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2020年高考英语精选考点专项突破17《 阅读理解(广告信息类)》 - 图文

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There is no other chance like a GDA programme. Join us as a volunteer manager to develop your own skills while bringing benefits to the communities.

Find out more about joining a GDA programme: Website:wwwglodeve.org


31. What is the main responsibility of volunteer managers? A. To seek local partners

B. To take in young volunteers D. To foster cultural awareness

C. To carry out programmes

32. The programme beginning in August will operate in . A. Egypt

B. Algeria

C. Kenya

D. South Afria

33. The shared goal of GDA’s projects to . A. explore new cultures

B. protect the environment D. help communities in need

.C. gain corporate benefit

【答案】31. C 32. D 33. D 【解析】


31. C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“They are extremely important in the safe and effective running of our programmes.”可知,志愿者的主要责任就是“To carry out programmes.执行计划。”故选C。

32. D 细节理解题。根据文章中的表格可知,8月开始的项目将会在“South Africa南非”实施。故选D。 33.D 细节理解题。根据文章中第五段的最后一句“All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities.”以及全文的内容可知,GDA项目的目标是“help communities in need帮助有需要的社区”。故选D。 5.A【2019·天津】

History Fair Competition

Understanding history is vital to understanding ourselves as a people and as a nation.

History is much more than the study of dusty old objects and events long past. It is an essential part of who we are today and who we will become. Thornton fiddle School History Fair Competition makes understanding history exciting,engaging,and fun!

This Year's Theme

All participants must address how communication or transportation technology has promoted the quality of life for Americans throughout history. To many people,technology means computers,hand-held devices,or vehicles that travel to distant planets. However,technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem,touching lives in countless ways.

Individuals or groups may enter one of the following categories: ·Performance

·Documentary(纪实作品) ·Essay Writing Category Requirements

Performance: A dramatic presentation of the topic no more than 10 minutes long. If special clothes are used,they should truly represent a given period.

Documentary: A visual presentation(such as a video,slide show,or computer project)no more than 10 minutes long. A desktop computer,screen,projector,and loudspeakers will be available. Students must provide their presentations on CDs before Friday,March 23.

Essay Writing: An academic paper of 2,000 to 2,500 words. No illustrations(图解)are allowed. Please do not include covers. A list of references must be included.

Important Dates

January 5 Submit a topic proposal to your history teacher. The teacher may require a second proposal if the first is off-topic or unclear.

February 5 Submit a first draft of your essay,performance script(剧本),or documentary highlights. February 19 A committee of teachers will evaluate materials and give opinions. Students then have an opportunity to improve their products.

March 9 Submit a final draft of your essay.

March 15 Performance and documentary committee preview March 24 Thornton Middle School History Fair Competition 7:00A. M-9:00A. M Participants signing in at the gym 10:00A. M. -6:00PM. Competition and judges' review 7:00P.M. Awards ceremony and picnic

36. According to Paragraph 1,what is the major goal of understanding history?

A. To preserve national traditions. B. To prepare for a history competition. C. To better know the present and future. D. To further explore historical mysteries. 37. What is the theme of this year's competition? A. Technology advances science. B. Science interacts with technology. C. Science has made the study of history easy. D. Technology has improved the life of Americans.

38. Among the items provided by the school for a visual presentation are__________. A. special clothes and a screen B. a desktop computer and a CD C. a projector and special clothes D. a desktop computer and loudspeakers

39. What would a participant have to do with an essay of 1,500 words to meet the category requirement? A. Include more information in the essay. B. Remove the references. C. Provide a cover for the essay. D. Explain the details with illustrations.

40. What will the committee of teachers do on February 19? A. Preview performances and documentaries. B. Make comments on the materials. C. Improve the participant's first draft.

D. Collect a second proposal from the participant. 【答案】36. C 37. D 38. D 39. A 40. B 【解析】


36. C细节理解题。根据第一段中所说的,历史不只是了解过去的物品和事件,而是了解我们的今天和我们将来会变成什么样子,知了解历史的主要目的是为了更好地了解现在和未来,故答案为C。

37.D细节理解题。根据This Year’s Theme我们将答案定位在第二段,“今年的主题”,该节开头说,所有参赛选手都必须阐述,历史上通讯或交通技术如何提高了美国人的生活质量(how communication or transportation technology has promoted the quality of life for Americans),这与选项D项是一致的,故答案为D。

38.D细节理解题。根据题干中的的visual presentation(视觉展示)我们把答案定位在“分类要求”的第二节“Documentary”,该节内容说,参赛选手需提供可视作品,学校提供电脑台机、屏幕、放映机和扩音器,这与D项描述吻合。本题解题的关键点在文中的will be available,这里说的是比赛的组织者将会给选手提供这些设备。

39.A推理判断题。根据题干的essay我们把答案定位在“Essay Writing”这一部分。该部分说,参赛选手必须写一篇长度在2000到2500词的学术论文,不许有图解(D错),不要封面(C错),必须列出写作中使用过的参考文献(B错),题干说的是一篇1500词的论文,显然篇幅不够,需要增加相关内容,故答案为A,“在论文中加入更多信息”。

40.B细节理解题。根据题干中的on February 19,我们把答案定位在“重要时间”的February 19,文中说A committee of teachers will evaluate materials and give opinions,然后学生就有机会improve their products,这与B项陈述是一致的:老师评价这些材料,故答案为B。


Welcome to University of Waikato. Our mission is to create a welcoming environment in which residents feel comfortable, safe and a sense of belonging. Student Village and Waikato Apartments

Waikato Accommodation Services offers two types of residential accommodation: Student Village and Waikato Apartments.

Student Village consists of fifteen independent units. Each contains five bedrooms, toilet facilities, and a shared kitchen with a fridge and cupboard. There is also a games room and a TV room.

Waikato Apartments are situated in a three-level apartment building. Each level has four apartments containing six bedrooms, toilet facilities, and a kitchen. Each level has a shared area with a TV, a study desk and easy chairs. Security and Safety

Campus Security is available to assist 24 hours, 7 days a week. If you see anything suspicious, please call Campus Security on 0800863800.

Please ensure that you have your own insurance for your personal belongings as Waikato Accommodation Services takes no responsibility for any theft or damage to personal belongings.

Housekeeping and Maintenance

Housekeeping staff service all shared areas. Residents are responsible for keeping their rooms, kitchens and shower rooms clean and tidy.

Maintenance staff ensure necessary repairs to facilities are made. If your room or other shared area needs maintenance, please inform the Accommodation Office. Maintenance staff may be required to enter your room to tend to a maintenance request—this will be prearranged. Termination(终止)of Residence and Checking Out

You are required to pay accommodation fees for the full period of the residency contract. At the end of your contract you must arrange a time with the office staff to check out. A room inspection will take place and you will be responsible for payment for any damage or missing items. If you fail to check out in this manner, the staff will hold an inspection in your absence and assess whether any payment is required. 36. What facilities are available in both Student Village and Waikato Apartments? A. Kitchen and TV. B. Study desk and fridge. C. Cupboard and study room. D. Games room and toilet facilities.

37 What should you do when you suspect that someone is destroying school facilities? A. Report to the insurance company. B. Contact Campus Security. C. Inform the assistant teacher.

D. Call Waikato Accommodation Services.

38. The responsibility of the maintenance staff includes . A. making plans for Accommodation Office B. monitoring these of kitchen facilities C. fixing a broken window D. cleaning shower rooms

39. If you can’t check out in the required way, the staff will . A. ask you to pay higher accommodation fees B. assess whether an inspection is necessary


2020年高考英语精选考点专项突破17《 阅读理解(广告信息类)》 - 图文


