47、什么是地面塌陷,有哪些种类,各类地面塌陷的发育、分布特点如何, 地面塌陷是指地表岩、土体在自然或人为因素作用下,向下陷落,并在地面形成塌陷坑(洞)的一种地质现象。当这种现象发生在有人类活动的地区时,便可能成为一种地质灾害。
在我国发育的各类地面塌陷中,以岩溶地面塌陷的分布最广、危害最重。其散布范围从黑龙江到海南岛,从青海湖到东海之滨,以华南、西南、华北地区最为广泛。目前,已见有22个省(区)发育这类地面塌陷。其中以桂、粤、黔、湘、赣、川、滇、鄂、冀、鲁等省(区)最为发育。据不完全统计,全国岩溶地面塌陷点在778处以上,塌陷坑总数超过3万个,每年造成的经济损失达数至10余亿元。矿山采空区地面塌陷,许多矿区均有发育,尤以北方煤田区最为严重。其他各类地面塌陷分布零散,发育规模和危害性相对较上。 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens.
Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management,
preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide
1、井、泉水位的突然升、降,水色突然浑浊或翻砂、冒气; 2、地面出现环状裂缝并不断扩展,产生局部的地鼓或下沉现象。 应急预防措施
塌陷发生后对临近建筑物的地面裂缝、塌陷坑及时填塞。 因地制宜加强治理
铁道部门用扣轨梁跨越岩溶地面塌陷。 地质灾害
是指在自然或人为因素的作用或影响下,形成的对人类生 命财产造成危害的地质作用(现象)。地质灾害的形成是致 灾地质作用与受灾对象(人、财、物、设施)相遭遇的结 果。没有致灾地质作用,灾害无法发生;而若致灾地质作用 遇不到有价值的受灾对象,造不成损失,也不称为灾害。致 灾地质作用是主导因素,受灾对象是被动客体。地质灾害 的类型常按致灾地质作用的性质和特点进行划分,而灾害 大小则以受灾对象的损失大小进行评估。我国地质灾害种 地质灾害 类很多,常见的有10类30多种。