In fact, I had stopped by to visit,but I was no longer feeling up to it and was looking for a fast exit . It seemed that the invitation he had extended in class ,‖ Drop by my office for a visit anytime . My door is always open . ‖ was just a(n) empty gesture probably required by the school. I reach inside my bag and pulled out my English language textbook. I figured I can ask him a quick question rather than try to have a meaningful conversation. 事实上,我顺道去拜访,但是我不再感觉它,正在寻找一个快速退出。情况似乎是这样的,他在课堂上邀请扩展,“掉到我办公室随时访问。我的大门永远是敞开的。“只是一个(n)空的姿态可能要求的学校。我进入我的袋子,拿出我的英语教材。我想我可以问他一个简单的问题,而不是试图展开有意义的对话。
[5] When they gave us our first sex education lecture, AIDS was not partof the speech. It was 1981, and (1)even there might have been a couple of news stories about a new disease, AIDS wasn't a real (2concern yet. Over the (3)next couple of years, news stories about AIDS became very common,(4)however, they did not provide very much helpful information. (5)Rather, the media was happy to report stories that confirmed (6)whatever racial or sexual prejudices we may have had. There were stories about monkeys in Africa (7)being the source of the disease and it was most commonly believed that only sex between two men could spread the disease. The understanding was (8)that the only protective steps someone would need to take were to stay away from gay (同性恋的) men and monkeys. This lack (9)of serious information and education about the disease led to prejudice and unsafe sexual behaviors by many. (10)By the time I reached college, the cat was out of the bag, men and women having sex together could also be (11)infected with the disease. Sex education had taken (12)on a more serious meaning; now it was about protecting yourself from disease. Still the prejudices (13)remained. Although common contact between individuals including kissing was considered safe, most were afraid to (14)come in contact with others who had AIDS. It is commonly believed that prejudice kept the government (15)from acting more quickly to offer better education and do scientific research. Since that time, education and funding for research has improved, but prejudice and misinformation cost us a lot of time in getting started.
(6)Let’s face it ; young people entering the workforce today are lazy. I have heard just about as much complaint about today’s workplace I can take Contrary to the view young people seem to have that things were better for prior generations, the fact is that there have never been so many greats job for people wanting to enter the workforce. There are educational opportunities that have never exist before , and the standard of living is getting better all the time. Frankly, people who lack courage and commitment shouldn’t blame anyone but themselves for not taking the opportunities that are there for them.
My first job was working as a trashman . I hauled trash for six years before I got promoted to the position of manager. I wasn’t scared of hard work. By the time the day was finished , my shoulder would hurt ,but I never complained I even assisted others and worked extra hours when I was needed . Unfortunately , young people today seem to be lacking the same desire I had to work hard.
I can boast that I never quit a job without being offered a better one. We can’t all start out at the top. Most of us need to pay out dues and work from the bottom up. After managing the small company for which I hauled garbage I found a job with the city public works office managing a small department. Now ,after 25 years of working in the garbage business , I manage all of the city’s trash removal. Along the way I learned that a job well done is never looked down on, and the person who does it will always triumph.
Where is the ―can do‖ attitude that makes our country great ? It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you work hard and do your best . Young people need to commence with finding a line of employment that needs them , and quit looking for perfection in their initial position. If work were supposed to be enjoyable, it wouldn’t be called ―work‖.