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2020年中考英语第二轮复习 语法专项动词习题含答案

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A. tells B. told C. has told D. is told

非谓语动词 I. 选择填空

1. —Do you want to a movie with me tomorrow? —I’m afraid not. I have something important to do. A. go B. to go C. going D. went

2. Don’t forget Mike for his telephone number if you meet him next time.

A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked 3. From then on, Mary practiced the piano every day.

A. play B. to play C. played D. playing

4. —Mary was heard just now. What happened? —John was telling a joke.

A. cry B. to cry C. laugh D. to laugh

5. —What did Mr Wang say to you?

—He told me a storybook to class again.

A. not bring B. can’t bring C. not to bring D. didn’t bring

6. —Do you mind my on the TV now? —No, not at all.

A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned

7. —Does your teacher allow you such a skirt at school?

—I don’t think so.

A. to wear B. wearing C. to wearing D. wear

8. You’d better her the bad news now.

A. don’t tell B. not tell C. won’t tell D. no to tell

9. My father still remembers how to ride a bike himself when he was in primary school.

A. learn B. to learning C. learning D. to learn

10. It’s so nice of you to offer me with the work. A. to help B. helping C. help D. helped

II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空

11. They had to get up early (catch) the train.

12. It’s hard (finish) the work by myself, I need some help.

13. Listen! The bell rings. It’s time for us (have ) class.

14. I’m very glad (hear)from you again.

15. —I don’t think the article is easy for a child (understand).

—You’re right.

16. His parents make him (stay) at home on Sundays.

17. “Stop (play) computer games as soon as possible, and pay attention to your study,” Mum said to Jim. 18. —I don’t know how (work) out the math problem.

—Neither do I.

19. Lucy stopped (do) her homework and played for a while with her little sister.

20. The teacher told Tom not (forget) his homework.

短语动词 I. 选择填空

1. —Who does the watch ? —It’s my father’s.

A. belong to B. come from C. look at D. point at

2. ! The traffic lights have already turned red.

A. Pick up B. Look out C. Call up D. Try out

3. —Hurry up, Jim! We’d better not keep your mother us for a long time, or she will be angry.

—I’m coming, Dad.

A. waiting for B. catching up with C. listening to D. looking forward to

4. Mary was late for school this morning because she late.

A. took off B. put up C. found out D. woke up

5. We must win the game, and not give others any chance to us.

A. look for B. think about C. laugh at D. agree with

6. —How much did you the book? —Twenty yuan.

A. look after B. pay for C. run out of D. look through

7. I think math is very difficult to learn. Do you me?

A. agree with B. learn from C. agree on D. learn about

8. Linda tried her best to Maria, but Maria still felt sad at the news.

A. show up B. get back C. cheer up D. give back

9. —I want to buy a ticket to the football game. —Sorry, we have all the tickets.

A. given away B. sold out C. tried out D. put up

10. —How do you your parents? —Very well.

A. think up B. come up with C. think about D. get along with

11. —David, could you please the TV? It’s too noisy.

—Sorry, I’ll do it right now.

A. turn up B. turning up C. turn down D. turning down

12. They have to the sports meet because of the bad weather.

A. put off B. put on C. put up D. put out

13. The plane from Beijing to Taiyuan will in 20 minutes.

A. take up B. take away C. take out D. take off

14. —What is your brother going to be when he ? —He is going to be a doctor.

A. wakes up B. grows up C. stands up D. hurries up

15. —Boys and girls! Please your compositions after class.

—Oh, my God! I left mine at home.

A. hand in B. put up C. write down D. set up

II. 根据汉语完成英语句子

16. 我妈妈喜欢在晚上翻阅杂志。

My mother likes to magazines in the evening.

17. 把你出的错记录在笔记本上是明智之举。

It is wise of you to the mistakes you have made in the notebook.

18. 他的问题是爱炫耀自己的知识和经验。

The trouble with him is that he likes to his knowledge and experience. 19. 他喜欢和医生交朋友。

He likes to doctors. 20. 有问题,请举手。

Please your hand if you have any questions to ask.

21. 许丽和她的朋友每个周日都去公园捡废纸。

Xu Li, with her friends, waste paper in the park every Sunday.

22. 飞机即将起飞,全体乘客都系好了安全带。

As the aircraft was ready to , all the passengers fastened their seat belts.

23. 那位彬彬有礼的小女孩很容易相处。 The polite girl is easy to . 24. 主管迟迟未到,会议只好推迟。

The director didn’t , and the meeting had to be .

25. 我很久没有收到朋友约翰的信了。

I haven’t my friend, John, for a long time.

2020年中考英语第二轮复习 语法专项动词习题含答案


