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电子科技大学《大学英语2(专科)》20春期末考试-参考资料 请仔细阅读下面说明再下载:


第1题(单选题)— Let me introduce myself. I’m Steward. — ____________________ A、What a pleasure. B、Pleased to meet you. C、I don’t know. D、Thanks a lot. 参考答案:B

第2题(单选题)This cake is so sweet. You _______ a lot of sugar in it. A、should put B、could have put C、might put D、must have put 参考答案:D

第3题(单选题)— What do you think of my dress? — ____________________ A、It’s on sale.

B、It’s a birthday present for you. C、You really need one.

D、It looks very good on you. 参考答案:D

第4题(单选题)The lawyer was expected to ________ some proposals after reading all those documents.

A、come up with B、put up with C、look up to D、keep up with 参考答案:A

第5题(单选题)— You know, I have three kids now. — ____________________ A、Well, I’ve grown a mustache. B、That’s terrific!

C、Say, you’ve really changed your hair. D、Well, I gave up drinking. 参考答案:B

第6题(单选题)— This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so?— ____________________________. A、You’re wrong

B、I don’t think so, I’m afraid C、Not at all

D、No, that’s not real 参考答案:B

第7题(单选题)7. Please help yourself to the fish. A、Thanks, but I don't like the fish. B、Sorry, I can't help.

C、Well, what about you? D、No, I can't. 参考答案:A

第8题(单选题)What about having a drink?_______________________ . A、Go ahead, please B、Help yourself C、Good idea D、Me,too 参考答案:C

第9题(单选题)What is the train ________ to Birmingham? A、fee B、tip C、fare D、cost


第10题(单选题)Shall I help you with that suitcase?_______________________ . A、It’s all right, thanks B、Yes, go on, please

C、I don’t want to trouble you too much D、No, please don’t do it 参考答案:A

第11题(单选题)— Would you like to order now? — ____________________ A、I’m full now.

B、Yes. I’d like fish and soup. C、But the price is high. D、It’s very kind of you. 参考答案:B

第12题(单选题)In 1492, Columbus _______ on one of the Bahama islands, but he mistook it for an island off India. A、lands B、landed C、has landed D、had landed 参考答案:B

第13题(单选题)I wonder why Mike _______ to us recently. we should have heard from him by now.

A、hasn’t written B、doesn’t write C、won’t write D、hadn’t written 参考答案:A

第14题(单选题)That piece of music sounds familiar. Who ______ the piano upstairs. A、has played B、played



