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英语人教版四年级下册Unit3 Weather B Let's talk

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四年级英语下册Unit 3 Weather (B Let’s talk) 教学设计

迁西县汉儿庄乡孟子岭小学 蒋艳侠


1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。

2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。 3. 能够在情景中运用句型What’s the weather like in New York? It’s rainy. 问答某地天气情况;能运用句型It’s 26 degrees.表述气温;了解打电话用语This is …. 了解温度的两种读法(℃和℉)

4. 能够完成Let’s play的活动,认真观察配图了解一些国家的国旗、重要城市及天气情况,能运用句型What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s cool and rainy. 问答某城市的天气。 二、教学重难点:

重点:在情景中运用句型What’s the weather like in New York? It’s rainy. 问答某地天气情况。

难点:能运用句型It’s 26 degrees.表述气温;一些国家的国旗、重要城市及天气情况。 三、教学具准备:

教学课件、地名卡、单词卡、对话纸 四、教学流程: (一)Warm-up

1、Let's chant. (师生一起边做动作边说唱)

【设计意图:活跃课堂氛围,用游戏的形式复习上节课所学单词,并对本课重点句型进行初步感知,使学生迅速进入学习状态。】 (二)Presentation

1、Meet a new friend: Mark

T:Today, we are going to meet a new friend(展示Mark的头像和名字). Who is he? Can you read his name? (运用phonic学习Mark的名字的读音).Let’s say hello to Mark?

Ss: Hello! Mark!(通过学生和Mark 打招呼的活动,熟悉Mark的读音)

T: Mark is our new friend now? But where is he from? Is he from …/../..? And Who is he talking with? With …/…/…? Now let’s listen.(播放课文录音)

【设计意图】:通过认识新朋友,了解新朋友的,引出课文内容,通过设计两个简单问题让学生集中精神听课文录音。 2、Presentation and practice

1)Where is Mark from? Who is he talking with? 听完录音后,检测学生对以上两个问题的了解,而且听录音也是对将要学习的文章有一个整体了解。 T:Who can tell me?

Ss:He is from New York.(引出新词New York并板书) T: Yes.(师领读新词并出示图片) 2)Listen and answer the questions

T: Mark is making a phone call with Chen Jie. What are they talking about? Let’s listen and answer the questions?(老师带读问题,学生在听录音时候板书重点句子:What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s ……)

(1) What’s the weather like in New York? (2) Is 26 degrees in Beijing?(Yes/No)


3)操练重点句子:What’s the weather like in …? It is …. T: What’s the weather like in New York? Ss: It’s rainny.

T: Now read after me.(师领读:What’s the weather like in New York? It’s rainy?多媒体出示rainy 图片并板书)

英语人教版四年级下册Unit3 Weather B Let's talk


