摘要: 载体在高校思想政治教育过程中,是不可缺少的因素。但是,思想政治教育的载体并不是固定不变的,随着社会的发展,思想政治教育的载体也必然发生变化。在新形势下,原有的载体,如开会、学习班等,已经不能完全适应高校思想教育的发展,所以,网络教育已经开始成为载体的主要力量,推动着思想政治教育的创新与发展。
关键词: 高校;网络教育;创新与发展
中图分类号:G641 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2010)08-0209-02
1 In the new situation, cyber education enriches the carriers of university Ideological and Political education
Today, in which politics and economy are developing with high speed, and as the main stream carrier, internet has brought deeply reform to politics, economy, ideology, culture and so on, in our country. To adapt the new thought that the university
students possess today, the Ideological and Political education workers should work hard to infuse new blood to university Ideological and Political education. 1.1 Internet enriches culture dissemination
College students are in the thirstiest age for knowledge, besides their major, they want to know more about the society, so internet becomes a good teacher for knowledge spread. Today, in which internet is more and more perfect, college students can get much valuable news through internet, which enhances their knowledge system.
1.2 Internet enriches the communication platforms
With the perfection of internet system, more and more information service
platforms appear , which enrich the way of Ideological and Political education spread, Ideological and Political education is not simply like students learn from teachers, attend meetings or lectures, but in a communication platform students can
communicate with each other, exchange knowledge and get mutual information. 2 In new situation,cyber education brings shock to university Ideological and Political education
In an internet society, everything is open, with high speed, changing and affecting each other, there is no doubt that as a special group with high level knowledge, college students are the most affected people by internet. In this background, internet brings big shock touniversity Ideological and Political education.
2.1 Internet shock affects college students’ health both in physical and psychology. As college students, their psychology are in the period that can be affected most easily, so when they cannot get what they want in real world, they look for them from internet, such as online love affair, internet games, what’s more, they use internet to do illegal things, which can lead them to criminal. There are statistic shows that 80 percent hackers are teenagers, and a number of them are college students. Frequently internet contact will have big influence on college students’ psychology, and can result in mental block, which appears like online dating addiction and multiple personality. 2.2 Internet shock affects interpersonal relations
In the cyber space, although college students can get what they want, while this kind of satisfy is divorce from reality, with time going on they will become estranged
with their families and classmates, and trap in a “No Person” world, this is also the reason why college students become in different in collectivism. This also led to the concept of college students in the class, the collective concept of desalination and other issues.
2.3 Internet shock results in moral deficiency
In traditional society, college students are always supervised by society, family and college, their moral behavior is more serious, but in the cyber world the
communication transformed from person-person to person-computer. College students are not mature enough, their sense of life, view of value and the world outlook are not steady and they change with the changing surrounding, which make them moral deficiency.
2.4 Internet shock mislead college students’ behavior
We acknowledge that the main stream of internet is positive, but at the same time we should notice that many things spread on the internet are negative, depraved and even pornographic. The misleading from internet brings big shock to college students’ morality. Meanwhile, there are abundant of information in the internet that it can easily cause students copy from them, which has negative effect on their creativity. 2.5 Internet shock makes college students’ belief and view of value abnormal The high speed developing internet brings big shock to students’ faith and belief, college students are lack of speculative knowledge and social experience, they do not have a good understanding to the relationship between personal value and social value, at the same time some western thoughts are affecting students that can easily make their belief abnormal.
3 Cyber education promote ideological and political education create and develop Internet plays a very important role in the university ideological and political education but it also appears some shortage, so improve the cyber education in the new situation is essential
3.1 Establish the definition of ideological and political education
The network society is the information society, establishing the concept of
modern information network has become the cultural background of the ideological and political education under the concept of innovation in the basic point. First, the ideological and political education workers should have a right definition of internet consciousness and change the traditional way of thinking meanwhile they should have a deep understanding of the effects that the internet brings to students as well as improve their theory level. Second, ideological and political education workers should fully realize the information exposition that students can get any information they want from internet, at this time educators should comply with this change and change their own way of teaching. Last, educators should fully realize that internet can be a good medium for ideological and political education and connect their teach to
network technology, as a result internet can be an advanced teaching tool, and make ideological and political education be suitable to modern education and information-based education.
3.2 Enrich the content of internet ideological and political education
Under the new situation, and network to build culturally appropriate system of ideological and political education content.First, theory education should have epoch character through internet and also connect the new situation in and out of China. Educators should teach students to have the consciousness of patriotism and
collectivism to boycott internet trash. Second, educators should reinforce college students the spirit of forge ahead. Through cyber education give them more opportunity to quest the world and make them form the habit of thinking
independently. Third, we should start internationalization education and bring up college students’ consciousness of globalization, in internet times, globalization makes people’s living environment more and more public, so we should make it international in the ideological and political education.
3.3 Create new ways for internet ideological and political education
Network broadens the effective carrier of ideological and political education in the form of innovation networks and education, is the current ideological and political education workers in the study an urgent task.
3.3.1 Reinforcing the interactive between teachers and students
In internet times the source of students’ knowledge are more networked and
diversification, so the new type teacher-student relation should get help from internet. Teachers and students can interact by chatting online, send e-mail and so on.
3.3.2 Perfect the multimedia technology and enrich the way of ideological and political education
Internet can change the way of teaching and turn the teaching way from simple to complex, which arouses students’ desire for knowledge and utmost develop students’ initiative of searching for knowledge.
3.3.3 Using the Internet to learn about the ideological trend of college students, strengthen ideological and political education targeted
College students through an online forum about the ideological dynamics, we can see, the network, we understand that the more the real dynamic ideas of university students, thus enhancing the relevance of ideological and political work.
In a word, as a new way of ideological and political education, cyber education promote university ideological and political education go head, ideological and political education workers should fully grasp the characters of cyber education and carry on ideological and political education with direction. We should absorb the cyber education’s advantages and discard its disadvantage, and only in this way can we promote the university ideological and political education to a higher level. References:
[1]《An Analysis on the Functions of Cyber-Education》 JOURNAL OF WEINAN TEACHERS COLLEGE Editor: Wang xiaofei
[2]孙敬武,范秀平.《The Development of Cyber Education》、《地质技术经济管理》,2004年 第26卷第04期.
[3]《The Principles of Ideological and Political Education》 HIGHER EDUCAYION PRESS Editor:Zhang yaocan Chen wanbai.