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牛津译林版八年级英语下册8B U4 A good read重点词组归纳及巩固训练(含答案)

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8BU4 A good read

1. a good read


你已决定怎么处理这些书了吗? 处理,对付

不得不用它们来够冰箱上的盒子 你喜欢什么类型的书? 读一本有关二战德国的书 提高我对过去的知识的了解 在某人的空闲时间 法国作家雨果写的一本小说 那个丑男人的故事真的感动了我。 撞到礁石


2. Have you decided what to do with these books? do with

3. have to use them to reach the box on the fridge 4. What type of book do you like?

5. read a book about Germany in World War II 6. improve my knowledge of the past 7. in one's spare/free time

8. a novel by the French writer Hugo

9. The story of the ugly man really touched me. 10. crash against the rocks 11. I swam as far as I could.

12. By the time I finally felt the land under my feet,I was tired out. (feel-felt-felt) 到最后我双脚触地时,我精疲力尽。 13. fall down on the beach 14. be tied to the ground

倒在沙滩上 被绑在地上 把.....系在...... 向上翻越过我的肚子

tie ---tied- tied---tying tie sth to sth

15. move up over my stomach(stomachs) 16. be the same size (n) as my little finger =be as big as my little finger 和我的小手指一样大 17. shout at sb. 18. fall over


摔倒( fall-fell -fallen) 继续翻过我的身体

19. continue moving across my body continue doing/ to do sth

20.I did not know what to say either 21.pull/get one hand free

我也不知道说什么(either否定句末“也”) 腾出一只手



22. manage to break the ropes 23. lift my left hand into the air 24. a huge army of tiny people


我不知道该怎么逃走。 他发现他动弹不了。 站在某人的肩膀上


25. I didn't know how to get away. 26. He found himself unable to move. 27. stand on one's shoulder

28. Daniel did not say who to talk to about his book 29. Daniel taught himself how to use a computer to draw. 丹尼尔自学如何用电脑画画。

30.You can ask your parents how much money to take with you. 你可以问问你父母你要随身带多少钱。

31. Mr. Wu advised us which to choose as after-school activities. (advise sb to do sth) 吴老师向我们建议选哪一门作为课外活动。 32. Suzy is wondering who to ask for help.Suzy


33. Are you clear when to meet at the gate tomorrow? 你清楚明天什么时候在大门口见面吗? 34. They are discussing which colour to paint the walls. 他们在讨论用哪种颜色来粉刷墙壁。 35. recommend so many interesting books


36. find out how to travel around the world in such a short time 找出如何在那么短的时间内环游世界 37. hand in our book report (hand it in)


38. You can write anything about your book--what the book is about,what you think of it and so on. 你可以写任何关于书的事,比如本书是关于什么,你的感受等等 think of 考虑,想起

39.read some reviews about the book before writing 40. He is always there to help us. 41. take her daughter from school

写作前读一些有关这本书的评论 他总是在那儿帮助我们。 接她女儿放学

你必须让书保持干净整洁 你不能在书上画画和写字。 你必须准时还书。 (in time及时)

42. You must keep the books clean and tidy. 43. You mustn't draw or write in the books. 44. You must return the books on time.

45. If you want to keep them longer, you have to renew them. 如果你想再要借的久一点,你得续借。

46. You don't have to bring your student card every time, but remember to bring your library card. 你不必每次都带学生证,但记得带好图书证。

47.get the idea for the first Harry Potter story on a train trip to London 前往伦敦的火车旅途中,萌发了创作第一部哈利波特的念头 48. finish the seventh book of the series 49. all the British publishing houses 50. refuse to publish it 51. be a great success

完成了系列丛书中的第七本 所有的英国出版社 拒绝出版refuse to do 获得很大成功


52. It has been translated into about 70 languages.

53. over 450 million copies in over 200 countries and areas 在200多个国家和地区超过4亿5千万册 54. a Canadian librarian

一位加拿大图书管理员 电脑上搜索信息

55. search for information on the computer on the Internet/ on TV/on the radio 56.How many books can I borrow at a time? at times=from time to time 有时,间或; 57. How long can I keep the books?

我一次可以借多少本书? all the time 一直,总是 这些书我可以借多久?

58. You don't have to come to our desk every time. 59. on the one hand .. on the other (hand)

你不必每次都来我们服务台办理。 一方面...另一方面

60. a story of a young boy who sailed the sea to look for hidden treasure 一个出海航行去寻隐藏宝藏的小男孩的故事 61. the main character in the book 62. give me a lot of confidence 63.I am not as shy as I used to be.

书中的主角 给我许多自信

我不像以前那样害羞了。 事实上,我比他知道得多。 有许多激动人心的经历 有许多有用的经验 中国四大名著

我的大部分书是在阳光图书馆借的 在我家对面

给我许多有关书的建议 就某事向某人征求建议 建议做某事 建议某人做某事 讨论读什么 (和某人)谈论某事

有助于我在忙碌一天后放松一下 给我开启一个全新的世界

64. In fact, I know much more than he does. 65.have many exciting experiences [C] have much useful experience [U]

66. the four great classical Chinese novels

67. get most of my books from Sunshine Library 68. be opposite (prep.) my house

69.give me lots of advice[U] on books ask sb for advice (n.) on sth. advise (v.) doing sth advise sb to do

70. discuss what to read discuss sth (with sb)

71. help me relax after a busy day

72.open up a whole new world to me 巩固训练 完成句子

1. 油漆未干,切勿触摸。( touch)


2. 有26票赞成他,8票反对他。( against)

_________________________________________________________________ 3. 你看起来疲惫不堪的样子。(be tired out)

_________________________________________________________________ 4. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。( until)

_________________________________________________________________ 5. 如果我走得太快,我会摔倒。(fall over)

_________________________________________________________________ 6. 请在六月三十日前交论文。(hand in)

_________________________________________________________________ 7. 她以做家务、看电视、看书等等度过一天。(and so on)

_________________________________________________________________ 8. 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。

_________________________________________________________________ 9. 我至今没有得到她的答复。(so far)

_________________________________________________________________ 10.他们决定在市区设立一个办事处。(open up)

_________________________________________________________________ 11. 你清楚你的写作该向谁寻求帮助吗?

Are you clear ___________________________________________________ your writing? 12. 关于如何提高我的英语,你能给我一些意见吗?

Can you give me ________________________________________________________? 13. 她够聪明,知道该如何处理不同的问题。

She is ______________________________________________________ different problems. 14. 到目前为止,这本书已被翻译成了20种语言。

牛津译林版八年级英语下册8B U4 A good read重点词组归纳及巩固训练(含答案)


