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_________________________________号证考准 __________________________名姓 _____________________校学 2014年“上外杯”上海市高三英语竞赛

初 赛 试 卷




I. Grammar and Vocabulary (1*20)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Although his father is ______ and his mother is _______, Josh, like many other second-generation immigrants, sees himself as ______. A. English … a French … an American B. an English … French … American C. an English … a French … American D. English … French … an American

2. The king of hearts is the only one of the kings in a set of playing cards who ______ mustache. A. doesn’t have B. don’t have C. doesn’t have a D. don’t have a 3. It was ______ first discovered and published T.S. Eliot’s famous poem The Waste Land.

A. them who B. they who C. them that D. they whose 4. His voice ______ as he reaches puberty, the teen pop sensation is struggling to hit high notes. A. breaks B. breaking C. has broken D. broken

5. Only when the age-old distrust between the two nations is overcome _________ to the area.

A. lasting peace will be restored B. will lasting peace be restored C. will be lasting peace restored D. will be restored lasting peace

6. It is such a delicate face that the girl has ______ she looks like someone straight out of a painting. A. as

B. that

C. which

D. who

7. Today, none of the artist’s other works is __________ this one. A. fondly remembered as B. fondly remembered such as C. as fondly remembered as D. such fondly remembered as

8. In the not-too-distant future, across the wasteland of ______, a lone warrior must fight to save the future of humanity. A. what once was America

B. which once was America

C. what America once was D. where once was America

9. In order to be eligible to play in playoffs, players ______ present for at least 50 percent of games for the team they are registered on. A. may have been B. must have been C. could have been D. should have been

10. She said she would have sent a car for me ________ that I was arriving today. A. if it didn’t slip her mind B. if it weren’t to slip her mind C. had it not slipped her mind D. shouldn’t it slipped her mind

11. Unable to take his mind off things, Jacob lay ______ half the night last night. A. woken B. awaken C. awake D. awoke

12. It ______ everyone that the couple, who always appeared very happy together, announced they were getting a divorce. A. entertained B. astonished C. frightened D. moved

13. The only witness to the crime battled with his ______ over whether he should testify in court. A. consciousness B. subconscious C. conscience D. intellect

14. The store ______ to refund your money if you are not satisfied with your purchase.

A. guarantees B. proposes C. ceases D. threatens

15. The company’s share price ______ overnight after it reported a quarterly loss of $132 million. A. vibrated B. plunged C. resumed D. splurged 16. The recipe book may tell you to add butter, but for those on a diet, there are a number of low-fat ______ that can be used in this soup. A. alternatives B. selections C. productions D. utensils

17. The final is also extremely important for the home team as they seek to ______ the humiliating defeat a month ago at the hands of their long-time rivals. A. revenge B. repay C. avenge D. reverse

18. The investigation concluded that Dr. Dalton had been ______ in not giving the patient a full examination, and for that the doctor has been suspended. A. sensitive B. cautious C. proficient D. negligent

19. Ryan is the kind of person who always makes plans in advance, while his wife is much more ______.

A. generous B. simultaneous C. spontaneous D. glamorous 20. In surveys, a majority of doctors express weakened enthusiasm for medicine and say they would ______ a friend or family member to enter the profession.

A. prohibit B. discourage C. distinguish D. distract

II. Cloze (1*30)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


Dogs are often said to look like their owners, but the breed someone chooses could also reveal key aspects of their personality, psychologists claim.

They found that people __21__ different types of dog depending on their lifestyle and character, though they typically don’t realize it.

Corgi owners, such as the Queen, tend to be extroverted, __22__ Sir Isaac Newton’s Pomeranian could have signaled that he was creative and intelligent, the study suggested. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s choice of a cocker spaniel puppy, Lupo, may __23__ that they are agreeable and conscientious, while owners of greyhounds and beagles are more likely to be emotionally stable.

This could be because, like in a romantic relationship, we tend to __24__ ourselves with pets that we feel we share something in common with, researchers from Bath Spa University found.

It could also __25__ our lifestyle, with active dogs like retrievers and greyhounds appealing more to people who enjoy spending time __26__, they added.

Dr. Lance Workman and Jo Fearon surveyed 1,000 dog owners via an online questionnaire on behalf of the Kennel Club.

The questions were designed to test the so-called “Big Five” traits that __27__ our personality: extroversion, agreeableness, emotional stability, conscientiousness and intelligence.

Dr. Workman said there was a definite link between a dog’s __28__ and their owner’s personality. “I think when you look for a dog at some level, largely __29__, you look for something that is a bit like you,” he said. “It’s a bit like a romantic partner. If they __30__ they will probably last, and contrary to popular opinion, with romantic partners opposites don’t attract—you need to have a lot __31__ if it’s going to last.”

But it also has to suit your lifestyle, he added. If you’re going to get a(n) __32__ breed, you need to be an outdoor type person.

Someone’s choice of dog could also reveal __33__ personality traits that do not immediately come across from watching them or listening to them speak.

The Queen’s __34__ for corgis, for example, may signal that she is more extroverted than she appears to be, Dr. Workman explained.



