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湖北省武汉市部分学校2019-2020学年度上学期开学摸底考试初二年级英语试题(word版含答案 无听力部分) - 图文

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II. Multiple choice.

26. – You ________ park here! Look at the sign. It says, “No Parking”. – Sorry, I didn’t notice the sign just now. A. won’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t 27. I spent 10 dollars ________ the book last month. A. to buy B. bought C. to buying D. buying 28. It is ________ that he didn’t pass the exam. A. surprise B. surprised C. to surprise D. surprising 29. The little girl is wearing a new skirt now. She looks ________. A. lovely B. wonderfully C. beautifully D. funnily 30. – ________.

– She’s quiet and a little shy. A. What does Ruth look like? B. What’s Ruth like? C. What does Ruth like? D. How is Ruth?

31. Our teachers ________ us ________ some help with our study and life. A. offer; to B. provide; to C. offer; with D. provide; with 32. – Bill, can I get you anything to drink? – ________.

A. You are welcome. B. No problem. C. I wouldn’t mind a coffee. D. It doesn’t matter. 33. – May I speak to Robert? – ________. A. I am Robert. B. Speaking, please. C. It’s 78345190. D. He is Robert. 34. I don’t feel ________, mom. I may have a temperature. A. well B. good C. happy D. cold 35. – I dream to become famous.

– Well, you have to be prepared to give up your ________ life. A. hard B. typical C. normal D. proper III. Cloze.

As a graduate student, I got my first job as a dance teacher at a community college. ___36___ I did the same things to earn my bread.

One day, a mother, took her daughter, Emily, to attend my jazz class. I had to pay more ___37___ to the girl because she had a cerebral palsy(脑瘫) and had to ___38___ her sleeping difficulties. Her mother needed to come along to my class for ___39___ her.

Because of the cerebral palsy, Emily’s ___40___ seemed a little strange, but she soon became the hardest-working student in my class. Emily always kept smiling, it seemed that she would never feel ___41___ for herself. Some days later, I found that Emily sometimes missed my class. But when she came to my class, she would arrive ___42___ with her mother. She always came to chat with me, and I knew she practiced a lot and ___43___ all the lessons she had learnt.

One day, she talked about the reason why she was ___44___ at times. She was working in a special project – which was set up for people like her – to make their life meaningful. As her teacher, I couldn’t help ___45___her spirit.

Emily kept learning. Around half term, Emily’s mother came alone. She told me her daughter would ___46___ attend the course again because of her illness. I felt very bad. However, she added, those days

had been the most ___47___ time in Emily’s life. Her words ___48___ me a lot. Then she gave me a cute Teddy Bear, which was made by Emily for thanking my patience.

Years ___49___, I still kept the Teddy Bear. ___50___ I wanted to give up, the bear would remind me to go ahead.

36. A. Some day B. Everyday C. Every day D. Someday 37. A. visit B. attention C. bill D. order 38. A. argue for B. argue against C. fight for D. fight against 39. A. treating B. teaching C. caring D. directing 40. A. movement B. achievement C. amusement D. development 41. A. happy B. proud C. sorry D. satisfied 42. A. early B. late C. quickly D. slowly 43. A. remained B. reminded C. repeated D. reviewed 44. A. late B. absent C. required D. left 45. A. looking after B. looking for C. looking down upon D. looking up to 46. A. always B. never C. seldom D. nearly 47. A. wonderful B. comfortable C. helpful D. shameful 48. A. raised B. beat C. touched D. warned 49. A. ended B. left C. killed D. passed 50. A. Whoever B. Whenever C. Whatever D. Wherever

IV. Reading Comprehension


51. What is the cheapest way to get to the party? A. By bus. B. By train. C. By car. D. By boat.

52. How much will a family (the parents and their 14-year-old twins) pay to attend the party if they park there?

A. 95 dollars. B. 110 dollars. C. 105 dollars. D. 140 dollars. 53. Who organizes the party?

A. The Evans Center on Erie Road. B. The Boys and Girls Club of Lake Shore. C. The New York City Fire Department. D. The New York City Hospital. 54. Which of the following is TRUE about the party? A. Children under 12 are not allowed to attend. B. All drinks for the first guests are free.

C. We can go to the party at 3:00 pm on December 31, 2015. D. There are different activities for guests. 55. What is the main purpose of the poster? A. To raise money for young people. B. To advertise the dancing party. C. To tell people how to get to the party. D. To explain the rules of the party.


Rob Frenette had problems with bullies(欺辱)at school for eleven years. He was often lonely and scared. When he was fifteen, however, he decided to do something about his problems. He walked into a newspaper office and told them about the bullying. His story went into the newspaper and soon all the TV stations in Canada wanted to talk to him about his experiences. They also wanted to hear his ideas to stop bullying.

After that, Rob continued his studies at school, in his free time he helped other people with bullying problems. With a friend Katie Neu, he made a website called www. bullyingcanada. ca. Visitors to the website can find advice, stories and poems about bullying, in both English and French. When people are upset, they can talk on the phone or online to Rob and his team. Every weekend Rob has to answer e-mails to the website. He also speaks to children, teachers and members of government around the country about bullying.

Rob's most important message is: “When bullies are unkind to you, it isn't your fault. There's nothing wrong with you, so you should try to keep trusting yourself. And remember that people care about your problems. You just have to find those people.”

One of Rob's ideas is “Blue Day”, a special day for stopping bullying in schools. Students have to wear blue clothes and in class they learn how to stop bullying. More than 150 Canadian schools now celebrate Blue Day, but Rob won't stop until there's a Blue Day in every school in Canada.

56. How did Rob often feel at school before he was fifteen? A. Relaxed. B. Unhappy. C. Shocked. D. Tired. 57. We can learn from this passage that Rob suffered from bullying since he was ________. A. four B. seven C. eleven D. fifteen 58. www.bullyingcanada.ca is a website where people can ________. A. learn how to write poems B. get advice about bullying problems C. get blue clothes for free D. practice both English and French 59. The underlined part “those people” in Paragraph 3 means ________. A. people who always bullied others before

B. people who help others with bullying problems C. people who are members of the government

D. people who write e-mails about their problems

60. What was the correct order in which these event happened? a. Rob and his friend made a website b. Rob was bullied at school c. Rob created “Blue Day” d. Rob told his story in public A. b-d-a-c B. a-b-c-d C. b-a-d-c D. c-b-a-d


Do you enjoy visiting a museum? Did you ever make a plan before a visit? Every museum must have something that attracts you. And there are many possible ways to enjoy yourself in a museum.

If you follow these steps below, you'll know what is worth seeing and doing, so that you can make the most of your time at the museum.

Decide what museum you will visit. There are so many different kinds of museums and you first need to find one that you like. It's easy for you to choose one and start an enjoyable visit!

Do some research online. Every museum now has a website which allows you to look through the information about it. On the website, you may look for such things as:

?The exhibits(展品) - See what is on show at the museum at all times, and what special exhibitions are held for a short time.

?The history of the museum – There will often be very interesting stories about the exhibits and the benefactors(捐赠者). That can make your visit more interesting.

?Activities – See whether there are talks, tours our special activities on the day when you visit. Many museums hold some activities that meet the interests of all age groups.

?Cost, food or storage – It's important how much the visit wilt cost. You have to decide whether or not you can eat there. You might also need to find out transportation needs, as well as storage for coats, bags etc.

Lean at least one thing on your visit. It is always good to take away something new from your visit. Plan breaks into your visit. When you walk around, standing here and studying exhibits there, you may become very tired. So it is important to take breaks. A break is a good opportunity for you to think of what you have seen and what else you might want to do in museum.

Take a friend or two. Visiting museums is always a lot more fun when you are with someone else. You can talk over what you're seeing. A friend also brings another way of thinking when you talk about the exhibit '' .

61. According to the passage, we should first ________. A. do some research online B. make a plan for lunch C. decide on a museum to visit D. choose a friend to go with 62. To make our visit more interesting, we can ________. A. organize activities like special shows and talks B. read the stories about exhibits and benefactors C. learn about the interests of all age groups D. walk around the museum without breaks

63. If we visit a museum with friends, we can ________. A. share the experience with them B. come up with strange ideas C. cut down the cost of the visit D. discuss the next visit plan 64. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. It is difficult to choose the museum we will visit because there are too many. B. We can visit the website of the museum to do the research.

C. We don’t need to care about the cost because museums are usually cheap or free. D. We can not bring any food or drink into the museum.

65. This passage is most probably taken from ________. A. a science magazine B. a poster C. a guidebook D. work report


What is a working day like for an employee?

Nowadays, most workers spend eight hours working at their desks every day. Many companies make rules. They ask workers not to come late or leave early. But in the future, there may be no offices any more. People will have meetings through the Internet instead of sitting in the same room. Workplace and time will be far more flexible. To meet their needs, workers can have flexible start and finish time or work at home.

Citrix, a leader company in mobile technology, released a report last month. According to it, office place will be 17 percent smaller in 2020. The workplace will provide just seven desks for every ten workers. By that time, 29 percent of people will no longer work in a traditional office. They will do their work at home, in hotels or in coffee shops. The trend that fewer employees will work in the office is called the mobile work style. “Mobile” means to move. A quarter of companies around the world have taken up this work style.

For employee, a mobile work style allows people to make use of their time and workplace free. It helps cut their travelling fees and makes for a better balance between work and play. For companies, the new work style saves them money. However, as workers may connect their companies in different ways at different places, employers need to pay more attention to protecting their data and information.

Mick Hollison, vice president of Citrix, is a supporter of the mobile work style idea. “The result of a mobile work style is a stronger organization with high ability people doing their best,” he said to the Investor’s Business Daily.

66. Nowadays, most workers ________.

A. spend all their free time working at their desks every day B. can’t come to or leave their workplace early C. always have to work in the same rooms D. with high ability can work at home

67. The word “flexible” in the first paragraph means “________”. A. enjoyable B. reasonable C. traditional D. changeable 68. According to the report of Citrix, ________.

A. Future offices will be smaller with fewer workers B. Future offices will provide one desk for each worker C. All people will work at home, in hotels or in coffee shops D. Some people will take up a new work style in the future

69. The mobile work style is getting more popular because ________. A. Workers will become more talented and creative B. It helps both the workers and companies save money C. Workers pay more attention to their data and information

D. It allows the companies to make good use of their time and workplace 70. What is the best tittle of the passage? A. A Report from Citrix B. Mobile Technology in Working C. New Work Style in the future D. No Offices Any more

Part II

I. Capital letters.


湖北省武汉市部分学校2019-2020学年度上学期开学摸底考试初二年级英语试题(word版含答案 无听力部分) - 图文


