教 学 环 节 时 间 安 排 主 要 内 容 4. Language points: (1)kick off (2)a number of (3)a kind of (4)be encouraged to do (5)one of (6)think about (7)hand out 师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用 Explanation 备 注 新 课 20’ Practice 10’ (8)cup up (9)at least (10)in public 5. Read the passage and ask questions. Sum up: 1. Situation expressions; 2. Words and structures. Assignment: .Read the new words and passage Homework Writing 归 纳 总 结 作 业 5’ Oral 布置 5’ 考 勤 教学体会 见教学日志 (教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等
教 案 纸 月 日 第 3 单元 第 5、6 课时 总第 17、18 课时 课 题 教 学 目 标 (包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标) 教 材 分 析 (包括教学重点、教学难点) 教 学 方 法 (包括教法、学法) Unit 3 At the Market 1、To learn some phonetics 2、To learn the grammar \ 1、some phonetics 2、some use of \ PPP & ESA 教 学 过 程 设 计 教 学环 节 复习 讲 授 时 间 安 排 10’ 主 要 内 容 Review: 1. Read and identify new words; 2. Read the passage; 3. have a dictation. Phonetics: 1. Listen and read the phonetics and the words. 2.Change the words below into plural forms and group them according to the pronunciation of their endings. Grammar: Adverbial Clauses An adverbial clause is a clause that has a adverb-like function in modifying the main clause. Adverbial Clauses can be used to show time, cause, manner, conditions, purpose, etc. 师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用 备 注 Pair work listening Explanation 10’ 15’ 教 学 环 节 时 间 安 排 10' 主 要 内 容 For example: When you come to the department store, you find that there are a lot of things on sale. If I went back on the train it'll be cheaper. The meeting starts now since everyone is here. Vocabulary: discount economy waste encourage offer plastic challenge movement Practice: 1. Change the sentences into indirect speech ones. 2. Play the Messengers Game and practice indirect speech. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. Sum up: Make use of the grammar. Homework 师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用 Explanation analysis 备 注 新 课 15’ 操 练 25’ Practice 布置 5’ 作 业 考 勤 教学体会 见教学日志 (教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)
教 案 纸 月 日 第 4 单元 第 1、2 课时 总第 19、20 课时 课 题 教 学 目 标 (包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标) 教 材 分 析 (包括教学重点、教学难点) 教 学 方 法 (包括教法、学法) Unit 4 What's in fashion? 1、know how to dress appropriately 2、introduce a trendy activity 1、some information about the section of warm-up 2、situation expressions about talking over the dress. PPP & ESA 教 学 过 程 设 计 教 学环 节 导 入 新 课 讲 授 时 间 安 排 10’ 10’ 主 要 内 容 Lead-in: say something about dressing Words and expressions: 1. ask the students to pronounce; 2. play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Dialogues: An interview Dialogue 1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 2. Situation expressions: (1) Do you really think that...? I really feel that... (2) How do you feel about...? In my opinion,... (3) Is that OK? Why don't you.../ (4) Do you have any idea? If you ask me, ... I tend to think that... 师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用 备 注 Pair work Reading Explanation 5’ 20' 教 学 环 节 时 间 安 排 主 要 内 容 3. Language points: (1) be going to (2) have an interview (3) be sure that (4) go with (5) How about...? (6) Why don't you...? Practice: finish the exercise 4. Practice the dialogues in pairs. 5. Make dialogues about dressing Act out the dialogues in pairs. Sum up: 1. Situation expressions; 师 生 双 边 活 动 及 教 法 运 用 Explanation 备 注 15’ 新 课 5’ 5’ 10’ 5’ Practice 归 纳 总 结 布置作 业 5’ Writing 2. Language points Assignment: 1. Read the new words and dialogues; Oral 2. Make a dialogue about dressing. Homework 考 勤 教学体会 见教学日志 (教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)