【期刊名称】《河北联合大学学报(医学版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)002
【摘要】Objective To evaluate efficiency and safety of CT perfusion-based intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator( rt-PA) in acute cerebral infarction.Methods 29 patients within 9 hours after symptom onset for a-cute cerebral infarction were enrolled in the study.After patients or relatives signed informed consent, they were scanned by CTP and CTA.10 patients with penumbra who agreed to accept rt-PA thrombolytic therapy were administrated with rt-PA 40mg.The NIH-SS was used to evaluate the recovery of neurological functions before, and 2 hours, 24 hours, 10 days and 30 days after thrombolytic therapy.A comparison of the Barthel Index ( BI) was made 30 day after treatment.CT was also re-examined.The adverse effect and complication were monitored.Results 10 patients who met the CTP thrombolytic criterion and accepted rt-PA thrombolytic therapy were evaluated.The NIHSS score before, and 2 hours, 24 hours ,10 days and 30 days after rt-PA treatment was (10.90 ± 4.04), (6.90 ±3.60), (6.70 ±4.11), (4.10 ±3.60), (3.20 ±3.19), The improvement of NIHSS was significantly difference between before and after thrombolytic
therapy.BI score before treatment was (38.50 ±22.24), and increased to (78.53 ±30.00) at 30d after treatment, and statistical differences were also found .Re-infarction and cerebral hemorrhagic were not seen and no death occurred.Among the 10 patients undergone CT reexamined, 8 patients'infarction areas were diminution obviously and 2 pa-tients'were remained.Conclusion CTP-based intravenous thrombolysis with rt-PA is safe and effective for patients with acute cerebral infarction, CTP is helpful to assess the patients who may obtain benefit from intravenous thrombolytic therapy and may ex-pand the time window.%①目的探讨CT灌注成像(CTP)检查指导的重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(rt-PA)静脉溶栓治疗急性脑梗死的有效性和安全性。②方法选取发病9h内急性脑梗死患者29例,经患者或家属签署知情同意书后行CTP、CTA检查,对存在缺血半暗带且同意rt-PA静脉溶栓治疗的10例患者给予rt-PA 40mg静脉溶栓治疗。记录溶栓前、溶栓后2h、24h、10d、30d NIHSS评分及溶栓前、溶栓后30dBarthel指数评分,并进行比较,复查头颅CT,监测并发症。③结果纳入的10例患者治疗前 NIHSS 评分为(10.90±4.04),溶栓治疗后2、24h、10、30d NIHSS评分分别降至(6.90±3.60)、(6.70±4.11)、(4.10±3.60)、(3.20±3.19),不同时间点NIHSS评分差异有统计学意义。溶栓前Barthel指数评分为(38.50±22.24),溶栓后30dBarthel指数评分为(78.53±30.00),两者比较差异有统计学意义。发生牙龈出血1例,无颅内出血、再闭塞及死亡病例,CT复查8例患者显示病灶较CTP低灌注区明显缩小,2例无明显变化。④结论 CTP指导的 rt-PA静脉溶栓治疗安全有
效,有助于筛选适合溶栓的患者,并能扩大治疗的时间窗。 【总页数】3页(147-149)
【关键词】CT灌注成像;急性脑梗死;重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂;静脉溶栓 【作者】赵惠荣;元小冬;郭晶;郭庆乐;王燕玲
【作者单位】河北联合大学附属开滦医院神经内科;河北联合大学附属开滦医院神经内科;河北联合大学附属开滦医院神经内科;CT室河北唐山 063000;河北联合大学附属开滦医院神经内科 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R74 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-north-china-university-science-technology-health-sciences-edition_thesis/0201244295974.html 【相关文献】
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