B


15.The village ________ my mother grew up in is not far from the city. A.what B.where C.which D.wherever 答案:C

解析:限制性定语从句,in which 引导定语从句修饰 The village 。

16.8. The more he tried to help her, ________ she seemed to appreciate it. A.less B.the less C.the least D.the lesser 答案:B

解析: The more......The more......,常用句型,表示越......越......。

17._____ the old man’s sons wanted to know was _____ the gold had been hidden. A.That…what B.What…where

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