【期刊名称】《微计算机信息》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)005
【摘要】Jingtang sewage treatment plant for clarification and filtration system because part of the Siemens 300PLC large program of work caused by inadequate storage space issues, as well as recycled water regulating valve automatically control the need for data clarification and filtration control system for power distribution control system transmission problems, the use of regional ring Ethernet, Ethernet communication between Siemens PLC technology news, the two groups were PLC hardware settings and program editing, and ultimately the use of PLC data transmission between the two groups, reaching the region to improve the PLC resources the purpose of utilization.%针对京唐污水处理厂澄清过滤环节的西门子300PLC系统因程序量大而导致工作存储空间不足的问题,以及再生水调节阀的自动控制需要在澄清过滤控制系统和供配电控制系统中进行数据传输的问题,利用区域内环形以太网络,采用西门子PLC间通以太网讯技术,对2组PLC进行了硬件设置和程序编辑,最终利用2组PLC间的数据传输,达到了区域内提高PLC资源利用率的目的。 【总页数】1页(95-95)
【关键词】PLC;通讯技术;数据传输;硬件设置 【作者】王小川