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20.if you rearrange the letters nlirbe, you would have the name of a

river - country - city - animal - plant

答案是city。如果你对字母不是很熟悉,那么得需要点时间来重新组合这些字母。这道题的答案是berlin,柏林,德国的首都。所以,应该选择city,它是一个城市。 经典英语智力题

1.what letter is a body of water?

2.what is it that found in the every center of america and australia?

3.why is a river rich?

4.which letter is very useful to a deaf woman? 5.which runs faster, heat or cold? why?

6.下面是一道经典的英语填空题,注意,所有空格均为同一个单词: ____ is greater than god.

____ is more evil than the devil. the poor need ____. the rich have ____.

if you eat ____, you will die.

7.what number should replace(代替)the question mark?

aviator=6 fixture=9 wizard=1 diverse=?

8.what’s the chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?”

a.六分之一 b.人云亦云 c.半斤八两 d.见一面分一半

9.what three letters turn a girl into a woman? a.sun b.dab c.eye d.age

10.we don’t want it.it’s “a white elephant.” what is it? a.一件无用而累的东西 b.一头白象 c.白给的东西 d.白色陷阱

11.what’s too much for two and just right for one? a.time b.a secret c.friend d.a room

12.what’s the chinese for “talk big”? a.吹牛 b.说谎话 c.骂人 d.很大 13.i know that from a to z.

a.从a到i b.从头到尾 c.字母表 d.距离很远

14.you can’t do it.you can sue to ann for help. a.ask b.think

c.find d.give

15.what’s that? that’s a lily i like it very much. a.girl’s name b.flower c.picture d.cup key: 1.c(sea)

2.r is in the center of america and australia 3.cause it has a lot of banks 4.i(eye)

5.because we can “catch cold”,so the answer is heat 6.gold(money) 7.1 8.c 9.d 10.a 11.b 12.a 13.b 14.a 15.b


1、why is the letter e so important?

答案:because letter e is the beginning of everything 解析:为什么字母e非常重要


2、why are the letter g and letter s in \other?

答案:because there is love between them.

解析:在单词gloves中,为什么字母g和字母s那么亲近? 因为是g love s .她们中间有一个love 3.b 4.y

5、how can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it? 答案:take a longer rope and compare with it 解析:不剪,不卷,不折,怎么才能使一根绳子变短呢? 拿一根长一点的绳子和它做比较就行了!

6、what does everybody do at the same time? 答案:grow old

解析:所有人在同样的时间都在做的一件事是什么? 有的人会答:呼吸,心跳,但是都不严密 只有“变老”是没有任何办法可以阻止的。

7、who works only one day in a year but never gets fired? 答案:santa claus

解析:这题关键要理解词组get fired的意思 谁一年只工作一天,但是却永远不会被解雇呢?


8、how can you make 6 out of three 7s、 答案:7-7/7=6

解析:其实这是一道简单的数学题,关键是要把题目看懂 怎样才能从三个7中得到6.

9、how can you make 1000 out of eight 8s 第九题其实是同样的道理,怎么从8个8中得出1000 答案:8+8+8+88+888=1000

10、a police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother.how couldthat be?

解析:这题主要是要打破常规思维,看见police officer,我们都会往男人去想,但是,其实为了男女平等,英文当中已经用policeofficer 来代替polieman和policewoman了。所以,男女,都可以称作police officer.这样就好理解了,一个policeofficer 有一个brother, 但是这个brother 却没有brother,为什么呐?因为这个brother有个sister. 11、from what number can you take half and leave nothing 解析:这题主要是题目的意思比较难理解,要中英结合来看。 从字母来理解,哪个数字你能够拿走一半,就什么也不剩了。 这个“一半”其实是从形状来理解的,而不是平均数的一半。 所以答案是8.8是两个圈组成的,拿走一半,就剩一个圈,也就剩0 所以是leave nothing。

12、what kind of dog never bite



