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Juniper ssg 140防火墙HA配置步骤


1、 将两台防火墙的第六个端口连接在一起,我们设置将原有防火墙设置为主防火墙,新增


2、 使用终端线缆连接到防火墙的Console口,超级终端参数设置为9600-8-无-1-无。




ns204>unset interface e6 ip 将端口6的IP地址删除, ns204>set interface e6 zone ha 将端口6和HA区域绑定一起



ns204-> get nsrp 查看NSRP配置信息 nsrp version: 2.0

cluster info:

cluster id not set: nsrp is inactive 默认的情况下NSRP没有激活

VSD group info:

init hold time: 5

heartbeat lost threshold: 3 heartbeat interval: 1000(ms)

group priority preempt holddown inelig master PB other members total number of vsd groups: 0

Total iteration=3808,time=2721060,max=880,min=286,average=714

RTO mirror info:

run time object sync: disabled

ping session sync: enabled coldstart sync done

nsrp link info:

no nsrp link has been defined yet

NSRP encryption: disabled --- more ---

NSRP authentication: disabled NSRP monitor interface: none

number of gratuitous arps: 4 (default)

track ip: disabled

ns204-> set nsrp cluster id 1 设置cluster组号

ns204(M)-> set nsrp vsd id 0 设置VSD的组号,这条命令可以不用输入,因为防火墙的默认的虚拟安全数据库(VSD)的值是0。

ns204(M)-> set nsrp vsd-group id 0 priority 50 设置NSRP主设备的优先权值,priority值越小,优先权越高。

ns204(M)-> set nsrp rto syn 设置配置同步

ns204(M)-> set nsrp monitor interface ethernet0 设置防火墙监控的端口,假设端口0出现故


ns204(M)-> set nsrp monitor interface ethernet1 设置防火墙监控的端口,假设端口1出现故


ns204(M)-> set nsrp monitor interface ethernet2 设置防火墙监控的端口,假设端口2出现故


设置好以后,查看nsrp状态: ns204(M)-> get nsrp nsrp version: 2.0

cluster info:

cluster id: 1, no name local unit id: 5609296

active units discovered:

index: 0, unit id: 5609296, total number of units: 1

VSD group info: init hold time: 5

heartbeat lost threshold: 3 heartbeat interval: 1000(ms)

group priority preempt holddown inelig master PB other members

0 50 no 3 no myself none (备份防火墙还没有配置,因此主设备


total number of vsd groups: 2

Total iteration=4682,time=4184162,max=18848,min=286,average=893 TO mirror info:

run time object sync: disabled ping session sync: enabled nsrp link info:

no nsrp link has been defined yet

NSRP encryption: disabled NSRP authentication: disabled

NSRP monitor interface: ethernet0 ethernet1 ethernet2 number of gratuitous arps: 6 (default)

track ip: disabled


ns204(M)-> set nsrp vsd-group hb-interval 200 设置心跳信息每隔200秒将发出问候信息 ns204(M)-> set nsrp vsd-group hb-threshold 3 设置心跳信息总共发出3次问候信息 ns204(M)-> save


ns204>unset all 将新增防火墙的原有配置清除,恢复出厂状态 Erase all system config, are you sure y/[n] ? y ns204> reset

Configuration modified, save? [y]/n n System reset, are you sure? y/[n] y In reset ...

................................................................. .................................................................

................................................................. 配置备份防火墙NSRP

ns204>set interface e6 zone ha 将端口4和HA区域绑定一起 ns204-> set nsrp cluster id 1 设置cluster组号

ns204(B)-> set nsrp vsd id 0 设置VSD的组号,这条命令可以不用输入,因为Netscreen防火墙的默认的虚拟安全数据库(VSD)的值是0。

ns204(B)-> set nsrp vsd-group id 0 priority 100 设置主设备的优先权值,priority值越小,优先权越高。

ns204(B)-> set nsrp rto syn 设置配置同步

ns204(B)-> set nsrp monitor interface ethernet0 设置防火墙监控的端口,假设端口0出现故


ns204(B)-> set nsrp monitor interface ethernet1 设置防火墙监控的端口,假设端口1出现故


ns204(B)-> set nsrp monitor interface ethernet2 设置防火墙监控的端口,假设端口2出现故障或所连接的交换机出现故障,防火墙的工作状态将切换到备份防火墙上。

ns204(B)-> get nsrp nsrp version: 2.0

cluster info:

cluster id: 1, no name local unit id: 5609745 active units discovered:

index: 0, unit id: 5609745, total number of units: 1

VSD group info: init hold time: 5

heartbeat lost threshold: 3 heartbeat interval: 1000(ms)

group priority preempt holddown inelig master PB other members 0 50 no 3 no 5609296(主设备) myself total number of vsd groups: 2

Total iteration=4682,time=4184162,max=18848,min=286,average=893

RTO mirror info:

run time object sync: disabled ping session sync: enabled nsrp link info:

no nsrp link has been defined yet

NSRP encryption: disabled NSRP authentication: disabled

NSRP monitor interface: ethernet0 ethernet1 ethernet2 number of gratuitous arps: 6 (default)

track ip: disabled


ns204(B)-> set nsrp vsd-group hb-interval 200 设置心跳信息每隔200秒将发出问候信息 ns204(B)-> set nsrp vsd-group hb-threshold 3 设置心跳信息总共发出3次问候信息 ns204(B)-> save


该步骤将主防火墙的配置和备份防火墙的配置进行同步,(设置前请先将主防火墙的配置备份一次)。 ns204(B)-> exec nsrp sync rto all from peer (将从主设备上向备份主机同步会话状态信息)

ns204(B)-> exec nsrp sync file from peer (将从主设备上向备份主机同步配置信息)

ns204(B)-> exec nsrp sync global-config check-sum (将两台设备的配置进行校检,如有不同,备份的设备将会在重启后把主设备上的配置导入备份主机中)

ns204(B)-> exec nsrp sync global-config save (如有不同,备份的设备将会在重启后把主设备上的配置导入备份主机中)

重启备份防火墙,在重启的过程中,备份的防火墙将会从主设备上同步配置 ns204(B)-> reset



1、 登录防火墙的图形管理界面

选择network>Interface> Ethernet6 > edit

将Ethernet6端口的Zone name 选择HA,



