SICU 床旁交接班 checklist 的实施与运用
【期刊名称】《医药前沿》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)029
【摘要】 目的探讨外科重症监护室(简称 SICU)床旁交接班 checklist 的实施对护理床旁交接班质量的影响.方法制定床旁交接班 checklist,分别收集传统的交接班方式(对照组)与新型的床旁交接班模式(实验组)下护理质量考评结果,并进行统计学分析;同时发放问卷调查表,了解对照组及实验组患方、护士及医生的满意度情况并进行统计学分析.结果对照组共抽查318个床单元,交接班质量不符合规范要求252项;实验组共抽查314个床单元,交接班质量不符合规范要求89项,两组对照比较,差异有统计学意义(P <0.01).实验组患方、护士及医生的满意度较对照组明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P <0.01)结论 SICU 床旁交接班 checklist 的实施提高了床旁交接班的质量,减少了护理安全隐患.% Objective To explore the effect of the application of bedside shift handover checklist on bedside shift handover quality. Methods A bedside shift handover checklist was designed. Traditional shift handover-based nursing quality assessment results (control group) and new bedside shift handover-based nursing quality assessment results (experimental group) were colected and analyzed. Meanwhile, patients’, nurses’ and doctors’ satisfaction in the experimental group were colected through questionnaires and analyzed. Results 318 bed units and 314 bed units were sampled respectively from the control
SICU 床旁交接班 checklist 的实施与运用