Number1. S:Is this your pen? T:Yes, it is. Number 2. S:Is this your pencil? T:Yes, it is. Number 3. S:Is this your book? T:Yes, it is. Number 4. S:Is this your watch? T:Yes, it is. Number5. S:Is this your coat? T:Yes, it is. Number6. S:Is this your dress? T:Yes, it is. Number7. S:Is this your skirt? T:Yes, it is. Number 8. S:Is this your shirt? T:Yes, it is. Number 9. S:Is this your car? T:Yes, It is. Number 10. S:Is this your house? T:Yes, it is.
Number1. Is this your pen? S:Yes, it is. Number 2. Is this your pencil? S:Yes, it is. Number 3. Is this your book? S:Yes, it is. Number4. Is this your watch? S:Yes, it is. Number5. Is this your coat? S:No, it isn't. Number 6. Is this your dress? S:Yes, it is. Number7. Is this your skirt? S:No, it isn't. Number 8. Is this your shirt? S:Yes, it is. Number9. Is this your car? S:Yes, it is.
Number 10. Is this your house? S:No, it isn't. Number11. Is this your suit? S:Yes, it is. Number 12. Is this your school? S:No, it isn't. Number 13. Is this your teacher? S:Yes, it is. Number 14. Is this your son? S:No, it isn't. Number 15. Is this your daughter? S:Yes, it is.
Number8. T:That's a Volvo. Is it a Swedish car or a French car? S:It isn't a French car. It's a Swedish car.
Number 9. T:That's a Peugeot. Is it a French car or a Swedish car?
S:It isn't a Swedish car. It's a French car.
Number 10. T: That's a Mercedes. Is It a German car or a Japanese car? S:It isn't a Japanese car. It's a German car.
Number 11. T:That's a Toyota. Is it a Japanese car or a German car? S:It isn't a German car. It's a Japanese car.
Number 12. T:That's a Daewoo. Is it a British car or a Korean car? S:It isn't a British car. It's a Korean car. .
Number 13. T:That's a Mini. Is it an American car or an English car? S:It isn't an American car. It's an English car.
Number 14. T:That's a Ford. Is it a Swedish car or an American car? S:It isn't a Swedish car. It's an American car.
Number 15. T:That's a Fiat. Is It an Italian car or an American car? S: It isn't an American car. It's an Italian car.
Number 11. T:What's his job? Is he a policeman or a taxi driver? S:He isn't a taxi driver. He's a policeman.
Number 12. T:What's her job? Is she a policewoman or an air hostess? S:She isn't an air hostess. She's a policewoman. Number l3. T: What's his job? Is he a taxi driver or a policeman? S:He isn't a policeman. He's a taxi driver.
Number 14. Number 15. Number 16. Number 17. Number 18. Number 19. Number 20.
Number11. Number 17. Number 20. Number 12. Number 18. Number 14. Number 19. Number 15. Number 13. Number 16.
Number 22. Number 23. Number 24. Number 25. T:What's her job? Is she an air hostess or a policewoman? S:She isn't a policewoman. She's an air hostess. T:What's his job? Is he a postman or a milkman? S:He isn't a milkman. He's a postman.
T: What's her job? Is she a nurse or a housewife? S:She isn't a housewife. . She's a nurse
T: What's his job? Is he a mechanic or a hairdresser? S:He isn't a hairdresser. He's a mechanic.
T:What's his job? Is he a hairdresser or a mechanic? S:He isn't a mechanic. He's a hairdresser.
T: What's her job? Is she a housewife or a nurse? S:She isn't a nurse. She's a housewife.
T:What's his job? Is he a milkman or a postman? S:He isn't a postman. He's a milkman.. T:Is that man fat or thin? S:He's not thin. He's fat. T:Is Steven hot or cold? S: He's not cold. He's hot.
T:Is that air hostess young or old? S:She's not old. She's young. T:Is that woman thin or fat? S:She's not fat. She's thin. T:Is Emma cold or hot? S:She's not hot. She's cold.
T:Is that policewoman short or tall? S:She's not tall. She's short. T:Is that milkman old or young? S:He's not young. He's old. T:Is that mechanic dirty or clean? S:He's not clean. He's dirty. T:Is that policeman tall or short? S:He's not short. He's tall. T:Is that nurse clean or dirty? S:She's not dirty. She's clean. T:Whose is that handbag? Is it Sophie's? S:It isn't Sophie's. It's Stella's.
T:Whose is that car? Is it Steven's? S:It isn't Steven's. It's Paul's.
T: Whose is that coat? Is it Stella's? S:It isn't Stella's. It's Sophie's.
T:Whose is that umbrella? Is it Paul's? S:It isn't Paul's. It's Steven's.
Number 26. T:Whose is that pen? Is it your father's? S:It isn't my father's. It's my son's.
Number 27. T:Whose is that dress? Is it your mother's? S:It isn't my mother's. It's my daughter's. Number 28. T:Whose is that suit? Is it your son's? S:It isn't my son's. It's my father's.
Number 29. T:Whose is that skirt? Is it your daughter's? S:It isn't my daughter's. It's my mother's.
Number 30. T:Whose is that blouse? Is it your mother's? S:It isn't my mother's. It's my sister's.
Number 31 T: Whose is that tie? Is it your father's? S:It isn't my father's. It's my brother's.
Number 20. T:What colour's Steven's umbrella? Is it brown? S:It isn't brown. It's black.
Number 50. T: What colour's Sophie's coat? Is it white? S:It isn't white. It's grey.
Number 90 T:What colour's the boy's tie? Is it yellow? S:It isn't yellow. It's orange.
Number 30. T:What colour's Paul's car? Is it red? S:It isn't red. It's blue.
Number 80. T: What colour's Anna's blouse? Is it orange ? S:It isn't orange. It's yellow.
Number 40. T:What colour's Tim's shirt? Is it blue? S:It isn't blue. It's white.
Number 100. T:What colour's Steven's hat? Is it green and red? S:It isn't green and red. It's grey and black. Number 60. T:What colour's the woman's case? Is it grey? S:It isn't grey. It's brown.
Number 101. T:What colour's Helen's dog? Is it grey and black? S:It isn't grey and black. Its brown and white. Number 70. T:What colour's Anna's carpet? Is it green? S : It isn't green. It's red.
NO. 90. T:What colour are your tickets? Are they white? S:Our tickets are not white. They are yellow. NO. 107. T:What colour are your pens? Are they red? S:Our pens are not red. They are blue.
NO. 102. T:What colour are your passports? Are they blue? S:Our passports are not blue. They are green. NO. 104. T:What colour are your handbags? Are they grey? S:Our handbags are not grey. They are white. NO. 110. T:What colour are your blouses? Are they orange? S:Our blouses are not orange. They are yellow.