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20春学期《大学英语(一)X》在线平时作业2 试卷总分:100 得分:100

一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)

1.I tried to ________ him at his office but he wasn't in. A.touch B.contract C.contain D.contact 答案:D

2.--Excuse me, look at the sign NO SMOKING! --Sorry, I ________ it. A.won't see B.haven't seen C.don't see D.didn't see 答案:D

3.It is universally______ that dogs have an acute sense of smell. A.known B.admit C.admired

D.acknowledged 答案:D

4.The boss asked her to take ________ of the office for a few days while he was away. A.task B.hand C.duty D.charge 答案:D

5.He walked ________ fast for us ________catch up with. A.too,to B.such, that C.so, that D.enough, to 答案:A

6.To a doctor, the most important thing is _______. A.to saving B.to be saved C.saving D.saved 答案:C

7.I could speak their language and identify _____ their problems because I had been there myself A.with B.to C.on D.\\ 答案:A

8.Some people don’t think that online articles are _____reports on facts. A.reliable B.prevalent C.dependent D.available 答案:A

9.After the big accident, the police try to order. A.restore B.keep C.fix D.break 答案:A

10.All her children are clever, but the youngest daughter is really_____. A.unconventional B.expected C.exceptional D.conventional 答案:C

11.Mr. Li would like to _________ us an interesting story. A.tell B.talk C.speak D.say 答案:A

12.I'll let you know as soon as he _________. A.will come back B.is coming back C.comes back D.come back 答案:C

13.Not until recently did I _____the college life. A.use to B.used to C.used in D.get used to 答案:D

14.--______ do you like China? --I think it is very beautiful. A.Which B.Where C.What D.How 答案:D

15.–Do you like football? --No, I have _______ interest in it. A.little B.few

C.a little D.a few 答案:A

16.--How long have you ________there? --About four years. A.worked B.left C.gone D.come 答案:A

17.It is not _____to quarrel with your boss. A.worthy B.worth C.value D.valuable 答案:A

18.___________ travelers come to visit our city every year.

A.Hundreds of B.Hundred of C.Hundred

D.Five hundreds 答案:A

19._______ cold it is today!



