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新人教版八年级下 unit6unit10单词拼写练习(无答案)-精选学习文档

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新人教版八年级下 unit6-unit10单词拼写练习

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains

1. He’s got a great v________ and it singing better than ever. 2. You have done a b________ act and you will hear about it. 3. He took Dickon by the hand to l________ him into the house. 4. It was bitterly cold now the the g________ was frozen hard. 5. As soon as he got i________, the dog shook himself. 6. He was s_______ boy, bot a man. 7. I think s_______ties can be quite nice.

8. She married 2 years old and her h________ is a doctor in a hospital. 9. We spent the w________ summer in Italy that year.

10. The daughter of an e________ does not worry about finding a husband. 11. I wish I could wave a m________ wand(魔杖) and make everything all right again. 12. He walks with a s_________ but still leads his soldiers into battle. 13. The dog wagged his t________ when he saw his master. 14. The c________ seem to spend less and less time together.

15. “There are some sandwiches if you’re hungry,” she said with a s_______. 16. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. Can you r_______ me. 17. He didn’t know how to b_______.

18. I was s_______ to get out in the cold without a coat. 19. Well, sonny, I’ll give you a b_______ of advice.

20. He was able to s_______ down a flying bird with the bow and arrow. 21. My father rides bikes i_______ of driving to keep healthy.

22. Once u_______ a time, there was a girl named Cinderella living here.

23. The take-knife teenagers(夺刀少年) are b_______. They save the passengers on the bus. 24. She h_______ her diary under the bed last night. I can’t find it. Unit7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?

1. China is a big country. It has 9,600,000 s_______ kilometers is size.

2. Qomolangma is 8843.43 m_______ high, it is the highest mountain in the world. 3. You can’t swim in the river, it is very d________. 4. There isn’t almost any water in the d________.

5. --What’s the p_______ in the world? --It’s over 7 billion(十亿). 6. This is my favorite novel. It i_______ five parts. 7. The fog is so t_______ that we can’t see the road clearly.

8. Amy’s parents were very happy because he s_______ in passing the exam. 9. As a student, we should face the c_______ bravely in our life.

10. Many people had to leave their hometowns because the poor life c_______.

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11. The box w_______ 160kg, and I can’t carry it. 12. Look! A cute panda is eating b______ in the zoo.

13. Our g______ is tying to improve the people’s life condition. 14. They did a r_______ about the ways to study at school. 15. David is still a_______until 12 o’clock last night.

16. There are many different kinds of _______(野生的)animals in the world. 17. Is the _______(鲸鱼)the biggest animal in the sea? 18. A lots of _______(食用油)is bad fro people’s health. 19. We believe the forces of love are _______(巨大的).

20. Many ________(成年人)think that the kids shouldn’t have their own mobile phones. 21. China has the biggest p_______ in the world. 22. The Sahara is the largest d_______ in the world. 23. Each student should learn to p_______ the wild animals.

24. She was very anxious to get away from cities and back to the n_______. 25. Our g_______ is making laws against water pollution. 26. As we know the koalas are usually _______(wake)at night. 27. His grandma went to hospital because her _______(ill) is so serious. 28. Although Lucy tried her best to lose weight, she didn’t ________(success). 29. Pandas need to eat so many ________(bamboo) every day. 30. People thinks Zhang Lili is ________(beautiful)in the world. Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

1. People are encouraged to turn waste into t_______. 2. It is true that Diaoyu I______ belongs to China.

3. Boys and girls, please turn to P________8, let’s learn the new words. 4. How many c_______ do you know about Vinci(达芬奇). 5. It’s very late. We should catch the first bus in a h_______. 6. Some s_______ stopped by the sea.

7. With the help of the t_______, we can work easier and faster. 8. The policemen are standing there with a g_______.

9. Some people are lying on the s________ and enjoying the sun light. 10. I saw a man walking t_______ me slowly. 11. It seemed as if she’d been gone f_______. 12. She does much of her work a________. 13. I am a great f______ of the Voice of China.

14. In many ways, it was a very m_______ school for its time. 15. I was not too pleased with the r_______ you sent me. 16. Tim, may I i________ you to my uncle’s secretary, Mary Waller? 17. There was silence at the other end of the l_______.

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18. I really think that we b_______ together. 19. We were glad to be on dry l_______ again.

20. There was no one e_______ to take care of their children. 21. Hainan is the second largest i_______ in China.

22. Mrs. Green has gone a______ to learn English. We miss her very much. 23. People will remember the most beautiful teacher f________. 24. The school sports meeting is d________ in a week. 25. Have you i_______ the model of Chang’e Ⅲ to us? Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? 1. It isn’t s______ to play soccer on the road. 2. My friend has c______ a lot of coins(硬币).

3. Look at the white f_______ in the zoo. They’re so beautiful. 4. My grandparents live in a small but p_______ town. 5. Everyone thought their performance was p________.

6. Jack and Bob are ________(德国人), they live with their parents in China. 7. Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the ________(厕所). 8. We should _______(鼓励)him not give up his dream. 9. It is _______(不同寻常的)for Wang Yaping to teach in Space. 10. _______ you come or not, I will wait for in the classroom. 11. It is not s______ to play in the street.

12. The girl was so shy and she f_______ to speak in class. 13. I wonder w_______ France won in the 2019 World Cup or not. 14. We like s_______ best of all the seasons. 15. As we know, nobody is p_______.

16. W______ you come my city, don’t forget to call me. 17. Tom has made great p_______ with the help of his teacher. 18. Our teachers often e_______ us to work hard.

19. People believe that China will have a r_______ development in the future. 20. My hobby is to c_______ stamps, what about you? Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. 1. It’s a s______ for me not to help you.

2. Zhou Shen has a s______ voice, we like listening his songs. 3. Jack is the tallest a______ the four students.

4. He was very lacy. He has never c_______ solving the problems.

5. David lives on the o_______ side of the road. I think you can find him easily. 6. More and more people hope to live in the countryside ________(现今). 7. How quickly can you ________(数数)from one to one hundred? 8. She sent two ________(围巾) to her friends on Thanksgiving Day.

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9. It is _______(肯定) that Jack will pass the exam. He works hard everyday.

10. The old man left his ________(家乡) twenty years ago. Now he misses it very much. 11. Junk food is bad for us, _______(especial) for children.

12. I used to _______(be) late for school, but now I’m always on time. 13. I _______(read)the books twice. It’s very interesting.

14. We went to America during the summer holiday. We had some sweet _______(memory) in our heart there.

15. My father _______(go) to Shanghai. He will come back in two days. 16. May I use your c_______? I want to draw a picture. 17. Mike often r_______ his pet dog as his baby. 18. The o_______ world of “tall” is “short”.

19. The tree is very old. It has grown several c_______.

20. My grandparents are having a rest under the tree in the y_______. 21. Visiting the space museum gave us good m________. 22. The boy got lots of t_______ on this seventh birthday.

23. My mother likes s________ and gentle music. She says it sounds very nice. 24. You should c_______ our answers before you hand in your paper. 25.

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新人教版八年级下 unit6unit10单词拼写练习(无答案)-精选学习文档


